

Education, Training and Income of Migrant Workers in Poor Regions of China

【作者】 隋帆

【导师】 汪雯;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 我国农村人口众多,平均100人中就有将近70人是农民。如何让9亿农民中的贫困农民改变现状,提高收入,这是摆在我们面前的紧迫问题。人力资本理论认为,通过教育和培训的投入可以带来社会价值与财富的增长和个人收入水平的提高。本文以农民受教育程度和参加三类培训情况为主要线索,利用Mincer收入模型和Probit概率模型研究农民人力资本投资对非农收入的影响与参与培训概率,并针对如何提升农民人力资本投入从而提高非农收入提出政策建议。本文首先介绍了研究教育、培训对农民非农收入影响的时代背景和现实意义,研究目标、方法及技术路线;接下来回顾了人力资本经典理论,总结归纳出研究人力资本对收入影响的研究方法和主要实证结论。随后,针对研究内容设计出理论模型,并通过分析陕西省的宏观经济数据和2009-2010年农村劳动力项目走访调查得到的陕西省6个县的微观数据,作出描述性统计。最后,通过实证分析得出受教育程度对非农收入有显著的正向影响,而培训对非农收入影响并不显著,这可能是由于对象的自选择性导致的。通过分析实证结论,得出五点有关加强农民教育、培训及促进劳动力转移等有利于提高农民非农收入的政策建议。

【Abstract】 China has a large rural population, with almost70out of every100people being peasants on average. It is indeed an issue of great urgency for us to work out how to reverse the grim situation confronting the impoverished ones among the900million peasants and raise their income levels. Theories of human capital indicate that investments in education and training can bring about increases in social values and wealth as well as income levels of individuals. Based on peasants’level of education and participation in three types of occupational training, this paper researches the impacts of rural human capital investment on off-farm income using the Probit model and Mincer’s income model, followed by policy suggestions to increase peasants’income levels.Based on the review of theories and previous empirical studies, this paper first designs theoretical models and provides the descriptive statistics by analyzing the macroeconomic data of Shaanxi and the micro data obtained from surveys of6counties in Shaanxi Province by the2009-2010Rural Labor Force Project of Beijing Forestry University. Finally, empirical research is conducted. The main findings show that education levels have a positive effect on off-farm income, whereas training’s effect is insignificant due to the objects’self-selection. Based upon the empirical conclusions, five policy suggestions are put forward on strengthening peasant education and training, and labor force transfer.

【关键词】 教育培训非农收入实证研究
【Key words】 educationtrainingnon-agricultural incomeempirical research