

Applied Research on Aged Rufuse Humus Soil of Beijing Informal Waste Landfill in Greening

【作者】 汪明勇

【导师】 郭小平;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 工程绿化, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以非正规垃圾填埋场矿化垃圾腐殖土为研究对象,通过野外大田植物栽植试验与试验示范,将矿化垃圾腐殖土与一般绿化土壤按照五种配比混配设计试验,研究五种不同配比基质的营养成分含量及化学性质,探讨了多年生黑麦草和速生杨107在五种不同配比条件下的出苗率、株高、地径、胸径、生物量、叶绿素含量、光合与蒸腾速率、水分利用效率及长势效果,再结合结合五种重金属元素在土壤——植物体内的迁移与累积,以及栽植穴垂直与水平方向上重金属的迁移与污染状况,综合分析得出矿化垃圾腐殖土与一般绿化土壤混配栽植植物时,矿化垃圾腐殖土添加的质量分数为25%左右时,重金属对植物及周边环境的污染程度较小,植物的生长状况最佳。最后通过对试验示范中植物的生长状况调查,进一步验证了大田试验的结果。为非正规垃圾填埋场垃圾污染治理、减量填埋以及矿化垃圾腐殖土资源化利用提供理论、方法和关键技术。

【Abstract】 This paper takes aged rufuse humus soil which got from informal waste landfill as the study subject, the author did field experiment and pilot demonstration by mixing aged rufuse humus soil with normal soil in five proportion,and studying nutrient content and chemical properties of five ratio of the matrix, discussed seed emergence、 plant height ground diameter、diameter at breast height biomass、 chlorophyll content、photosynthesis and transpiration rate、water use efficiency, and growing effect of P.×euramericana "74/76" and Lolium perenne L.in five proportion.According to soil to plant heavy metal elements migration and accumulation situation,and heavy metal elements vertical and horizontal migration pollution situation,it was shown that the plant growed well, but heavy metal pollutin to plant and environment is little,when the addition of the aged refuse humus is mass fraction of25%. Finally, field experiment results were proved by the effect of plant growth in the pilot demonstration. It provides a key technologies、method and theoretical for informal landfill pollution control, reduction of landfill and resource utilization of aged rufuse humus soil.
