

The Study and Implementation of FVS Architecture Using Multi-Agent and Plugin

【作者】 程舒晗

【导师】 陈志泊;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 为了借鉴国外成熟的技术更好的指导我国林业经营和管理决策,引进国外优秀的森林植被仿真软件系统非常必要。本文主要介绍了对美国森林植被仿真系统FVS进行中国化的实践方法和过程,研究的重点是如何对大型遗留系统进行再工程,应用新的软件架构和设计思路,对遗留系统进行改造。通过对国内外软件工程现状的研究,课题组决定在再工程的过程中,引入Agent的思想来指导和辅助逆向工程、重新设计和正向工程的全过程,并且结合平行迭代的方法,大大缩短了再工程的周期,降低了软件本地化的失败率,保持了新旧系统之间过渡的平稳性,取得了良好的效果。通过对FVS的本地化改造,有效解决了原有系统中无法动态解决模型表达式、模型变更成本太大等问题;重新划分了系统的模块,使得软件的功能和流程更加合理、清晰;此外,该文还进一步的优化和扩展了FVS系统的架构设计,使其更好的支持插件扩展,极大的提高了系统的可扩展性。经过验证,本地化取得了较为良好的效果,同时也验证了基于Agent的再工程方法的可行性和优越性。

【Abstract】 To better guide the management and operation of Chinese forestry, mature forestry vegetation simulation software should be introduced from abroad. This article described the practice of the localization of Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) from America to China, the main purpose to which is to discover a way to reengineer a large-scale legacy system, and to apply new methods of design to the target system. After researching, the author decided to introduce Agent method which can guide our entire reengineering procedure, and also parallel iteration method which can significantly reduce the life cycle, guarantee the success of each period of reengineering. This approach worked well for us. The new FVS system had new feathers after the reengineering, such as:dynamically parsing the calculation expression in the forestry models, so that modifications of models get much easier than before; more reasonable division of components and modules within the system, and the support for plug-in for the future improvement. Furthermore, this thesis optimized the architecture of the FVS system and made it more scalable, in a way that plug-in can be better supported. Under cross reference, the localization end up well as expected. This also verified that the method of reengineering based on Agent is doable and superior.

【关键词】 FVSAgent再工程软件架构公式解析
【Key words】 FVSAgentreengineersoftware architectureexpression parser