

Ethical Analysis of the Livelihood Issues

【作者】 柳李仙

【导师】 陈万求;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 伦理学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 民生,是指民众的生存、生活和发展。在我国社会转型和体制转轨的关键时期,社会经济取得了飞跃的发展,人民生活水平也得到了相应的提高,但具有新时代特征的民生问题也随之日益突显出来,主要表现为民众的生存权、发展权和享受权问题。民生问题面临着严峻的现实困境,如城乡贫困人口和低收入人口尚有相当数量,城乡和区域之间经济发展不平衡,就业、教育、住房、医疗、社会保障、收入分配等人民最关心、最直接的切身利益问题仍然比较突出,这些现实困境成为政府、社会和个人民生伦理实践的出发点和立足点。民生问题不仅是一个政治问题、经济问题,还是一个伦理问题。改善民生和解决民生,不仅是政府的基本职责,也是构建和谐社会的关键所在。从伦理学的角度对民生问题进行深入研究和探讨,对维护社会稳定、实现社会公平和民生幸福具有重要的意义。本文借鉴西方关于关怀、公平等伦理思想以及我国传统伦理思想中关于仁爱、同情等伦理思想,深入地研究了我国的民生问题,并形成了系统解决我国民生问题的以人为本、制度公正、民生幸福等道德原则。本文主要分析了民生问题的含义、内容和基本特征,并从伦理学视角探析了我国民生问题的伦理理据,以期为民生问题的解决提供坚实的伦理基础和道德支撑,并在此基础上探索了改善和解决民生问题的伦理实现路径。

【Abstract】 People’s livelihood refers to the survival,life and development of people.In thecritical period of China’s social transformation and institutional transition,the socialeconomy has made the leap development and people’s living standard has alsoimproved correspondingly,but livelihood issues with the new features of times arealso increasingly exposed,mainly for People’s survival,development and enjoymentof the right.Livelihood issues confront the severe and realistic dilemma,such as thereis a considerable number of the rural and urban poor and low-income people,and theeconomic development between urban and rural areas or among areas is unbalanced,and the employment,education,housing,medical care,social security,incomedistribution,etc,which most directly affect People’s vital interests,are still quiteprominent.Those plights have become the starting point and foothold of the ethicalpractice of the government,society and people’s livelihood.Livelihood issues are not only political and economic problems,but also problemsof ethics.Improving and solving the People’s livelihood are not only the government’sbasic responsibilities,but also the key to build a harmonious society.Studying andexploring the People’s livelihood from the ethical perspective are of great significanceto maintain social stability and achieve social equity and the happiness of People’slivelihood.This paper draws Western ethical thoughts on care and fair as well as ourtraditional ethical thoughts such as love,benevolence and compassion,and studiesChina’s livelihood issues deeply and forms a systematical moral principles such aspeople-oriented,fair systems,and the happiness of people’s livelihood to solve thelivelihood problems.This paper analyzes the meaning,content,basic characteristicsof China’s livelihood issues from the ethical perspective in order to provide a solidethical foundation and moral support for the solution of them,and on this basis,thispaper also explores the ethical realization path to improve and solve the livelihoodproblems.
