

A Research on the Chinese Integrated Curriculum Teaching Model and Design of the Seventh Grade of Mongolia Yucai Secondary School

【作者】 宗琛

【导师】 刘富华; 刘春明;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 蒙古国育才中学七年级汉语综合课教学模式和设计研究育才中学是蒙古国以汉语教学为主的规模较大的私立学校。为了培养出优秀的汉语学习者,减轻学生学习汉语的难度和提供适宜的汉语学习环境,育才中文中学从学前班开始,历经小学、初中和高中都进行汉蒙双语教学,并且逐级提升汉语教学和学习的比重。在全球化进程中,随着“汉语热”的兴起,蒙古国也积极投入到学习汉语的浪潮中并不断地摸索行之有效的汉语教学方法和汉语教学的模式设计。在这种形势下,育才中文中学也形成了自己独特的汉语教学模式和理念:根据大脑的可塑性,在学前班阶段即设置汉语学习课程,使教学对象及早进入语言的关键期并适时使之经历语言的关键期,以便于将汉语母语化;最大限度地制造规范的汉语环境,让学生们长时间、高强度并且在有意识和无意识状态下接触汉语;随着学生年龄增长不断地将汉语教学和学习从初级阶段的趣味性、知识性的融合向深层次的中国语言文化综合学习拓展,以切实提高学生们的汉语水平和综合运用能力。育才中学七年级是该校所有年级中汉语课程最多、汉语学习量最大、教学任务最重,也是校方最关注的并且教学监管最严格的年级,而综合课又是所有课型中教学比重最大、最重要的知识密集型课型;此外,以汉语为教学主体的育才中学在八年级开始添加英文课,从汉、蒙双语教学进入汉、蒙、英三语教学阶段。七年级的汉语综合课承担着十分重要的过渡任务,按照校方的教学目标,育才中学七年级的学生应具有牢固的汉语基础,在汉语听、说、读、写综合能力上应达到中国小学六年级学生的水平。因此,关注和研究育才中学七年级汉语综合课的教学模式和设计,在研究基础上提出完善和创新思路,对于育才中学的汉语基础教育和对外汉语教学研究具有一定的现实意义。本论文以教学模式设计思想为主导,结合笔者在蒙古国育才中文中学七年级综合课的授课实践,在前人研究基础上,对育才中学七年级综合课的教学模式和设计进行思考、研究和进一步的探索。论文共分为四部分:第一部分对本论文的研究背景、理论基础、选题缘起、研究意义和研究现状进行综述。第二部分是本论文的一个重要部分,从三个大方面对蒙古国育才中学七年级综合课的教学模式和设计进行具体的研究和阐释:介绍蒙古国育才中学七年级学生和使用教材概况;介绍七年级的课程设置情况;从八个角度探析蒙古国育才中学七年级综合课教学模式和设计。第三部分是本研究的另一个重要部分,从四个方面对如何完善和创新七年级综合课教学模式和设计进行研究和探索:具体环节以内容为前提,改变具体方式;根据蒙古国学生天性过于活泼好动的特点设计综合课;依据多元智能理论,将课本内容与影音制品相结合,把多媒体带入课堂,提高学生学习兴趣;把礼仪适时引入教学中。第四部分是本研究的最后一个部分,总结全文。

【Abstract】 A Research on the Chinese Integrated Curriculum Teaching Model andDesign of the Seventh Grade of Mongolia Yucai Secondary SchoolYucai Secondary School is one of the larger private schools in Mongolia, mainlyin Chinese language teaching. In order to cultivate outstanding Chinese learners,reduce the difficulty of students in learning Chinese, and provide a suitable Chineselearning environment, the Yucai Chinese Secondary School implementHan-Mongolian bilingual education from preschool through elementary, middle andhigh school. And it enhances the Chinese language teaching and the proportion ofstudy step by step. In the process of globalization, with the rise of the "Chinese fever",Mongolia is also actively involved in learning Chinese wave and continue to explorethe design of effective Chinese teaching and Chinese language teaching mode. Undersuch circumstances, Yucai Chinese Secondary School also formed its own uniqueChinese language teaching models and concepts: according to the plasticity of thebrain, in the preschool stage, setting up Chinese language learning courses, makingteaching object enter a critical period of language timely so that experiencing thecritical period for Chinese mother tongue; to manufacture standard Chinesecircumstances for a long time maximize, high strength and a contact with Chineseconsciously and unconsciously; with age, make students develop from the initial stageof the interesting and informative integration to the deep level of Chinese languageand culture. So we try our best to improve students’ Chinese proficiency and theability to use it effectively.The seventh grade of Yucai Secondary School not only has the most Chinesecourses in all grades and the most tasks, but also the school is most concerned about it.In addition, the seventh grade is the most important knowledge-intensive class type.Yucai Chinese Secondary School will add English classes, from the Han-Mongolianbilingual education into the Han, Mongolian and English language teaching stage.Seventh grade Chinese class bears a very important transition task, in accordance withthe teaching objectives of the school, students of the seventh grade of YucaiSecondary School should have a solid Chinese foundation in Chinese listening, speaking, reading, and writing. And the comprehensive capacity should reach level ofthe sixth grade students of primary school. Therefore, attention and study to Chineseteaching model and design of the lesson of seventh grade of Yucai Secondary Schoolis very important. Making perfection and innovation in research-based ideas, hassome practical significance for Chinese basic education and foreign language teachingand research of Yucai Secondary School.This paper makes integrated teaching model and design as its leading, andcombinations of practice teaching in Mongolia of the author in Yucai ChineseSecondary School in seventh grade classes and on the basis of previous studies, tomake new thinking, research and further exploration. The thesis is divided into fourparts: the first part of this research is its background, theoretical basis, topics of theorigin, significance and research review. The second part is an important part of thispaper: introduction to students of seventh grade of Mongolia Yucai Secondary Schooland materials profiles. Discussing teaching mode and design of Mongolia YucaiSecondary School from three aspects specificly.; Introducing the seventh gradecurriculum; Analysis of teaching models and design of the seventh grade of MongoliaYucai Secondary School from eight angles. The third part is another important part ofthis study, four research and exploration on how to improve and innovate teachingmode and design of the seventh grade: Change the teaching methods according tocontent; Design teaching model according to the characteristics of Mongolian students;Use multimedia to teach lessons; Teach etiquette properly. The fourth part is the lastpart of this study, some concluding remarks.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】90