

Legislative Analysis of Food Regulatory Malfeasance Cirme

【作者】 肖晶晶

【导师】 徐岱;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 食品安全是关系到人类健康和国计民生的重大问题,但是近年来,食品安全事故频发,尤其是食品监管人员渎职犯罪形势严峻,食品监管渎职犯罪不仅侵犯国家对职务活动的管理职能,更是严重危害人民大众的生命健康权。正所谓“治国必先治吏,治吏务必从严”,作为“后盾法”的刑法面对这种恶劣行径必须介入并有所作为,加强和完善对负有食品监督管理职责的国家机关工作人员渎职犯罪的惩治,也是我国建设社会主义法治国家、构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。正是在这一理念的指导之下,基于我国食品安全领域出现的新问题、新形势与现实需求,《刑法修正案(八)》单独增设了“食品监管渎职罪”,填补了刑法规制上的空白。但是立法本身需要界定清楚的地方还不少,加之司法处断上尚未出现本罪的第一案,故笔者带着对立法规定进行深入解读分析,发现立法的某些纰漏与不足之处,并对相关问题提出一些完善的建议的目的,展开了对食品监管渎职罪的深入研究。本文围绕食品监管渎职罪进行立法研究,重点论述了食品监管渎职罪的立法背景、入罪价值,然后对食品监管渎职罪进行深入的立法解析,认真阐述了本罪的主体范围,主观罪过形式,危害后果的界定,法定刑的配置等,发现本罪在立法上存在的缺陷与不足之处,并对相关问题提出了一些浅薄的意见,以期完善本罪的立法、更好的指导司法实践,从而达到加强刑法保护食品安全,减少食品安全事故的发生的目的。其中本文的第一部分为对我国的食品监管渎职罪的立法概述,主要介绍了食品监管渎职罪的立法背景,重点论述了食品监管渎职罪的入罪价值、概念及构成特征;第二部分通过对食品监管渎职罪进行深入的立法解析进一步解读本罪的立法,主要涉及本罪罪名的具体设置、主体范围的界定、主观罪过心态的认定以及行为方式、成立本罪的危害结果等要素的认定,进一步发现本罪在立法中存在的不足之处,为本罪的修改完善提供理论支撑;第三部分为笔者根据前述立法中存在的缺陷与不足之处,结合有关的刑法理论,提出了需从食品监管渎职罪罪名的设置,本罪的主体、主观罪过形式、危害后果的界定标准、法定刑的规定等方面进行完善的立法建议。关于食品监管渎职犯罪具体罪名的设置问题,笔者主张应当分别设立为两个独立的罪名,即食品安全监管滥用职权罪与食品安全监管玩忽职守罪。对于食品监管渎职罪的主体,应以国家公务人员的概念取代国家机关工作人员,这样更加符合当前打击食品监管渎职犯罪的现实需要。就罪过形式问题而言,应当明确滥用职权和玩忽职守行为的主观罪过,将故意犯罪和过失犯罪分开设置并规定不同的法定刑。对于本罪危害后果的界定,建议将量的标准与质的标准两者相结合,并考虑其特殊性,也可以涉及年龄等其他相关因素,希望尽快出台相关的司法解释明确界定标准,以便于司法实践操作,同时,笔者认为有必要增加关于危险犯的相关规定,更好的预防和惩治食品监管渎职犯罪。针对法定刑问题,建议对故意犯罪与过失犯罪作出分别规定,并适用不同的法定刑,此外,增加罚金刑与资格刑作为附加刑,使得刑种更具有合理性和可操作性,有利于差别性的对待不同类型的食品监管渎职犯罪。这样充分地体现罪责刑相适应的刑法原则,可以不断地完善我国的刑事立法,更好地推动司法实践的深入发展。

【Abstract】 Food safety is a paramount concern about public health and national economyand the people’s livelihood.Food safety regulation malfeasance not only meansgovernment failing to fulfill its management function,but also threatens people’srights of life and health.As the saying goes,"to run a country is to run its publicfunctionary first".It is the inevitable requirement in order to develop our countryinto socialist country ruled by law that officials who undertake the duty of regulatingfood safety but have committed food safety regulation malfeasance deserve severepunishment.Guided by this belief,Therefore Criminal Law Amendment(H)set the"crime of food regulatory malfeasance".But,there are defects and shortcomings inthe term of"crime of food regulatory malfeasance"in"Criminal Law Amendment(H)",the legislation itself needs to define clearly where there are still many,whichshould be amended.In addition,judicial practice has not yet broken on the first caseof this crime.The author providing interpretation in-depth with the legislative andjudicial practices to resolve possible problem,starts researching deeply into foodsafety regulation malfeasance.Centering on the study on legislation of food safety regulation malfeasance,here I’d overview and have a detailed analysis over the legislation of the crime andpoint out the deficiency on legislation through interpreting the crime.Giving anoutlook about the legal practice through analyst the status of food safety regulationmalfeasance,in order to control the office’s negligence on food safety protection anddecrease the occurrence of the food safety accidents.Scientific Concept ofDevelopment require us pay attention not only on economic development,but alsoon the food safety protection,so to create a harmony world with food safety.The first section is a general introduction of the legislation background,thedefinition and features,and the significance of criminalizing of food safetyregulation malfeasance.After the introduction,a deep academic analysis on food safety regulation malfeasance is practiced,aiming at discovering the drawbacks ofcurrent legislation and putting forward corresponding legislative proposal from theperspectives of the subject of crime,culpability and statutory sentence.First,thejudicial interpretation of the"crime of food regulatory malfeasance"charges may notbe scientific and reasonable.If we adopt"dereliction of duty of food regulation"and"crime of abuse of food regulation",it will be more in line with the basicrequirements that we determine a crime according to the charges.Second,it willbetter accommodate the current actual demand of punishing those who havecommitted food safety regulation malfeasance to replace the functionaries of organsof state with civil servants as the subject of food safety regulation malfeasance.Third,in regard with culpability,the subjective culpability of abuse of authority andmalfeasance should be made clear.Also,intentional crimes and negligent crimesshould be set separately and corresponding statutory sentences should be prescribedrespectively.Besides,the author declares the addition of prescription of dangerouscriminal to be necessary.Meanwhile,as to the delimitation of harmful consequences,the author suggests relevant judicial interpretation being introduced,so as toestablish criterion of delimitation.In the final section,as to the issue of statutorysentences,it is suggested that fine penalty and qualification penalty be added asaccessory punishments makes kinds of punishment more reasonable and practical,which gives varied treatments towards food monitoring and management malpracticecrime,facilitating judicial process and better preventing and punishing food safetyregulation malfeasance.The above legislative changes fully illustrate the generalprincipals of criminal law of responsibility for criminal suit,sustainably improve thecriminal legislation,and better promote further development of judicatory practice.

【关键词】 食品安全渎职缺陷立法完善
【Key words】 Food SafetyMalfeasanceDisadvantageLegislation Suggestion
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】438