

Review of the Research on Chinese Pattern

【作者】 程忠明

【导师】 梁亚东;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 句子和句型对于语言研究和语言学习都极为重要,语言是以句子为本位的,句型是对句子进行分类研究时得出的概念。我国语法学界对汉语句型的研究既成果丰硕,又分歧颇多。首先,对句子的认识,包括句子在语法单位里的地位及其语法性质,就意见不一。其次,与句子和句型有关的一些概念,如小句、单句、分句、复句和句群等,如何看待它们以及它们之间的区别,学界也未达成一致意见;关于划分句型的标准、给句子分类的数目多少及类别名称,诸家都有自己的说法。最后是对句型的分析,其中最纠结的是单句和复句的分辨,有人主张区分单复句,有人主张取消单复句的划分,认为汉语没有单复句的分别;句型是句子的结构类型,与句子的句法结构无关的因素是非句型因素,与句法结构有关的因素是句型因素,对句型因素和非句型因素的认识不同,也导致人们对句型的认识不尽相同;层次分析法和句子成分分析法是两种基本的析句方法,这两种方法对于句子的分析各有优点和不足,有人认为应该把两种方法结合起来相互取长补短,也有人认为这两种方法的不足可以通过研究使它们完善起来,但是把两种方法完全结合起来是根本做不到的;一般所认为的句子六大成分主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语和补语,它们在句中的层级有两分和三分的不同意见,它们在句法结构中的价值,一般认为主语和谓语是句型成分,对于宾语、定语、状语和补语是否是句型成分,争议较大。

【Abstract】 Sentence and sentence pattern are of the utmost importance both in studying andlearning of language. Language is based upon sentence. Sentence pattern is a conceptwhich is put forward along with the study on the classification of sentence. Chinesegrammarians have yielded substantial results as well as many divergences on study ofsentence pattern. First, they have different cognizances of sentence, including it’sstation in grammatical unit as well as it’s grammatical relation. Second, grammaticalcommunity also have different perspectives about some notions such as minorsentence、simple sentence、sub-clause、compound clause and sentence group, as wellas attitude toward them and difference between them. In terms of classificatory criteriaof sentence pattern and class number, grammarians was unable to get together so far. Inthe end, it is about the analysis of sentence structure, the biggest trouble is thediscrimination between simple and complex sentence. Some people insist that theymake no odds, others argue that the opposite is true. Sentence pattern is structuraltypes of sentences that which is associated with syntactic structure is sentence factors,and that which have no bearing on syntactic structure is non-sentence factors.Influenced by the different opinions about syntactic structure and non-structure, peoplehave different awareness on sentence pattern. Immediate Constituent Analysis andPrincipal Component Analysis are two basic methods about sentence structure analysis,both of them have merits and demerits, some grammarians think that they should becombined to complement each other, but others argue that these two methods could notbe united completely at all. It is generally acknowledged that sentence have sixcomponents: subject、predicate、object、attribute、adverbial and complement, thehierarchy of these six components in the sentence vary from different grammarians. Asfor their syntactic value, it is generally supposed that subject and predicate aresentences factors, but for object、attribute、adverbial and complement, whether or notthey are sentences factors is a matter of opinion.

【关键词】 汉语句型研究述评
【Key words】 Chinesesentence patternresearchreview
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】149