

Enterprise Job Management Research Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior

【作者】 姚珊珊

【导师】 王弘钰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 计划行为理论是社会心理学当中十分著名的态度行为理论。它以“行为理性”为预设前提,阐明行为态度、主观规范和知觉行为控制等因素和行为意向及实际行为之间的因果关系。企业岗位管理是企业从自身实际情况出发,通过岗位的设计与规划、岗位的职责与考评以及岗位激励与约束等手段,在人岗的互动中优化人与岗、人与人的搭配,使每一位员工能最大限度地发挥他的作用,从而充分激发企业中的人力资源潜能,最终实现企业效益的最大化。目前,计划行为理论已经广泛应用于许多行为领域的研究,并且在实践中被证实具有很好的解释力和预测力。而对岗位管理的研究主要停留在较为微观的层面上。人们一般认为,岗位的问题实质是薪酬的问题,通过薪酬激励必然能激发员工的工作热情,从而为企业创造更多的价值。这种基于“自利经济人”假设的岗位激励手段并没有完全调动企业员工的积极性和创造力。现代的许多研究表明,岗位管理作为企业员工与企业间初始的契约安排,在许多方面还关涉到员工的社会偏好,即岗位主持人的个人兴趣、特长等。基于这种背景,我们试图引入计划行为理论来重新透视企业岗位管理。企业岗位管理的内容繁多而复杂,几乎涉及到企业管理的方方面面,且各要素间彼此纠缠。在具体的研究中,我们并不追求面面俱到,而是立足于岗位,重点阐述企业岗位管理的核心问题——人岗匹配。基于计划行为理论的企业岗位管理研究,就是通过对岗位的科学分析,最终实现科学的人岗匹配。计划行为理论以三个核心变量行为态度、主观规范和知觉行为控制来预测员工的行为意向。我们认为,企业岗位管理符合计划行为理论的根本原则——一致性原则,即所有研究变量的测量包含相同的行为元素,也就是对所有变量的测量都以岗位为基准。我们认为,该理论对企业岗位管理研究具有很强的解释力和适用性。因此,我们主要以这三个变量为基点,建构了企业岗位管理的研究模型。为了模型建构的可行性和分析的有效性起见,我们初步把岗位管理分成岗位任用、岗位职权、岗位考评、岗位激励、岗位培训和岗位设计等内容构成要素来研究论述。在这个模型中,我们把岗位管理中岗位任用的环节放在行为态度变量里进行分析。这是因为,岗位主持人的“行为态度”——即对该岗位工作的喜欢或者不喜欢的程度,在岗位任用环节来说至关重要。企业岗位管理中的岗位职责、岗位考评和岗位激励等内容放在计划行为理论的主观规范变量里进行研究,因为岗位职责、岗位考评和岗位激励等关涉的是岗位主持人在执行该岗位工作时所感知到企业对其工作决策行为的压力和影响。而在计划行为理论的知觉行为控制变量里,我们分析企业岗位管理中的岗位培训和岗位设计要素。因为岗位培训和岗位设计与岗位主持人所感知到的执行该岗位工作时的容易或者困难的程度有关。从目前国内的研究状况看,对计划行为理论及用其分析具体问题的研究成果并不少见,而对企业岗位管理研究成果也较为丰厚。然而,应用该理论来研究企业岗位管理却处于空白。基于此,笔者尝试着在这方面展开一定的思考。一方面,期望以此来推进企业岗位管理的研究水平,另一方面也希望能够对企业在岗位管理实践方面带来某些启发。通过基于计划行为理论的岗位管理研究,本文的结论是,岗位主持人的个人特长、兴趣等内在偏好的行为态度对岗位效率的发挥以及企业的整体效益有着至关重要的作用。企业的岗位职责规范的越明确、岗位考评越合理、给予员工的岗位激励度越强,岗位主持人所感知到的工作难度越弱,他在工作中所感知到的阻碍因素就会越少,势必会有效地激发其工作的热情和个人的创造性,从而增进岗位工作效率,提高企业的整体效益。

【Abstract】 The theory of planned behavior which is very famous in social psychologytheories of attitude and behavior."Rational behavior" preconditions, to clarify thebehavior and attitude, a causal relationship between subjective norm and perceivedbehavioral control and behavioral intention and actual behavior. Enterprise positionmanagement from their own actual situation through job design and planning,evaluation and duties of the positions and job incentives and constraints meansoptimization in the interaction of people, roles and positions, people mix, so that eachemployee to maximize his role in the realization of his value, in order to stimulate thehuman resource potential in the enterprise fully, and ultimately to achieve themaximization of business efficiency.The theory of planned behavior has been widely used in many behavioralresearch in the field and been proven in practice with good explanatory power andpredictive power. Positions management to stay on a more micro level. It is generallybelieved that the positions of the real problem is the issue of remuneration, must beable to pay incentives to stimulate the enthusiasm of the staff, so as to create morevalue. This post incentives based on the assumption of self-interested economic man"did not fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of employees. Modern studieshave shown that post management as the initial contract between employees andcorporate arrangements concerning a social preferences of employees in many ways,post host their own interests, strengths.Based on this background, we tried the introduction of the theory of planned behavior to re-perspective enterprise job management. The contents of the corporatemanagement positions are numerous and complex, involving almost all aspects ofbusiness management, and various elements of entanglement. Specific studies, we donot pursue exhaustive, but based on the job, and focuses on the core issue ofcorporate management positions-people post match.Enterprise positions management based on the theory of planned behavior, thatis, through the scientific analysis of the positions, and ultimately to scientific peoplepost match. The theory of planned behavior to the three core variables behaviorattitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control to predict behavioralintentions of employees. We believe that the corporate management of posts in linewith the fundamental principles of the theory of planned behavior-the principle ofconsistency, that is, the measurement of all study variables contain the samebehavioral elements, that is to post as a benchmark measurement of all variables. Webelieve that the theory has a strong explanatory power and applicability of enterprisejob management studies. Therefore, we mainly these three variables the starting pointto construct the research model of corporate management positions.For modeling the sake of the feasibility and validity of the analysis, our initialmanagement of posts divided into positions and appointing positions of authority, jobevaluation, job motivation, job training and job design elements to study thediscourse.In this model, we post appointment link in the post management on the behaviorand attitude variables were analyzed. This is because the job host behavior andattitude "-that is, the work of the job they like or do not like the degree is essentialfor the link of the post appointment. Enterprise job management responsibilities, jobevaluation and job incentives on the theory of planned behavior, subjective normsvariable, because of job responsibilities, job evaluation and job incentives to beconcerned in the post moderator in the implementation of the work of the post perceived pressure and influence of the enterprises decision-making behavior. In thetheory of planned behavior, perceived behavioral control variable, we analyzed thejob training and job design factors in the management of corporate positions. Jobtraining and job design and job host perceived to perform the job easy or difficultdegree.From the current domestic situation is not uncommon in research on the theoryof planned behavior and the theoretical analysis of specific issues, while moresubstantial research enterprise job management. However, applying the theory tostudy the corporate management of posts in the blank. Based on this, I try to expandthe thinking in this regard. The one hand, expectations in order to promote enterprisejob management level, on the other hand, hope that some inspired by the enterprise inthe management of posts and practice.Management positions based on the theory of planned behavior, the paperconcludes that the job host behavior and attitude of the intrinsic preference of theindividual strengths, interests and other play as well as the overall effectiveness of jobefficiency has a vital role. Job responsibilities of the enterprise specification morespecific, job evaluation is the more reasonable, given to employees, job incentive isthe stronger, the weaker the perceived difficulty of the work for the post host, thefewer obstacles will be perceived in his work. bound to stimulate their enthusiasm forwork and personal creativity, thus enhancing the efficiency of post work, improve theoverall effectiveness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】F272.92
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】222