

The Error Analysis of Thai Students to Learn Chinese Estimates

【作者】 陈琬莹

【导师】 黄玉花;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 第二语言习得中,概数习得常常被人忽视但却又是复杂且重要的一部分,本文以泰国清迈皇家大学汉语专业的学生为例对现代汉语概数习得偏误进行分析总结,探究其偏误产生的种类、原因以及教学策略。本文主要分为绪论、现代汉语中概数的研究、泰国学生现代汉语概数习得偏误研究三个大部分。第一章是绪论,主要阐述了选题缘起、选题意义及研究对象、语料来源、前人成果研究。第二章是现代汉语中概数的研究,这章分为现代汉语中概数的定义、性质、表达方式三个部分。第三章是泰国学生现代汉语概数习得偏误研究,是本文的重点部分。在这一章中以清迈皇家大学汉语专业的学生及授课过程中收集的语料为例,根据第二语言习得和偏误分析理论为指导分三节阐述了泰国学生概数习得的偏误类型、偏误产生的原因和如何在教学中避免概数习得出现的偏误。第一节举例并说明四个偏误类型,错序、误加、误代、遗漏。第二节指出概数本身、学生本身、授课教师以及其他四个偏误产生的原因。第三节针对以上原因从学生方面、教师方面和教材方面具体提出三点建议,希望能够对对泰汉语教学有所帮助。

【Abstract】 The second language acquisition of estimates is often overlooked. But it is acomplex and important part. The article is based on the example of students ofchinese majors in Thailand Chiang Mai Rajabhat University and explore modernChinese businessits bias arising from the types, causes, and teaching strategies.The paper is divided into introduction,modern Chinese estimates, estimatesacquisition of Thai students. The first chapter is an introduction, mainly on the topicsorigin, significance of the topic and the object is expected to source, the previousoutcome studies. The second chapter is the study of modern Chinese estimates, thischapter is divided into modern Chinese estimates of the definition, nature, andexpression of three parts. The third chapter is the estimate of acquisition of the Thaistudents of modern Chinese.The bias research is part of the focus of this article.Chiang Mai Rajabhat University of Chinese professional students is the example, andthe corpus collected in this chapter is according to the theory of second languageacquisition and error analysis as a guide. three described the type of bias estimatesacquisition of Thai students,partial mistaken for causes and to avoid bias estimatesacquisition appearing in teaching. section I for example and explain the four types ofbias, the four wrong sequence, incorrectly added, wrong generation, omissions.Section II based on the type pointed out that the estimates themselves, students,teaching teachers, and other bias causes. Put forward three proposals from students,teachers and teaching materials specific.Section III for the above reasons, want to beable to help the Thai Chinese teaching.

【关键词】 泰国学生概数偏误
【Key words】 Thai studentsestimateserror analysis
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】139