

Influence of Climatic Change on the Agricultural Land Use at Bashang of Zhangjiakou

【作者】 崔永州

【导师】 张明庆; 马礼;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 气候变化对农业生产的影响越来越引起人们的重视。张家口坝上地区地处我国农牧交错带中段,对气候变化的响应非常敏感。这里的农业生产力水平低下,农业土地利用类型多样且呈现出交错分布,农业用地受气候变化的影响明显。本文以张家口坝上沽源县为例,从该地主要气候要素变化的角度,并结合农业结构发生的变化,探讨气候变化对农业土地利用的影响,分析坝上地区土地利用存在的问题,并提出相应的优化对策。在气温变化方面,沽源县近50年的年平均气温呈现出显著升高趋势,升幅为0.38℃/10a。四季的平均气温也均呈上升趋势,冬季的升温幅度最大,达0.50℃/10a,夏季的升温幅度最小,为0.33℃/10a,气温年较差有缩小的趋势;活动积温和有效积温总量都不断增加,尤其是活动积温升温幅度达73℃/10a。在降水变化方面,沽源县近50年的夏季降水量呈降低趋势,降低幅度达9.8mm/10a,降水量的年际变化增大。采用"De Martonne"的干燥度计算方法对沽源县历年来的干旱状况进行分析,发现沽源县干旱程度不断加重。通过对沽源县耕地、牧草地、林地等农业用地的统计分析,特别是近30年来耕地利用状况的分析表明,沽源县耕地面积变动很大,在2000年退耕还林草工程实施以后,耕地减少趋势明显,但耕地中水浇地的比重呈快速增长的趋势;除马铃薯以外,其它主要农作物种植面积均有减少。在实地走访沽源县各相关的农业部门和对三个典型乡镇入户调查的基础上,探讨气候变化对当地农业土地利用的影响。参照沽源县各乡镇的夏季降水量,对沽源县农业用地的适宜区进行划分,再结合当地农业土地利用的现状和实地调查结果,提出对沽源县农业土地利用进行优化调整的措施。

【Abstract】 The Effects of climate change on agricultural production are being paid attention to increasingly. Bashang of Zhangjiakou area, located in the middle of farming-pastoral ecotone in China, is sensitive to the climate change. The agricultural productivity is of poor level here. Types of agricultural land use vary and show an interlaced distribution pattern. Besides, agricultural land use was affected by climate change obviously. Bashang Guyuan County of Zhangjiakou is taken as an example in this study, from the perspective of the major climatic factors change, combined with changes in the structure of agriculture, to explore the impact of climate change on agricultural land use as well as to analyze the problems of land use in Bashang. And then, the appropriate optimization measures were proposed.In the aspect of temperature change, annual mean temperature in recent50years took on a significantly rising trend in Guyuan County, with an average annual temperature of heating rate of0.38℃/10a. Average temperature of the seasons also showed an upward trend. Rise in temperature of winter was the biggest, for0.50℃/10a; rise in temperature of winter is the smallest, for0.33℃/10a. The total amount of active accumulated temperature and effective accumulated temperature was increasing, especially increasing degree of active accumulated temperature is up to73℃/10a.In the precipitation change aspect, trend analysis was made separately to the two factors: precipitation in summers (June to August) near50years in Guyuan County and absolute value of variability of annual precipitation in Guyuan County. The results showed that precipitation was on the decline, and the increasing trend of absolute value of variability of annual precipitation was very significant, indicating that the interannual changes in precipitation increases of this area. Using "De Martonne" dryness calculation method to carry on the analysis to the Guyuan County arid condition over the years, it was discovered that the Guyuan County arid degree aggravates unceasingly.Based on statistical analysis of arable land, grassland, woodland, agricultural land in Guyuan County, especially the analysis on arable land use situation in the past30years, it was found that cultivated area in Guyuan County changed greatly. After the implementation of Cropland to Forest and Grassland project in2000, the cultivated land reduced sharply, but the proportion of irrigable land in arable land showed a fast-growing trend. Apart from the potato, planted area of other main crops was reduced, crop yield declining obviously.Some related agriculture departments in Guyuan County were visited; the residence investigation in three typical villages and towns were carried on; the topics concerning the climatic change and its influence on the local agricultural land use were inquired as well as discussed with the local villagers. Suitable areas of agriculture land in Guyuan County were divided according to summer precipitation records of all villages and towns in Guyuan County. Finally, agricultural land use was optimally adjusted, combined with the current situation of local agricultural land use and the results of field survey in Guyuan County.

  • 【分类号】S162.5
  • 【下载频次】181