

Study of Hydraulic Concrete StructuresSafety Monitoring Based on Optical Fiber Sensor

【作者】 马磊磊

【导师】 宋健民; 赵卓;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 我国幅员广阔,自然灾害非常频繁,经过多年建设,我国相继建立了数量众多的各类水工混凝土结构物,在防洪、排涝、灌溉、供水、环保等方面起到重要的作用,成为我国基础设施的重要组成部分,为我国国民经济建设和社会安定起到了巨大作用。与此同时,水利工程结构由于自然环境、材料老化和结构内外荷载等长期耦合作用下,将不可避免地使结构和系统的损伤积累并导致抗力衰减,如果缺乏实时预警监测系统,结构一旦失效,对于下游城市将造成毁灭性的灾难,同时还会对主要交通干线等国家基础设施造成重大灾害。当前由于光纤光栅传感器其突出的优点而成为大型结构健康监控的首选传感器,在大型桥梁、管道等结构健康监测方面应用广泛,但是在水利工程结构健康监测系统中应用还较少。本文基于水工混凝土结构特点,综合运用了结构基本理论,系统论,结构试验技术,损伤识别与评定方法,结构可靠度理论等多种基本理论和方法,分析了健康监控系统传统模式的利弊,并对新型光栅光线传感器应用于水工结构健康监测进行了深入研究,主要研究内容如下:(1)概述水工混凝土结构健康监测的现状和重大现实意义,分析了传统监测手段的缺陷和不足,阐述新型水工结构健康监测系统的优势和特点。(2)基于优化布点原则,开展应变、渗流以及变形等的光纤光栅传感集成实验研究,并与传统电测方法进行对比试验研究;(3)通过系统的理论分析,阐明了水工结构健康监测中各个系统的组成和机理,分析了系统优化布置,损伤识别以及安全评定与预警的方法;(4)通过结构和各类传感器的系统集成研究,建立相应结构监测机制,以完成基于光纤光栅传感的水工结构健康自动监控系统理论构架。(5)基于水工结构健康监控系统构架设计原则与工程实际,初步构建了基于光纤光栅传感子系统的水工混凝土结构健康监控系统理论模型。(6)对文章的主要工作进行总结和汇总,指出了新型水工结构健康监控系统研究过程中的存在的问题,同时对水工结构健康智能监测系统的发展和未来研究工作进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Natural disasters are very frequent in our country, After many years of country building, our country have established huge numbers of all kinds of hydraulic concrete structures, In flood control, drainage and irrigation, water supply, environmental protection and so on, it play an important role, and it become infrastructure important constituent in China, for our national economic construction and social stability played a huge role. At the same time water conservancy engineering structure because of natural disasters, environment, material aging and load erosion effects of long-term, effects of fatigue functions, At the same time water conservancy engineering structure because of natural disasters, environment, material aging and load erosion effects of long-term, effects of fatigue effect such as inevitably produce structure and system damage accumulation and resistance attenuation, and if lack of real-time warning monitoring system, once the crash, the downstream of the lives and property of the people and the major traffic trunk lines and other infrastructure will cause a devastating disaster.The current due to new fiber Bragg grating sensor its outstanding advantages and become the first choice of large structural health monitoring sensor, in large Bridges, pipeline in structural health monitoring applications, but in water conservancy engineering structural health monitoring system is seldom used. Based on the hydraulic concrete structure characteristics, the integrated use of the basic theory of the structure, system, structure and experiment technology, damage identification and evaluation method, structural reliability theory and so on many kinds of basic theory and method, this paper analyzes the traditional health monitoring system is the pros and cons of the model, and the new grating sensor used in light of hydraulic structures health monitoring is studied, the main research contents are as follows:(1) Overview hydraulic concrete structural health monitoring and the present situation of the important practical significance, analyzes the defects of traditional monitoring method and the insufficiency, expounds the new hydraulic structural health monitoring system’s advantages and characteristics; (2) Based on optimization putting principles, and carry out the seepage deformation of strain, and the optical fiber grating sensors integrated experimental research and traditional electrical measurement methods for contrast test research;(3) Through the theoretical analysis of the system, and illustrates the hydraulic structure health monitoring system and mechanism of all, this paper analyzed the system optimization decorate, damage identification and safety evaluation and the warning of method;(4) Through the structure and all kinds of sensor system integration research and set up a corresponding structure monitoring mechanism, to complete the optical fiber grating sensors based on the structural health monitoring system of automatic hydraulic theoretical structure.(5) Hydraulic structure based on new health monitoring system architecture design application monitoring system, reference actual engineering practice, sets up a new sensor subsystem based on the hydraulic concrete structural health monitoring system theory model;(6) The existing problems of the new type hydraulic structures and the health of the intelligent monitoring system development and future were also put forward, of the article summarized the main work and stated, and points out that the new hydraulic structure health monitoring system in the process of research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】TV33;TV698.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】165