

Optimization Model and Method of Urban Railway Transit Vehicle Use Planning with Long and Short Routing

【作者】 刘超

【导师】 乐逸祥;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 城市交通工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 车体运用计划作为城市轨道交通运输生产过程中最基本的运输计划之一,其编制质量直接关系到城市轨道交通的运营成本和服务水平。然而目前国内外对于城市轨道交通车体运用优化问题的研究尚处于摸索阶段,没有成熟的求解模型和求解方法,也未见现成的计算机系统。因此,寻找切实有效的数学模型和求解方法,并借助计算机实现车体运用计划的自动编制,一直是迫切的需求。本文在充分借鉴国内外研究成果的基础上,结合国内城市轨道交通运营的特点,以使用车体数最少和各车体使用均衡性为目标,对城市轨道交通车体运用优化问题展开了一系列的相关研究。论文的主要研究工作包括:1.阐述城市轨道交通车体运用计划的定义,总结车体运用计划的编制原则和种类,探讨了大小交路混合模式的车体运用方式。然后重点针对大小交路套跑模式进行全面研究:包括不同的大小交路开行比例、在终点站或者中间折返站的不同折返方式情况,对通过能力的影响,进而对车体运用产生的影响;计算了各种情况下的发车时间间隔。初步建立了城市轨道交通车体运用研究的基本理论体系,并界定了本文研究的范畴和主要内容。2.分析城市轨道交通车体运用问题的多优化目标、约束条件的复杂、问题规模庞大的特点。基于分析结果,指出了传统指派模型的缺陷:无法避免车体折返嵌套的问题、无法动态反映沿线在途车体变化情况、均衡使用车体。针对出现的问题,本文提出了使用一种改进的指派模型——时空滚动式改进指派模型来解决这个问题。其基本思想是:将一天的运行线看作总任务集合,按照其在不同时间区段内发车时间间隔的不同,划分为不同的子运行线任务集合。根据每个时间区段内运行线的具体情况,动态添加出段或入段的车体,然后按照时间区段的先后顺序,滚动式指派车体完成运行线任务,直至最后一个时间区段,完成整个运行线任务的指派。3.详细探讨了大小交路嵌套模式下车体运用问题的具体约束条件、目标函数,建立了时空滚动式改进指派模型。其中对接续时间的约束上,允许列车运行线微调△t时间,以增加车体运用的灵活性。然后提出应用匈牙利算法求解该模型。4.深入研究了大小交路嵌套形式的车体运用优化问题的求解思想和算法步骤。从城市轨道交通车体运用计划与列车运行图铺画一体化的角度,将整个车体运用问题分为交路生成和车体配置两个阶段。第一阶段应用时空滚动式改进指派模型结合匈牙利算法,通过MATLAB编程求解,获得列车交路;第二阶段通过计算机启发式搜索,对运行里程较短的交路进行交叉、组合优化,并给交路组合配置车体,得到车体配置方案。5.以深圳地铁8号线为背景,基于提出的算法和流程,求得车体运用方案。通过选取五项评价指标对求解的结果进行分析,验证了时空滚动式改进指派模型的正确性和有效性。

【Abstract】 As one of the most basic transport planning, urban railway transit vehicle use planning has important influence on operating costs and transportation service quality. However, the domestic and international study on this subject is still on the groping stage. There is not any mature model and algorithm, as well as any computer systems. Therefore, it is urgent demand to find practical and effective mathematical models and solving method, and automatically scheduling urban railway transit vehicle use planning by computers.Based on the development reality of urban railway transit and the advanced experience at home and abroad, this paper take a series of related research on optimization model and method of urban railway transit vehicle use planning. The main works accomplished in the paper include:1. Expounds the definition of urban railway transit vehicle use planning, summarize the principles and classification. Discusses the application modes of long and short routing. Then conduct a comprehensive study of long and short routing: the different percentage of long and short routings, the influence of different turn-back modes on turn-back capacity; Calculate the time interval between departure trains.2. Analyses the features of urban railway transit vehicle use problem. Based on the results of the analysis, points out the defects of traditional Assignment Model:the traditional assignment model cannot avoid the problem of nesting turn-back vehicles, and cannot dynamic report the number of vehicles on routes, and also cannot balance the use of each vehicle. The improved assignment model——Rolling Time and Space Assignment Model is discussed against this problem to solve the urban railway transit vehicle use problem. The main idea of the Rolling Time and Space Assignment Model is to divide a whole day’s operation time into different time intervals based on the density of train paths. Dynamically adding and deleting vehicles which entrance/exist from the depot, and rolling time and space method to assign vehicles to undertake the train paths tasks.3. Constraints and objective functions of urban railway transit vehicle use problem were discussed in detail in this paper.Then establish the Rolling Time and Space Assignment Model. It is allowed to tune a short time△t when considering the connecting time constraint which will increase the flexibility of the use of urban railway transit vehicle. After that, solve the urban railway transit vehicle use problem with the Rolling Time and Space Assignment Model, and puts forward the algorithm of the problem. The Hungary algorithm is used to solve the model.4. This paper explored the method and algorithm steps of the Urban Railway Transit Vehicle Use Problem with Long and Short Routing deeply. The problem is divide into two stages:making sub-routings and then building routings based on the sub-routings. On the first stage, apply the Rolling Time and Space Assignment Model and solve it with the Hungary algorithm by MATLAB programming. On the second stage, heuristic search of path-exchange strategy were designed to optimize the routings in terms of effectiveness and balance.5. An example of Shenzhen Metro Line8was presented to show the feasibility of the proposed model and algorithm. And gives out suggestions of urban railway transit vehicle use planning based on the results.

  • 【分类号】U239.5;U292
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】211
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