

Left Gastric Artery Lymph Node After Radical Operation of Gastric Cancer Localization in the Spiral Computer Tomography (CT)

【作者】 孙效益

【导师】 赵园园;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 肿瘤学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:测量并确定胃左动脉旁淋巴结在螺旋CT中的区域范围,指导胃癌根治术后放疗靶区的勾画。方法:对36例胃癌患者手术时在胃左动脉根部放置钛夹。螺旋CT下采取放疗体位行三期增强扫描、冠状位及矢状位重建,以T12椎体为参考点,测量胃左动脉旁淋巴结的三维方向,应用SPSS 17.0统计学软件计算分析其分布,测算胃左动脉旁淋巴结根部所在位置的变异范围。结果:通过Ko lmogorov-Smirnov检验,全组在各边界近似服从正态分布,男、女在胃左动脉旁淋巴结的分布趋势上是一致的。Pearson分析显示胃左动脉旁淋巴结的边界与年龄、身高、体重、椎体高、椎体宽无相关性。男、女胃左动脉旁淋巴结的前界分别为垂直于T12椎体最前缘切线46.56±1.95mm、37.56±-2.35mm;后界分别为17.50±2.02mm、16.44±2.34mm;左界分别为距T12椎体左缘右22.48±2.04mm、16.03±2.25mm;右界分别为距T12椎体左缘左14.33±2.12mm、5.53±2.35mm:上界分别为距T12椎体上缘上26.89±2.12mm、16.09±2.30mm;下界分别为距T12椎体下缘下9.58±2.13mm、8.58±2.36mm。结论:男、女胃左动脉旁淋巴结在螺旋CT中的范围分别约为:前界垂直于T12椎体最前缘切线48.51mm、39.91ram;后界垂直于T12椎体最前缘切线15.48mm、14.10mm;左界距T12椎体左缘右24.52mm、18.28mm;右界距T12椎体左缘左16.45mm、7.88mm;上界距T12椎体上缘上29.01mm、18.39mm;下界距T12椎体下缘下11.71mm、10.94mm。

【Abstract】 Objective:To measure and define the region-wide of left gastric artery lymph nodes, to guide radiotherapy target volume delineation after radical operation of gastric cancer.Methods:Titanium clips were set around the root left gastric artery in 36 patients with gastric carcinoma at the time of surgery. Under the spiral Computer Tomography(CT), enhancement scanning were taken in the radio-therapeutic position, the coronal view and sagittal view were reconstituted. Then, T12 vertebral body as reference point, measurement of left gastric artery lymph nodes in the three-dimensional direction. With SPSS 17.0 software, range of variation of localization of the root of left gastric artery lymph nodes were obtained.Results:According to the analysis of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, each border was of approximate normal distribution, Male and female groups in the left gastric artery lymph nodes on the distribution of the trend is consistent. Pearson Correlation Coefficients analysis did not suggest a significant relationship between the border and age, height, weight and size of vertebral body. The anterior boundary’s most leading edge perpendicular to the T12 vertebral body tangent of male and female left gastric artery lymph nodes were 46.56±1.95mm,37.56±2.35mm; the posterior boundary is respectively 17.50±2.02mm,16.44±2.34mm; the left boundary is respectively from the T12 vertebra left margin, right 22.48±2.04mm,16.03±2.25mm; the right boundary is respectively from the T12 left margin, left 14.33±2.12mm,5.53±2.35mm; the upper bound respectively from the T12 vertebral body on the edge of 26.89±2.12mm, 16.09±2.30mm; the lower bound respectively from the T12 vertebra body lower edge,9.58±2.13mm,8.58±2.36mm.Conclusion:Male and female left gastric artery lymph node in spiral CT in the range are approximately perpendicular to the T12 vertebral body: former world foremost edge tangent 48.51mm,39.91mm; T12 vertebral body after circles perpendicular to the front line 15.48mm,14.10mm; left the sector from the T12 vertebra left margin of the right 24.52mm,18.28mm; T12 vertebral body right sector from the left margin left 16.45mm,7.88mm; Upper bound of T12 from the vertebral body on the edge of 29.01mm, 18.39mm; lower bound from the T12 vertebral body lower edge,11.71mm, 10.94mm.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期