

Research on Delisting Procedure of Growth Enterprise Market

【作者】 苗译

【导师】 吴洪;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 自从2009年我国创业板开市运营以来,号称“高成长性”的创业板屡屡出现破发、业绩大变脸、高管违反承诺套现甚至串通舞弊等等现象。这对于年轻的市场来说,无疑是致命的。究其原因,有个主要原因就是创业板退市标准过低、没有可操作性的退市程序以及没有退市渠道,以至于上市公司无所顾忌。创业板退出机制作为一个系统非常复杂,涉及面极广。本论文将从五个方面进行阐述:第一部分为创业板退市制度的概述,阐述创业板市场的概念和功能以及创业板退市制度的概念以及创业板退市和主板退市的区别;第二部分为创业板退市制度的经济和法律分析,阐述政府干预基础理论,并对创业板退市制度进行经济法律分析;第三部分为我国创业板退市制度现状及其不足,分别介绍我国现行退市制度以及现行制度存在的问题;第四部分是介绍海外主要创业板退市制度,将纳斯达克退市制度、英国另类投资市场退市制度和香港创业板退市制度进行比较,以借鉴成功创业板实践经验,推动深圳创业板制度建设;第五部分是本人对我国创业板退市制度的全方位设计,力图从制度理念到具体标准、程序等对创业板退市制度进行系统设计。

【Abstract】 Since the growth enterprise market begins to operate in2009, growth enterprise market, known as "high growth", frequently breaks and changes its performance, the executives of growth enterprise market violate their commitments to cash and even collusion phenomenon appears. For a young market, it is undoubtedly fatal. A main reason is that the delisting standard of growth enterprise market is too low and there are no operable delisting procedures, resulting in the listed companies have nothing to fear.The delisting procedure of growth enterprise market is a complex systematic project, and covers a wild field. The thesis illustrate in five parts:the first part is an overview of the delisting system of growth enterprise market, illustrating the concepts and functions of growth enterprise market, the concept of growth enterprise market delisting system and the difference between the growth enterprise market delisting and motherboard delisting; the second part is the economic and legal analysis of the delisting system of growth enterprise market, illustrating that the basic theory of Government Intervention has economic and legal analysis for the delisting system of growth enterprise market; the third part is the status as well as the shortcoming of the delisting system of growth enterprise market in China, introducing the delisting system of growth enterprise market in China and the problems of the current delisting system; the fourth part describes the major delisting system of overseas growth enterprise market, comparing the NASDAQ delisting system, the UK delisting system of Alternative Investment Market and the Hong Kong delisting system of growth enterprise market, learning from the experience of successful practice of growth enterprise market to promote the growth enterprise market system in Shenzhen; the fifth part is the universal design of delisting system of growth enterprise market, in an attempt to design the delisting system of growth enterprise market from system concept to the specific standards, procedures, etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】D922.287;F832.51
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】553