

The Trade Situation,Influencing Factors and Potential Elements Analysis of Sino-lndian

【作者】 杨晓华

【导师】 李冬;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 国际贸易学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,中国、印度对外贸易发展十分迅速。2011年和2012年中国、印度将分别迈入“十二五”规划。回顾20世纪80年代以来中印进行的经济改革可知,两国采用的经济发展战略有很多相似之处。中印作为新兴经济体,互为邻国,具有相对较好的地缘优势。两国贸易额虽逐年增长,并有重大突破,但相对于各自与美国、欧盟等经济体的贸易规模,比重很小。研究中印贸易发展现状,将对促进中印经贸发展有重要意义;分析中印贸易影响因素,将为中国开拓印度更广阔的市场提供理论指导;探讨中印经济贸易潜力,将有助于发展中国家之间的贸易研究。本文以两国贸易进出口数据为基础,并参考中国海关汇总的商品进出口数据,展开中印贸易现状、影响因素及潜力分析的研究。本文由五部分组成。第一部分是绪论,介绍了文章的选题背景、意义、研究方法和主要创新及不足。第二部分论述中印贸易现状、特点及原因。这一部分主要介绍了中印政治、经济贸易的发展进程和中印贸易现状,通过比较中印双边贸易在中印各自对外贸易中的地位和分析中印贸易的差额,总结出中印经贸关系特点、存在的问题和原因。第三部分论述影响中印贸易发展的影响因素。本文将影响因素分为两大类,第一类是外部影响因素,包括中巴印三国关系的影响、西方国家的影响和金砖国家合作机制的影响。第二类是两国内部影响因素,包括中印贸易质量和印度贸易保护的影响。第四部分主要探讨两国贸易发展潜力并就两国贸易合作提出建议和对策。在分析了中印两国的对外贸易商品结构后,得出两国贸易发展具有很大潜力,两国贸易发展具有利益共同点等结论。此外,本文简单阐述了中印自由贸易区的构想。在如何加强两国贸易合作上,本文提出四点对策和建议。总之,分析中印贸易的最终目的是化解两国贸易摩擦和矛盾,利用两国优势发展互补贸易,不断开拓双方合作新领域,以促进双边贸易共同发展,使双方在扩大的贸易中受益。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the trade between China and India has developed very quickly. In2011and2012, China and India will enter the "12th five-Year Plan", reviewing ofthe economic reforms undertaken by China and India since the1980s, the economicdevelopment strategy adopted by the two countries is very similar. China and India astwo emerging economies countries, they are also neighboring countries with relativelygood geographical advantages. Although the bilateral trade volume between themincreasing year by year, the proportion is smaller, which compared with the scaletrade with the United States and EU. Researching the development of Sino-Indiantrade, analyzing of the Sino-Indian trade effects, which will promote the Sino-Indiantrade﹑economic development, and provide the theoretical guidance for China tobroaden the market in India. Moreover, researching the economic trade potentialbetween China and India, which will contribute to the development of trade about thedeveloping countries.This paper is based on the bilateral trade of goods import and export data, withreference to the aggregate data by the Chinese customs. This article consists of fiveparts. The first part is the introduction, which describes the background, significanceof the article, research methodology and the main innovation and inadequate. Thesecond part discusses the Sino-Indian trade situation, characteristics and causes. Thispart introduces the Sino-Indian political economic trade development process andtrade situation, which are on the basis of the2010Sino-Indian bilateral trade statistics.Through the comparison of the main exporting and importing countries of theSino-Indian trade, this part summarizes the characteristics of the Sino-Indianeconomic and trade relations, the problems and reasons. The third part is focus on thedevelopment of Sino-Indian trade factors. India is a developing country, it’s tradepattern of merchandise import and export is similar to China’s, they are the existenceof bilateral trade competition and complementarity. The fourth part is mainly aboutthe development potential of bilateral trade, suggestions and countermeasures. Inaddition, this paper discusses the idea of a free trade zone of China and India briefly. In terms of how to strengthen bilateral trade cooperation, this paper proposes fourpoints of countermeasures and suggestions. In short, the final purpose of analysis ofthe Indian trade is to resolve bilateral trade frictions and contradictions, and toconstantly expand bilateral cooperation to new areas, so that they benefit both ofthem.

【关键词】 中印贸易影响因素潜力
【Key words】 Sino-Indian tradeInfluencing factorsPotentiality
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】F752.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1385