

Research on the Management of "The Post-80s" Civil Servants’ Psychological Contract

【作者】 赵艳

【导师】 赵平安;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,国家各级党政机关通过招考、公开选拔,吸纳了大批“80后”优秀大学毕业生进入到公务员队伍,“80后”公务员作为党政机关的一支新生力量,带着鲜明的“时代印记”和“文化标志”踏入职场舞台。“80后”公务员作为政府行政组织的后备军,既要履行广受监督的公共管理职能,又要满足思维独立、崇尚自由、价值取向多元化的个体特性,其心理活动往往比其他社会成员更加的丰富和复杂。心理契约是契约主体之间存在的一种隐含的、非正式的、未公开说明的相互期望和主观理解的集合,它客观存在于行政组织对公务员的管理中,比有形的经济契约更能影响和决定公务员的行政心理、行为和结果。因此,在管理活动中不仅要关注“80后”公务员的物质需求,更加需要关注其心理需求。将心理契约理论引入到公共管理领域中,从微观层面上为我们研究如何管理“80后”公务员提供了新视角。本文以我国“80后”公务员为研究主体,通过对“80后”公务员心理契约的概念、特性及重要性探索后,编制了“80后”公务员心理契约的调查问卷,揭示了“80后”公务员对组织的期望要素内涵。由于对职业生涯管理重视不够、受到传统行政文化影响、个人因素的影响以及激励制度的不完善,使“80后”公务员心理契约呈现出五个方面的表现:一、基于稳定和发展前景需求,愿意继续留职;二、对经济收入和晋升的渴望,引发较高的工作压力,在工作中带来消极的影响;三、期望的组织回报形式以晋升和荣誉为主,当期望落空,容易导致消极怠工;四、公务员个人有较高的职业规划需求,而组织对职业生涯规划管理薄弱;五、个体有较高的自我价值实现需求。结合“80后”公务员的特点和心理契约现状,提出以下管理建议。首先,倡导组织和员工之间,共同构建科学的职业生涯规划,为凝聚“80后”公务员心理契约构建共同愿景。其次,从组织文化、制度环境、压力管理和人力资本博弈式管理四个角度出发,为优化“80后”公务员心理契约营造以人为本的组织工作环境。最后,从培训机制、薪酬管理和晋升机制三个方面,完善多元化的学习激励机制,不断创造条件和满足“80后”公务员的各方面的需求,为维护“80后”公务员心理契约动态性发展提供激励制度。

【Abstract】 In recent years, through public examination and recruitment, the national party and government body at all levels have taken a large number of outstanding post-80s college graduates in the civil servant system. As a new power to government body,"The post-80s"civil servants stepped onto the professional stage with distinctive mark of time and culture. As a special group in the civil servant system,"The post-80s" civil servants not only have to perform supervised public management functions, but also have to meet the individual characteristics of independent thinking, respect of freedom and diversified value orientation, which caused a richer and more complicated psychological activity than other social members. The Psychological contract is an implicit, informal, unpublished assembly with mutual expectations and subjective understanding, which exists between the subjects of the contract. It exists in the management of the civil servants by the administrative organization, with a greater influence on the administrative mentality, behavior and results than the explicit economic contracts. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the psychological needs of post-80s civil servants, besides their material needs. The introduction of the theory of psychological contract to the field of public administration provides us with a new perspective on the research of the management of post-80s civil servants.The article with our country "The post-80s" civil servants as the research subject, based on the psychological contract of civil servants post-80s concept, characteristics and importance of exploring, compilation of post-80s the questionnaire of psychological contract of civil servants, reveals "The post-80s" civil servants on the organization’s expectations connotation. As a result of the occupation career management seriously insufficient, affected by traditional administrative culture influence, personal factors as well as the incentive system is not perfect, so that "The post-80s" psychological contract of civil servants has five aspects:First, based on the stability and the prospects for development needs, are willing to stay at their work. Second, the economic income and promotion longing are under pressure at work,, work brings negative effect. Third, expected return to the promotion and organization form of honor, when expectations, easily lead to go-slow.Fourth, the post-80s civil servants have strong needs of career development, while there is no complete career planning and management. Fifth, most post-80s civil servants have strong needs to reveal their own value.According to the current status of the post-80s civil servants’ psychological contract and its influential factors, several suggestions are made as follows:Firstly, organizations and employees are encouraged to work together to build a reasonable career plan, in order to build a common vision for post-80s civil servants’ psychological contract. Secondly, from the perspective of organization culture, institutional environment, stress management and human capital management, a people-centered working environment should be created to optimize the post-80s civil servants. Finally, from the perspective of training mechanism, salary management and promotion mechanism, a multi-encouraging mechanism should be completed, in order to meet the needs of post-80s civil servants and to provide a mechanism for maintaining the dynamic development of post-80s civil servants’ psychological contract.

【关键词】 “80后”公务员心理契约
【Key words】 The Post-80sCivil servantsPsychological contract
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期