

On Compulsory Contracting System of China

【作者】 尹瑞峰

【导师】 李建华;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 契约自由作为私法自治的基础,是各国契约法的基本原则之一。其被誉为私法自治的核心和灵魂,是实现契约主体平等缔约的基础条件。然而随着资本主义由自由经济阶段进入垄断经济阶段以及社会公共事业的迅速发展,契约自由逐渐呈现出过于强调形式正义而对实现实质正义无能为力的特点。强制缔约制度的引入弥补了契约自由的这一缺陷,为保证契约自由的公平本意提供了制度支持。本文即是以此为出发点,以唯物主义理论为指导,采用比较分析、实证分析和规范分析等研究方法,对我国的强制缔约制度进行了论述。本文正文共分四个部分:第一部分为对强制缔约制度的基础理论分析。主要通过对强制缔约制度起源的论述,明确强制缔约是对契约自由的修正,是为实现契约实质正义而引进的制度;通过对强制缔约相关概念的探讨明确强制缔约制度理应包括强制要约和强制承诺两个部分,并对强制缔约与相近概念进行了厘清;通过对我国强制缔约特征的论述和类型的评析,完成对强制缔约制度的基础理论分析,并对强制缔约进行了相关定义。第二部分为对我国强制缔约法律适用的分析。通过对我国强制缔约制度适用条件、适用范围、适用价值的论述,指出强制缔约的适用首先必须有法可依,进而通过列举的方式对强制缔约制度在我国的适用范围进行了分析,最后在此基础上提出本文的创新观点:强制缔约制度的价值体现在矫正契约自由缺陷、均衡契约主体利益、实现契约实质正义三个方面。第三部分对我国强制缔约制度中的责任性质和责任承担进行了分析。该部分对目前学界关于违反强制缔约义务责任承担性质的争议进行了评析,并提出本文的观点,即违反强制缔约制度应承担缔约过失责任,但由于缔约过失责任是侵权责任的特殊表现形式,国外法律界均认可缔约过失责任按侵权责任来处理,故违反强制缔约义务实质上应承担侵权责任。第四部分为总结我国强制缔约制度中存在的缺陷,并据此针对性的提出完善该制度的建议。该部分对强制缔约制度在弥补契约自由缺陷时表现出来的自身不足进行了分析,并在此基础上有针对性的提出相应完善建议。本文的创新点在于通过对强制缔约制度的法理分析,对强制缔约制度的适用价值进行了开创性的总结,即强制缔约的适用价值在于矫正契约自由缺陷、均衡契约主体利益、实现契约实质正义三个方面。任何一个制度必须有价值才值得理论界去探讨,才能为司法实践提供参考,本文通过对强制缔约价值的概括性总结,进一步明确了强制缔约制度存在和研究的意义。

【Abstract】 The freedom of contract is the basis of private law and the basic principles ofnational contract law. But with the capitalist stage of economic freedom to enter themonopoly stage of economic as well as the rapid development of social and publicutilities, freedom of contract, showing too much emphasis on the characteristics offormal justice and powerless to achieve substantive justice. The introduction ofmandatory contracting system to make up for this shortcoming of the freedom ofcontract to provide institutional support is to ensure the fair intent of freedom ofcontracting.As a starting point, this article is to emphasize the materialist theory as a guide,using the method of comparative analysis, empirical analysis and normative analysis,China’s mandatory contracting system are discussed. Text of this paper is divided intofour parts:The first part of the basic theory is compulsory contracting system. Mainlythrough the discussion of compulsory contracting system origin, clear mandatorycontracting amendment, freedom of contract and the introduction of the system forthe realization of substantive justice by contract; clearly concept of compulsorycontracting system should include a mandatory offer and compulsory commitments oftwo parts, and to force similarity to the concept of contracting and to clarify thecomplete theoretical analysis on the basis of mandatory contracting system; as well asassessment of China’s forced contracting characteristics of discourse and types, andforced contracting with the relevant definitions.The second part is applicable to the analysis of mandatory contracting law.Applicable conditions of compulsory contracting system, the scope of application ofthe value of discourse that mandatory contracting applicable must first be a legalbasis, and then through the list of compulsory contracting system in the scope ofChina. The last in this part is the basis of the innovative ideas of this paper: the value of the compulsory contracting system is reflected in the correction of freedom ofcontract defects, the equilibrium contract of the main interests of the contract in realterms in just three aspects.The third part of the nature is to undertake the analysis of the responsibilitysystem of mandatory contracting and responsibility. This part of the current academiccontroversy about the violation of the mandatory contracting obligationsresponsibility to assume the nature of the assessment, and to put forward this point ofview that a breach of mandatory contracting system should bear the contractingnegligence, but due to the contracting negligence is a special form of tort liability. theforeign legal profession is recognized by the contracting negligence tort liability, andit is in violation of the mandatory contracting obligations in essence which shouldbear tort liability.The fourth part is the summary of mandatory contracting system defects, whichtargeted a complete set of the recommendations of the system. The part of thecompulsory contracting system make up for the freedom of contract defectsmanifested itself insufficient analysis, and targeted on the basis of the correspondingperfect proposal.The innovation of this paper is through the legal system mandatory contracting;the appropriate mandatory contracting system will be established.The value of the groundbreaking conclusion is that the mandatory application ofthe contracting value to the remedying of freedom of contract defects, the maininterests of the equilibrium contract to achieve the contract substantive justice dividedin three aspects. Any system must be valuable worth the theoretical circles, in order toprovide a reference for the judicial practice, the paper by the generality of themandatory contracting value concluded, further defined the existence and significanceof the study of mandatory contracting system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期