

The Literature Review of "Baoxun",a Bamboo Slip in Tsinghua University

【作者】 亓琳

【导师】 王连龙;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 历史文献学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 “清華簡”是2008年由清華校友捐贈的一批戰國竹簡,其中的《保訓》篇是第一篇被整理公佈的文獻,本文以清華簡《保訓》篇作為研究對象,分上下兩編。首先在前言中簡要介紹“清華簡”的入藏、公佈的情況,并對《保訓》做簡要概括,包括《保訓》的具體形制、編連等基本情況,同時將《保訓》現今研究的基本情況做一簡要介紹。其次在上編中對《保訓》文字進行逐字的集釋,現今對《保訓》的集釋,已有學者做過,但本文的集釋主要是針對每個字的含義做一整理,將相關學者的觀點一一梳理,力求完整全面。下編中,筆者對《保訓》涉及的相關問題進行具體闡述,主要是對《保訓》的基本文獻狀態,包括其命名、體裁、成書年代、符號等問題進行深入探討,并嘗試運用文獻學的辨偽方法對《保訓》的辨偽問題做一探索性的研究。至於《保訓》涉及的內容,主要舉了兩個例子,一是《保訓》主題核心的“中”字的含義的探討,另一個就是“文王稱王”問題的討論。接著是對《保訓》的研究特點與價值進行總結。最後關於《保訓》的研究文章目前已有達200篇之多,筆者將這一部份整理成《保訓》研究的論著目錄附於文後。

【Abstract】 "Tsinghua Bamboo Slips ",which was donated by Tsinghua alumni2008,was abatch of Warring States bamboo slips."Baoxun"is the first to be collated publishedliterature from "Tsinghua Bamboo Slips".This magisterial thesis researches the“Baoxun”, containing two chapters. In preface, the summary of “Tsinghua BambooSlipped”and the "Baoxun" is given,which briefly introduces the preservation andissue of “Tsinghua Bamboo Slipped”, the format and edit of "Baoxun",and theresearch of "Baoxun" nowadays.In chapterⅠ, the survey commentates words in"Baoxun" comprehensively,which has been done so much by scholars today,but thistext is mainly aimed at each word meaning. The second part, the author mainly talksabout some issue related to "Baoxun" in detail,which include the naming,age,symbleof "Baoxun",and the author makes a discussion about the discerning bogus,whichmainly uses the literature discrimination methods for detection of forgeries.afterthat,the author gives two examples:the meaning of "zhong" and the discussion of"king wen",both of which are the main content of "Baoxun".Besides,the value of"Baoxun" is also an improtant part of the text.In the end,the relating treatises of"Baoxun" about200is offered.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】G256
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】446