

An Error Analysis of Hen Based on HSK Dynamic Composition Corpus

【作者】 黄丹丹

【导师】 孙克文;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 基于HSK动态作文语料库的“很”的偏误分析在现代汉语中,“很”是一个使用频率很高且具有多种语法功能的程度副词,“很”的组合能力具有较强的灵活性,不仅仅能修饰形容词、助动词或动词短语、置于“得”后,近些年来随着语言的发展,“很”也能修饰少数名词。本族人对“很”的使用习焉不察,留学生的汉语掌握“很”却有一定的难度。笔者在HSK动态作文语料库中检索发现,留学生在使用“很”的过程中存在大量偏误,本研究共搜集到392例。本研究主要运用中介语理论、偏误分析理论等相关的语言学理论和语言教学理论对语料库中“很”的偏误现象进行分析,并采用描写和解释的方法,对HSK语料库中“很”的句子进行标记、全面考察,对偏误进行细致地描述、分类,并从中找出规律。本研究共分四章:第一章是绪论,介绍了“很”的本体研究现状、第二语言教学研究现状以及本文的价值与不足。目前关于“很”的本体研究成果较多,在第二语言教学领域倾向于从不同母语学习者产生的偏误这一角度出发进行研究,所得结论不具有普适性。故本研究运用语料库研究方法,中介语理论、偏误分析理论等相关理论对“很”进行偏误分析。第二章是对本文所依据的理论和研究方法的说明。本文依据的理论是中介语理论及偏误分析理论,两者都是语言习得理论的重要理论基础。研究方法是语料库研究方法,对语料进行直观标记和描述分析。从语料库中直接检索到的用错“很”的句子共283例,为了使留学生学习“很”的规律能更全面更深刻地呈现出来,我们检索了“很”的别字、“很”与“太、真、最、挺”的误用,共搜到392例语料。在遵循原始语料的前提下,对选用的语料一一进行标记或微调。第三章运用中介语理论、偏误分析理论等对留学生学习“很”的偏误进行了深入分析。从误用、遗漏、误加和别字等角度,以三个平面理论(语法、语义、语用)为基准、392例语料为研究范围展开分析。误用一节从意义相近的词的误用这一角度出发分析语料,发现“很”与“真、太、更、多(么)”等词误用频率很高,“很”在比较句中的误用也是一大显著特征,另外对意义相近但属个别偏误现象的,如“最、挺、那么、十分、非常、越、的确”等进行了简要分析描述。遗漏一节从“很”修饰形容词性成分、动词性成分的角度对留学生作文中遗漏“很”的语料进行分析,并指出“很”在句中必不可少的原因是“很”具有完句或起音节韵律的作用。误加一节从“很”与表程度义的词的叠加、“很”修饰状态形容词、“很”修饰名词、“很”修饰动词性成分的偏误情况分析“很”的误加语料。别字一节通过对字形的描述,分析了“很”与“跟、狠、恨、得”等字混淆的情况。通过以上四方面的综合描述分析,使“很”的句法规则、语义特征、语用规则更加显著,也使留学生学习“很”的偏误规律清晰地呈现出来。第四章基于前文对留学生学习“很”的偏误分析成果,总结了产生偏误的原因,并针对性地提出教学建议。偏误原因从母语的负迁移、目的语规则的泛化、学习的策略、教材的影响、教学的失误等五个方面来阐释,并从对“很”的解释到与近义词的比较、从“很”的语法到字形,从学生的认知心理到教师的教学方法,从“很”的本体到蕴含的文化内涵等等方面给出“很”的第二语言教学建议。

【Abstract】 In modern Chinese, Hen is an adverb of degree which is used veryfrequently and has variety of grammatical functions. Since Hen is arather flexible adverb when it combinate with other words, it can not nolymodify adjectives, auxiliary verbs or verb phrases, but also follow De.With the development of modern Chinese in recent years, Hen can modifya few nouns.Although the native Chinese speakers use Hen which is tooaccustomed to call it in question, foreign students take it as a bigproblem. Also there are392error sentences that the writer found in HSKdynamic corpus.This error analysis is about Chinese word Hen base on HSK dynamiccorpus, meanwhile, it applys the theory of Interlanguage and ErrorAnalysis to describe or explain the error sentences of Hen. Giving eachsentence a mark can help us to explore the reason of error and discoverthe law of learning Hen.The thesis is divided into four chapters:The first chapter is the introduction which talks about the currentresearch on Hen, the present situation on second language teaching andthe value or deficiency of this thesis. Nowadays, there are manyachievements on Hen-in-itslef or Hen‘s error by different languagespeakers’ research; however, it is still not universal. That is why wedo reaserch on HSK dynamic corpus’s perspective.The second chapter is a description of the based theory, researchmethod and the corpus’s mark. This thesis based on Interlanguage theoryand Error Analysis theory, which are related to the critical theory ofsecond language acquisition. The method of research is to mark, describeor analysis the error sentences. The amount of error sentences is rise from283to392, for doing an intensive research on what is the law offoreign students’ learning Hen. The error sentences include the wrongword of Hen, the misusing between Hen and Tai, Zhen, Zui, Ting. Withthe material of the original corpus, we marked or modified every errorsentence clearly.The third chapter is a deeply analysis of Hen’s error phenomenon.The analysis of392error sentences mainly refer to Three-stratumGrammatical Theory (including grammar, semanteme and Pragmatic rules).It is divided into four parts: misusing, omitting, adding wrongly andwrongly written. Misusing part is some related to the synonym, for examplethe misusing of Hen and Zhen, Tai, Geng, Duo (me). Moreover, Hen alsowrongly put in the comparative sentences. Omitting part is about Henwas omitted from the front of adjective or verb. It results that Hen’sfunction of sentence-completing and rhythm. Adding wrongly part is fromanother perspective, for example the repetition of Hen and othersynonyms, Hen modifies state adjectives, nouns, verbs etc. Wronglywritten part is an investigation of the Chinese structure among Hen,Gen, Hen, Hen, and De. Based on all of those analysis, the Hen’s syntaxrules, semantic feature or Pragmatic strategy presented clearly.The forth chapter shows the reason of error, as well as teachingsuggestion was discussed which pointedly based on the researchachievements. The reasons of error we analysis are about the negativetransfer caused by native language, the influence of target language andteaching material and so on. The teaching strategies are aimed at solvingthe prmblems about teaching Hen.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】571