

The Research on the Human Resource Management of China’s High-speed Railway Project Contracting Enterprises

【作者】 卢静

【导师】 刘伊生;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 中国高速铁路的蓬勃发展,以及伴随而来的过快发展导致的相关质量和安全问题等,引起了公众对于我国高速铁路建设工程的质量、安全以及我国高速铁路工程建设人力资源管理等领域的广泛关注。高速铁路工程建设项目承包企业的管理模式直接决定着高铁建设的质量和安全,在这种背景下,深入系统地研究我国高速铁路建设工程下的承包企业人力资源管理模式,以及如何推行我国高铁建设项目管理下承包企业人力资源管理,是促进我国建筑市场发展,进而促进我国高速铁路建设行业发展的需要。本论文,通过深入走访“贵广高铁”第七标段建设一线,与现场施工人员、项目管理人员和行业专家座谈,了解我国高铁工程建设现状,发现高铁建设过程中人力资源管理存在的问题,提炼并总结经验做法;基于客观实践调研,梳理高铁建设承包企业人力资源管理组织关系,学术借鉴国外建设经验和启示,在此背景下,从承包企业人力资源管理入手,基于高铁铁路建设及发展特点和特殊需求以及未来在技术革新上和集成化管理等趋势上对于高速铁路建设项目承包企业人力资源管理的模式进行研究,提出现有模式下存在的缺点,并以问题为出发点,在充分考虑各阶段之间的内在联系和各自特点的基础之上,提出基于以高速铁路建设人力资源素质需求分析、招聘与培训、绩效考核、集成化管理等多维度多目标的人力资源管理思想,建立和调整适合高速铁路建设项目特点的人力资源组织管理模式,为保证铁路建设工程的顺利进行,提高铁路建设的综合效益提供借鉴思考和学术研究意义。

【Abstract】 China’s high-speed rail of booming development and with rapid development of related to quality and security problems raise the public for our country the construction of high-speed railway engineering quality, safety and high speed railway engineering construction in China human resource management and other areas of widespread concern. High speed railway construction project contracting enterprise management mode directly determine the construction of high quality and safety of the iron, in this context, the thorough and systematically study the construction of high-speed railway engineering in the building enterprise human resources management mode, and how to implement high iron construction project management in our country under contracting enterprise human resources management, is promoting China’s construction market development, and promote our country’s high-speed railway construction industry development needs.This paper, through the thorough visit "your wide high iron" section7construction a line, and the field construction personnel, project management and industry expert panel, understand China’s high iron construction situation, found that high iron in the process of the construction of human resource management, the existing problems of the refining and summing up experience practice; Based on objective practice research, comb high iron construction contract enterprise human resources management organization relationship, academic foreign construction experience and the enlightenment, in this context, from contracting enterprise human resources management of high speed railway construction, based on the development and characteristics and special requirements, as well as the future in technical innovation and integration management trend for the construction of high-speed railway project on contracting enterprise human resources management model, and puts forward the shortcomings of existing mode, and with problems as a starting point, in full consideration of the inner relationship between stages and characteristics of the foundation, based on the construction of high-speed railway to human resources quality requirement analysis, recruiting and training, performance evaluation, integration management multidimensional multi-objective human resources management thought, construct and adjust the suitable for high speed railway construction project of the characteristics of the human resource management model, to ensure the smooth progress of railway construction engineering, improve the comprehensive benefits of railway construction to provide reference for the thinking and academic research significance.

  • 【分类号】F272.92;F532
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】171
  • 攻读期成果