

Pragmatic Analysis on Teachers’ Feedback in English Class

【作者】 张国庆

【导师】 聂大海;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 教师话语是指教师在第二语言教学课堂中所使用的语言。它既是教师实施课堂指令,组织课堂活动的工具,同时也通过教师话语,向学生传送准确的发音,清晰的语言以及正确的表达方式。学生通过教师清晰准确的指令进行课堂活动。此外,教师也通过自己的课堂语言,为学生提供了一个非常好的榜样,以供学生学习模仿。这是一种提高学生语言输入的非常好的方式。教师的课堂反馈主要指对学生的表现进行评价。它对于帮助学生纠正错误和鼓励学生学习语言有着非常重要的重用。在教学这种特殊语境下,教师在进行反馈的过程中要注重与学生进行交流,选择最有效的方法和策略,并以热情,鼓励的态度来对待学生,提高教学效果。近年来,教师与学生在课堂所扮演的角色发生了重大改变。由过去的以教师为中心逐渐转变为以学生为中心的教学模式。基于以学生为中心的外语课堂,教师反馈被认为能够从纠正语言、传输信息及帮助学生养成良好学习习惯和培养英语学习兴趣等各个方面对学生的学习产生重大影响,从而受到越来越多学者的关注。合作原则是对话语进行分析的最有效的理论之一。合作原则的四个准则质量准则,数量准则,关系准则及方式准则在对话中被人们所广泛遵守,从而进行最有效的交谈。而这些原则有的时候被说话者故意违背,听话者只有通过思考领悟才能理解说话人的真正含义。说话人通过违背合作原则表达言外之义,从而产生会话含义。合作原则对教师的课堂话语有很高价值的指导意义。遵守合作原则能够使教师的话语更易于被学生所理解接受;而违背合作原则通常会使其变得更加复杂,不易理解。有时,教师在说话过程中会刻意违背合作原则随即产生会话含义。会话含义在课堂中指在教师刻意违背合作原则并使学生明白其违背该原则。课堂反馈作为教师课堂活动的一个重要组成部分,不仅具有传授知识,告知正误的功能,更是帮助学生检测学习方法,鼓励学生学习英语,培养学习兴趣的重要手段。遵守合作原则,能够使教师反馈更加清晰易懂,从而使学生学习过程变得简单;违背合作原则则能够对学生进行启发,从而使学生具有独立思考的能力,同时,也以避免直接批评学生所产生的尴尬。本研究选择六名大学教师及其所在班级学生做为调查对象,对大学英语课堂教师反馈的类别,特点及功能进行了总结并且利用合作原则对所搜集到的大量的课堂语料进行分析,找出教师遵守合作原则及违反合格原则取得成功的例子,从而进一步探讨合作原则对教师课堂反馈的指导作用。研究表明,了解并能够正确运用合作原则可以在短时间内提高教师的反馈水平。表扬,批评,直接改正,间接改正及引导学生自我修正等反馈方式都与合作原则密切相关。通过对不同教师的教学效果的分析,并结合不同教师所使用的反馈方式,本文对合作原则及会话含义与反馈方式之间的密切关系进行了分析。认为教师应在以下方面作出努力,以提高反馈水平。通过学习语用原则,例如合作原则及会话含义,提高课堂反馈水平;通过合作原则及会话含义,避免反馈中的失误;掌握间接改正学生错误的能力;尽可能多而有效的表扬学生;鼓励并引导学生进行自我修正;尽可能减少批评,或选择间接方式。

【Abstract】 Teacher talk is the language used by the teachers in the secondlanguage teaching class. It is used by the teachers both in directing thestudents and transmitting knowledge. Only by the teachers’ accurate andclear sentences could the students understand the instruction, thus doing itaccordingly. What’s more, teacher talk itself is a good example of the use oflanguage for the students to imitate. It is a good way for the students’ inputof the language. Teachers’ feedback, evaluating and making comments onthe students’ performance, plays a very important role in encouraging thestudents and correcting mistakes in the students’ answer. In the specialcontext of classroom, while making feedback, the teacher should try tocommunicate with the students, choose effective approaches and strategiesand treat them with warm and courageous attitude.The recent years have witnessed the gradual change of the roles playedby teachers and students. Based on the student-centered classroom,teachers’ feedback, which will have significant effect on the students, hasattracted more scholars’ attention. In the student-centered class, theteacher’s feedback is considered to be effective in correcting linguisticerrors, transmitting information, helping the students form good learninghabit and cultivating their interest in learning English. The CooperativePrinciple is effectively used in analyzing discourse. The four maxims ofquantity, quality, relation and manner are widely observed to realizeeffective conversation. Observing the principle can make the people’slanguage easier to understand and violating them sometimes make itcomplex and hard to follow. On some occasions, the speaker violates theCooperative Principle in their language to create ConversationalImplicature. Conversational Implicature appears when the speaker violatesthe Cooperative Principle on purpose and makes the listener understandwhat the speaker really wants to express based on the conversation. The Cooperative Principle is of high value in directing teacher’s language.Observing it makes the teacher’s language easy to be accepted by thestudents, while violating it makes the explanation complex. Sometime,teachers violate the Cooperative Principle on intentionally to create specialimplicature.Teacher’s feedback, as a significant part of classroom activity,functions not only in teaching knowledge, correcting mistakes, but also inhelping the students examine the learning approaches, encourage them tostudy hard and cultivate their learning interest. Analysis on the Teach Talkwith Cooperative Principle and Conversational Implicature is essential forthe study of theory and the practical use of language. Observing theCooperative Principle can facilitate the students’ learning process, whileviolating it can cultivate the students’ self-learning ability and avoid theembarrassment caused by criticism.A survey with six teachers and their students as subjects is conductedfor the purpose of searching out the types, features and functions offeedbacks used by teachers in college English class. Based on analyzing thecollected data with CP and CI, this paper probes into how CP are practicallyand effectively used and the following results are found out to help thepresent English teacher improve their ability in giving feedback.(1)Improve feedback in classroom teaching with the pragmatic theories, likeCP and CI.(2) Avoid failure effectively in feedback with the help of the CPand CI.(3) Own the ability to give implicit correction.(4)Praise thestudents more and do it more effectively.(5) Encourage the students to doself-correction.(6) Reduce "criticize", when necessary, choose the implicitway.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】161