

Forest Fires Prevention and Control Capabilities in Sanming Region, Fujian Province

【作者】 白海峰

【导师】 刘晓东;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对福建三明地区2002-2011的林火数据进行了统计分析,研究了该地区林火空间分布规律及火源情况,计算了森林火灾发生率,并由此绘制了森林火灾发生图。在此基础上,基于三明林业局的森林火灾防控现状材料,根据《全国森林防火中长期发展规划》中的有关规划标准及行业专家观点,对三明地区林火的防控能力进行了研究,分析了其不足之处。然后针对不足之处,进行了对策分析。研究结果表明:大田、尤溪、宁化三县,森林火灾发生率极高(Ⅷ级),建宁泰宁、明溪、沙县和永安五县市,森林火灾发生率高(Ⅶ级),清流、将乐两县林火发生率较高(Ⅵ级),三明市辖区森林火灾发生率较低(Ⅳ级);在已查明火源的森林火灾中,都是人为火源,其中生产用火占65.5%,生活用火占29.2%。在防控能力方面,火源管理难、防火检查站数量少、防火宣传不到位;瞭望覆盖率低、专职护林员队伍亟需扩大;扑救队伍少,人员需要补充;扑火机具简陋、运输工具较为缺乏;林区路网密度和生物防火林带密度有待于进一步提高等。针对以上情况,本文进行了对策分析,提出一系列提升森林火灾防控能力的措施,并提议建设一系列防火工程,可为该地区以后的森林火灾防控工作提供一定数据、方法上的参考,因此对于该地区的森林火灾研究及防控工作具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 This paper, which is based on the2002-2011forest fires data of Sanming in Fujian province, studied the spatial distribution of forest fires and the fire source, calculated the incidence of forest fires, and thus drew Sanming forest fires Figure. On this basis, the paper studied Sanming forest fire prevention and control capabilities and analyzed the inadequacies based on the status of the Sanming Forestry Bureau’s forest fire prevention and control system materials, and according to the relevant standards in the Medium-and-long-term Development Planning of National Forest Fires and the consensus of the forestry sector. Then countermeasures for the deficiency were analyzed.The results show that the spatial distribution of Sanming forest fires. All of the forest fires which has been identified the source are man-made sources of ignition, which accounted for65.5percent of production use and29.2%percent of living use. In terms of prevention and control capacity, there are many problems such as the fire management is difficult, the number of checkpoints is very small, the fire prevention publicity is not enough; the outlook coverage is low, the ranger team is few; the fighting team personnel need to be supplemented; the firefighting equipment is simple, there is lack of vehicles; the road network density and bio-fire forest density is more than our standards, however, there is a big gap with the level of developed countries.For the above, the paper presented a series of measures to improve forest fire prevention and control capabilities, and proposed to build a series of fire engineerings, which can provide some data and methods on reference. Therefore there is of great significance for the region’s forest fire prevention and control work.

  • 【分类号】S762
  • 【下载频次】95