

Comparative Research on Civic Awareness Cultivation Between China and America

【作者】 朱纹壁

【导师】 王国胜;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 现代化的国家需要现代化的公民和公民意识。当前,随着我国政治经济体制改革的不断深化和中国社会转型的急剧加速,各种社会矛盾和冲突也日益暴露和显现出来,如传统的国民意识与现代公民意识的冲突、公民文化、公民社会与传统文化与传统社会的冲突等等,这些矛盾和冲突如果不能合理地加以解决,不但会影响我国公民素质的整体提高,而且也会影响我国现代化建设的整体进程。因此,以培育21世纪合格公民为目的的公民教育,已成为当前我国培育现代国家公民的重要途径之一。美国是公民教育起步较早的国家,在公民教育的目标制定、内容选择、培育途径和方法上,都有自己一套完整的公民教育课程体系。这一体系充分体现了西方发达国家有关公民培育的理念和特点,成为资本主义世界公民教育的典范,同时也在维护资本主义制度以及培育这一制度所必需的公民方面,发挥了巨大的作用。“他山之石,可以攻玉”。对中美公民意识培育进行比较,能使我们进一步了解、认识现代世界发达国家公民意识培育的现状、优势、长处和特色,有利于我们比较客观全面地审视我国公民意识培育的现有水平、发展状况及存在的不足,增强向世界先进国家学习成功经验、有效方式方法的主动性和迫切性,从而改进和优化我国公民意识的培育工作,提高公民培育的实效性。本文在比较中美两国公民意识培育的理念、内容、方法和途径的基础上,就家庭、学校和社会媒体、宗教等因素对两国公民意识培育的不同影响进行分析,较为全面地归纳出了美国公民意识培育对我国公民意识培育的启示。

【Abstract】 Modern countries need to modern citizens and civic consciousness.At present with the deepening of Political and Economical Reform and the sharp acceleration of Social Transformation in China, all kinds of social contradictions and conflicts also increasingly expose,such as the conflicts of traditional and modern citizen consciousness、the conflicts of traditional and modern citizen culture and civil society.If these conflicts can’t be resolved reasonably.these conflicts will not only affect the overall improving of our citizens’quality, but also affect the whole process of China’s modernization.Therefore.civic education for the purpose of fostering qualified citizen in the21st century has become an important way to cultivate the modern citizens in China.The United States has a complete set of civic education system and curriculum system about civic education’s goal、content、cultivation approach and method.As civic education’s model of capitalist country.this system not only fully reflects the concept and characteristic of civil cultivation in western countries,but also plays a large role in maintaining the capitalist system.One can remedy one’s own defects by accepting another’s good suggestions. Through to the comparison of civic awareness cultivation between China and USA,on the one hand,we can further understand the present situation、the advantages and characteristics of civic awareness cultivation in modern developed countries, and on the other,we can look at the current level and development of civic awareness cultivation in China,enhance the initiative and urgency of learning successful experience and effective methods from advanced countries,thus we can improve and optimize civic awareness cultivation’s fostering and its effectiveness.Based on the comparison of civic awareness cultivation’s concepts, contents, methods and means between China and USA.this paper analyzes different influence of these factors such as family、schoo、social media and religious to civic awareness cultivation between China and USA,thus comprehensively summarizes the enlightenment of USA’s civic awareness cultivation to China’s.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期
  • 【分类号】D771.2;B822.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】512
  • 攻读期成果