

Studies on Components of Aqueous Phase Produced by the Production of Bio-oil

【作者】 许春燕

【导师】 张建业;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 有机化学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 生物质能是新型的可再生能源,将生物质热解生成生物油,不仅可以用做能源燃料,而且还可以作为生产化工产品的原料。在生物质油的生产过程中会产生油相和水相,油相主要用作能源燃料,水相的利用目前研究很少。经过我们的初步研究,发现水相中有许多化合物是工业生产中的基本原料,因此深入研究生物质油生产过程中水相的组成并加以开发利用对降低整个生物质油的生产成本,增加其附加值是很有意义的。具体的研究内容和结论如下:一.在前期GC-MS初步定性结果的基础上主要从流动相及其梯度、色谱柱类型等方面优化高效液相(HPLC)分析条件,在保持分离度的前提下在色谱上得到尽量多的色谱峰,并通过标准物对几种主要的化合物进行了定性,为进一步的定量分析打下了基础;并在此基础上研究了生物油水相的稳定性。二.利用HPLC对上述经过定性的水相中的化合物进行了色谱方法系统适用性研究和定量分析。HPLC分析方法系统适用性研究表明我们采用的分析方法具有良好的重复性及准确性。通过对生产过程正交试验样品的定量分析判定出较优生物质油水相的生产条件。三.利用HPLC和LC-MS目结合的手段确定了水相中的一个含量很高的未知物为邻苯二酚,并经标准物对照得到了确认。在此基础上对其进行了进一步的定量分析方法研究,结果表明其含量较高,具有极大的开发价值。总之,本文在GC-MS初步研究的基础上建立并优化了HPLC分析方法,结合LC-MS确定了具有确切开发价值的组份,进一步建立了它们的定量分析方法,并将该方法用于指导生物质油生产过程中催化氢化的正交实验结果判定,筛选出了可减少水相组份的种类,提高具有开发价值的组份的含量的最佳生产条件。

【Abstract】 Biomass is a new type of renewable energy resource. Bio-oil, which is produced by the pyrolysis of biomass, not only could be used as fuel energy, but also as raw material in the chemical industry. Two phases of oil and aqueous could be acquired during the producting procedure of bio-oil. The oil phase is mainly used as fuel energy. In the aqueous phase, a great deal of compounds which are the basic raw materials of chemical industrial were found by our primarily studies. So the determination of what and how many these substances were is helpful to reduce the production cost of bio-oil and increase its added value.Firstly, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analytical method of the aqueous phase had been studied and optimized. Then some components of the aqueous phase had been determinded based on the results of GC-MS and compared with their standard substances as well. Furthermore, the stabilities of the components of the aqueous phase were studied.Secondly, studies on systematical suitabilities of HPLC analytical methods for the above-mentioned compositions of the aqueous phase showed that our quantitative methods were accuracy and stability. The optimized production procedure of the bio-oil aqueous phase was comfirmed by the analysis the products from different condition. It is confirmed that the types and amoumts of the main components got from the optimized procedure by the analytical results of dozens of products.Finally, an unknown compound of Catechol with high content in the aqueous phase was determined by the method of HPLC coupled with LC-MS and compared with its standard substance. Also, its quantitive analytical method was studied. It was worthy to be got with its high content by our result.In conclusion, HPLC methods had been established for the analytical of the aqueous phase from the production of bio-oil. Several components were studied by the method.

【关键词】 高效液相色谱法液质联用生物质油水相
【Key words】 HPLCLC-MSBio-oilAqueous phase
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】TE667
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】135