

Analysis of Long Sentences in C-E Interpreting

【作者】 于丹丹

【导师】 朱荣兰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 英语口译, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 随着中国在世界政治舞台上地位的日益提升,世界其他国家同中国在不同领域的沟通和交流也越发频繁。口译作为跨文化交际活动的语言工具之一,在这个过程中扮演着重要的角色。但口译是一项难度很大、挑战性很强的工作,它不但要求议员必须具备较强的心理承压能力,掌握一套得心应手的笔记符号,同时必须拥有快速的理解能力和较强的短时记忆能力。此外,在汉译英的口译实践中,令不少译员感到非常棘手的不仅是汉语中大量的“中国特色”词汇,更重要的是很多与英语相比句式大相径庭的长句。这些长句往往句式复杂并且蕴含大量信息,如何将这些长句翻译成英语而又不造成信息的缺失对译员来说是很大的挑战。长句处理是否恰当,以及信息传达的准确与否,对口译的质量有着直接的影响。因此,译员在进行汉英口译时,应特别注意中英句式的不同。译员应当在充分理解长句的含义之后,运用准确的语言和恰当的翻译技巧将这些长句从原语转换成目的语。本文以2009年至2011年外交部长杨洁篪答记者问现场录音为研究材料,探讨汉英口译过程中长句的分析及处理方法。全文共分为四个部分。第一部分介绍了口译中长句的分类及特点。口译长句可划分为长简单句、长复杂句和长超句。口译中的长句具有三个特点,分别为整体趋于简化、属于意合联句、存在信息冗余现象。第二部分探讨口译中长句的难译之处。作者在研究了语料的原语和译语后,认为句子结构的复杂程度、原语文本的差异、以及译者本身的因素会导致长句在口译中难以翻译。第三部分提出汉英长句口译时应该注意的几项要点,即理清主从关系、梳理逻辑关系、区分时间顺序。论文最后一部分详细介绍了长句汉英口译的五种翻译技巧,即顺译、逆译、拆分、重组和综合翻译。全文在分析杨洁篪答记者问录音材料的基础上,列举了大量口译实例进行分析,希望本文的一些观点和方法能够对汉英长句的口译有所帮助。

【Abstract】 With China’s rising on international political stage, the communications betweenChina and other countries are becoming more and more frequent. During this process,interpreting plays an important role on occasions such as international conferences,economic forums, press conferences, business negotiations as well as academic discussions.However, interpreting is an activity with great difficulties and huge challenges, whichdemands comprehensive abilities for interpreters. To be specific, in order to complete theirtasks, interpreters must possess certain abilities and skills, such as pressure-bearing ability,efficient note-taking skills, material comprehension ability and excellent short-termmemory. In addition, there are also other factors that make interpreting a difficult task.There are a large number of words and phrases with Chinese characteristics. There are alsomany long sentences with structures completely different from that of English. Thesecomplicated sentences usually contain lots of information. It is of great challenge whetherinterpreters can put these long sentences into English correctly and instantly. To a largeextent, the quality of the whole interpreting lies in the correct interpretation of longsentences without any loss of information. Therefore, interpreters should pay great attentionto different sentence structures between Chinese and English. Only after the understandingof the meaning of long sentences, can interpreters put them into English accurately with theassistance of certain translation skills.Based on the texts of the press conferences held by Yang Jiechi from2009to2011,this thesis tries to focus on the analysis and techniques in the process of long sentenceinterpretations from Chinese into English. This thesis consists of four parts. Part oneintroduces the classifications and features of long sentences. They can be classified intolong simple sentences, long complex sentences and multi-complex sentences. There arethree features which are stated as simplification in general, parataxis sentences andinformation redundancy. Part two discusses three reasons of difficulties in long sentencesinterpretations after analyzing the original texts and interpreted texts of the pressconferences, namely complexity of sentence structures, differences of text types and factorsof interpreters. Part three summarizes three key points of long sentences interpreting, suchas subordination, logic relation and time sequence. Part four is the major part of this paper which relates to techniques of long sentences interpreting. Five interpreting techniques areanalyzed in this part, including linear interpreting, reverse interpreting, splitting, recastingand comprehensive interpreting. Combining with the examples drawn from the pressconferences the author hopes that some points of view and techniques of this thesis will bebeneficial for C-E long sentences interpreting.

【关键词】 汉英口译长句分析翻译技巧
【Key words】 C-E interpretinglong sentencesanalysisinterpreting techniques
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】338