

Asymmetric System Cable-stayed Bridge Mechanical Characteristics and Boundary Nonlinear Processing

【作者】 刘昊君

【导师】 陈常松; 田仲初;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 斜拉桥的桥型美观、跨越能力强,并且施工也很方便,因此自出现以后就在桥梁建设中得到了迅猛的发展。随着斜拉桥跨度的增大,非线性问题已经成为设计和施工中必须考虑的问题。本文以荆岳长江公路大桥为背景,对不对称体系的混合梁斜拉桥的力学特点以及边界条件的非线性问题进行了研究。主要研究工作如下:1.简要的介绍了斜拉桥的发展概况,并对大跨度斜拉桥设计及施工控制中的非线性有限元分析理论做了论述;2.建立了一种接触的点单元,采用变单元刚度的方法反映接触过程中摩擦力的影响,用来模拟结构中的边界条件。并结合FORTRAN程序设计语言,编制了相应的平面杆系有限元程序,并利用两个简单算例对程序进行了验证;3.以荆岳长江公路大桥为例,重点对不对称体系的混合梁斜拉桥的力学特点做了一定的分析;同时也探讨了摩阻力对结构受力以及变形的一些影响。

【Abstract】 Cable-stayed bridge because strong spanning capacity and beautiful,bridge,and construction is convenient,so since appeared rapidly,great development.Along with the increase of span cable-stayed bridge,nonlinear problem has becomethe design and construction of must consider the question. This paper JingYuechangjiang river highway bridge as the background, the asymmetry of hybrid girdercable-stayed bridge system mechanical characteristics and boundary conditions of thenonlinear problem is studied. The main research work are as follows:1. The brief introduction of the cable-stayed bridge, the development situation ofand the large span cable-stayed bridge design and construction control of nonlinearfinite element analysis theory are described;2. Established a contact point unit, the variable stiffness of the method can reflectthe influence of friction in the process of contact, used to simulate the structure ofboundary conditions. And combined with FORTRAN programming language,compiled the corresponding surface rod finite element program, and use two simpleexample to verify program;3. To JingYue changjiang river highway bridge as an example, the asymmetricsystem to the hybrid girder cable-stayed bridge of the mechanics characteristics areanalyzed; Also discusses the friction resistance to the structure stress and deformationof some of the impact.
