

On the Creative Teaching of Chinese Idioms in the Senior Stage of Chinese International Education

【作者】 单玉莹

【导师】 徐正考;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 成语有着悠久的历史,浓缩了中华上下五千年的文明,是中华民族智慧的结晶,是经过长期沉淀,约定俗成的用语,被称为中华文化的“活化石”和“集成块”。在汉文化中,成语的使用随处可见,使用频率也很高,数量庞大,并且反映了中国人特有的思维方式和民族心理。因此要想学好汉语,真正了解汉文化,融入到汉民族生活圈中去,就必须重视对汉语成语的学习。成语是中高级阶段外籍留学生学习汉语的兴趣点也是难点所在。这是因为留学生到了中高级阶段,对汉语的理解力有了质的飞跃,而且生活中和学习中不可避免会接触到大量的成语,由于对汉文化和历史缺乏了解以及受自身民族文化的干扰和母语负迁移的影响,含有大量中国历史文化的成语就成为了其学习的障碍之一。而大多数成语具有的古典性、故事性、趣味性又成为了留学生迫切了解中国文化的兴趣所在。可以说,大多数留学生对成语是“既恨又爱”的,而帮助留学生渡过这一难关,提高留学生的汉语表达能力,也成为对外汉语教学避无可避的问题之一。现代心理学之父皮亚杰说过,“所有智力方面的工作都要依赖于兴趣。”[1]爱因斯坦也说过“兴趣是最好的老师”。兴趣是激发学生学习积极性,从而提高学习效率的必要。[2]本文基于对成语教学的浅略分析和探讨,在以往著作文献理论基础上,探讨了对外汉语成语教学中的现状和不足,并阐述了对外汉语成语教学的必要性和重要性。试图从激发学生兴趣的角度总结出成语教学的具体方法,将创意教学引入到对外汉语成语教学中来,希望藉此能够扩大留学生词汇量和猜词能力,提高留学生的阅读能力和对成语文化的理解能力,从而使留学生能够正确理解和运用成语,提高汉语水平,同时笔者希望借此能够对汉语学习者以及汉语国际教育教师提供一定的帮助,为以后的成语教学研究提供可供参考的思路和启迪。因考虑到只有具备一定的汉语水平,才会接触到大量的成语,因此本文的教学对象定为中高级阶段的外籍留学生。

【Abstract】 Chinese Idiom has a long history, concentrating China’s five thousand years ofcivilization, is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation. After along-term precipitation, it becomes the conventional terms, known as the ‘livingfossil’ of Chinese culture. In Chinese culture, the use of idioms can be seeneverywhere, and the frequency of use is also high. It has a huge number, and reflectsthe unique Chinese way of thinking and national psychology. Therefore, in order tolearn and understand Chinese culture well, we must pay attention to learn Chineseidioms.Chinese idioms are the point of interest and also a difficulty for the seniorstudents to learn Chinese. This is because to senior students, understanding Chinese isa qualitative leap in life and learning. It inevitably has to come into contact with alarge number of idioms. Yet due to lack of understanding of Chinese culture and theimpact of negative transfer, idioms which carry long history and culture of China havebecome a learning obstacle for students on senior stage. Idioms are really difficult tobe understood by foreign students, but the stories in most of the Chinese idiomstrigger their strong interests and desire to study. It can be said that the majority of theoverseas students hate Chinese idioms but also love them at the same time, becausethey are quite aware that conquering this storm means a great pace advanced in theirChinese language skills. This is the inevitable problems in Teaching Chinese as aForeign Language.Piaget, the father of modern psychology, said,‘all the intelligence work shoulddepend on the interest.’ Einstein also said,‘interest is the best teacher’. Interest isindispensable to stimulate the enthusiasm of students and enhance the learningefficiency. Based on shallow analysis and discussion in the past works of theories,starting with the phrase itself, the thesis analyzed the characteristics of the idioms andthe status and shortage in teaching Chinese Idioms, and expounded the necessity and importance of teaching Chinese Idioms. Trying to summed up the idiom teachingfrom the perspective of students’ interest, introducing creative teaching to the Chineseidioms teaching, the author hopes use them to expand the students’ vocabulary andword-guessing ability to improve the reading skills of students and idioms ability tounderstand the culture, so that students can understand and use idioms correctly,raising the level of Chinese language learning, At the same time the author hopes thisthesis can provide some help to Chinese learners and Chinese international educationteachers to provide ideas and inspiration in idiom teaching and research for future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】H193
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】276