

The Study on Red Dates Industrialization Problem of Shandong Province Laoling City

【作者】 张迪

【导师】 米锋;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 农业推广, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 对农村结构的调整一直是我国宏观调控的重点,农业产业化发展是对传统农业的战略性改革,实行农业产业化发展,以经济效益为中心,以主导产品为重点,进行规模化生产,以市场带动企业,以企业带动基地,以基地带动农户,形成一体化的生产模式,是传统农业向现代化农业转变的过程。我国是发展中国家,也是农业大国,加快农业的产业化发展,对深化我国农村改革有着重要的意义。红枣是我国特有水果之一,在国际水果市场中占有绝对的优势。因此,红枣产业的发展对我国的进出口创汇和农户经济收入的提高起到一定的推动作用。乐陵市是山东省红枣重要种植区之一,也是红枣产业化发展比较早的地区,为了推动当地红枣产业的进一步发展和完善,本文在对乐陵市红枣产业现状进行描述的基础上,通过分析当地红枣产业化存在的问题,利用AHP层次分析法,得出制约当地产业化发展主要因素,并着重对影响因素进行深入分析,并提出该地区红枣产业化发展的对策和建议,为乐陵市红枣产业化发展提供一定的参考。通过研究得出以下结论:(1)乐陵红枣产业化发展存在诸多问题:利用AHP层次分析法对筛选出制约当地红枣产业化发展的关键性问题有经营模式与利益分配机制。(2)当地红枣产业化经营模式存在的问题的主要原因是:农户与龙头企业合作积极性不高;农户与龙头企业之间缺乏信任;龙头企业与农户存在利益冲突;政府对龙头企业的扶持不全面。(3)在利益分配机制中,利用博弈论对红枣产业化过程中组织主体行为进行研究,得出结论:在生产过程中,农户和企业存在利益上的追求,双方在合作过程中投入专有投资,可以增加双方合作的稳定性。政府和龙头企业的合作,政府倾向于对发展比较好的龙头企业的提供扶持。

【Abstract】 Rural structure adjustment has been the focus of our national macro-control, the development of agricultural industrialization is a strategic reform of the traditional agricultural, to implement the development of agricultural industrialization, as a center with economic benefits, with leading products focused on, large-scale production. With the market driven enterprise, enterprise drives base, base drive farmer, to form the integrated production mode, is a process from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. China is a developing country, also is a large agricultural country, Accelerate agricultural industrialization development to the reform of our country agriculture plays an important effect.Red dates is one of f endemic ruits in China, has the possession of absolute advantage In the international fruit market. Red dates industry for the development of China’s import and export planing and raise farmer income to have important significance. Laoling city in Shandong province is one of important planting area of red dates, also is the red dates industrialization develops earlier area, In order to have a more comprehensive understanding of local red dates industrialization development, this paper described the current state of Leling Industrialization of red dates, focused on analyzing the choice of the factors that affect the development and operation of the organization subject behavior, and put forward the Industrialization of red dates development proposals, provide a reference for of Laoling the red date industrial development.Conclusions:(1) Laoling red dates industrialization development has many problems, using the AHP administrative levels to analyse a law to restrict when screened red dates to the industrialization development of the key issues:Business mode and Interest distribution mechanism(2) Local red date industry business model exists of the main reasons are:farmer and bibcock enterprise cooperation enthusiasm is not tall; lack of trust between farmers and leading enterprises; leading enterprises and farmers to a conflict of interest;government support leading enterprises are not fully.(3) The research on interest distribution mechanism, using game theory to conduct research on the red date industrialization process in the organization subject behavior, concluded that:in the production process, farmers and on the existence of the business interests of the pursuit of both proprietary investments, invested in the process of cooperation can increase the stability of the bilateral cooperation. The cooperation of government and leading enterprises, the government tend to develop better support of the leading enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F326.13
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】239