

Staff Training Need and Difference Analysis of Black Bamboo Park

【作者】 刘亚楠

【导师】 陈建成;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 作为现代人力资源管理中员工培训与发展工作的重要环节,培训需求分析已经在众多西方国家的企业中得到了广泛和深入的研究。并且,对于培训需求的分析逐渐成为激励员工参与培训主动性、加强培训针对性、提高培训有效性的必要工作环节,而近年来,越来越多的国内外研究者对于不同群体的培训需求进行了深入的研究。通过对国内外培训需求分析的研究现状进行综述后发现,国外对于培训需求分析的研究较之国内学者的研究更加深入,调查群体范围更加广泛,研究的角度的选择性更多,存在一定的差距性。因此,该文的研究思路就是从不同的群体出发,对于样本员工的培训需求进行调查分析,在此基础上,得到员工层面的培训需求、员工的个体差异之间对于培训需求的影响、组织机构的培训工作的合理性建议,使培训工作能够更加符合员工的需求。该文的研究对象选定北京市紫竹院公园,通过综述研究和访谈结果提出研究假设,并发放调查问卷,最后共回收有效问卷102份。使用SPSS和EXCEL统计软件,运用方差分析、相关分析和因子分析等方法,对问卷取得的数据进行了分析,部分证实了提出的研究假设。主要的研究结论包括:除性别和年龄因素外,不同部门、不同级别、不同学历的员工对培训的需求都存在显著性的差异;员工对培训内容的需求大致可以划分为两类,即提高服务水平的基础培训、特色和技能培训。最后,本文在调查数据分析的基础之上对紫竹院公园的培训工作提供了部分合理的建议。

【Abstract】 Training needs analysis has been extensive and in-depth study in many Western companies. Beside, for the analysis of training needs which becomes a necessary part of work could motivate employees’ training initiatives, enhance training target and improve the effectiveness of training. In recent years an increasing number of domestic and foreign researchers study training needs for different groups in-depth study. Analysis of training needs through domestic and international research review found that foreign research in training needs analysis with more in-depth academic study, broader range of groups, more selective research perspective than the domestic level, there is a certain gap between domestic and international research. Therefore, this study is the idea of starting from a different group, investigate training needs of sample, on this basis, get the training needs of staff, the differences of training needs among staffs, reasonable suggestion for organizational training work, in order to make the training more in line with the needs of employees.Black Bamboo Park in Beijing was selected as object, research hypotheses were proposed through the review results of research and information of interviews with the staffs in the park, and then issued the questionnaire to staffs. Finally total of102valid questionnaires were obtained. Using the statistical software SPSS and EXCEL, methods of analysis of variance, correlation analysis and factor analysis, survey data were analyzed, partly confirmed the hypotheses put forward.The main findings include:In addition to gender and age, staff with different departments, different levels and different educational background have training needs are significantly different. Training needs can be roughly divided into two categories, basic training need and special and skilled training need to increase the level of service. Finally, the survey data analysis based on the training of the Black Bamboo Park, provided some reasonable proposal.

【关键词】 公园员工培训需求差异分析
【Key words】 Park StaffTraining NeedsDifference Analysis