

The Experimental Study on Seismic Behavior of the QX Thermal-insulating HPC Blocks Wall

【作者】 李跟虎

【导师】 赵考重;

【作者基本信息】 山东建筑大学 , 结构工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 QX高性能混凝士复合自保温砌块是在混凝土空心砌块内填充发泡砂浆和聚苯板保温材料而形成的一种新型的墙体材料。试验表明采用特制砂浆砌筑的QX高性能混凝土复合自保温砌块砌体具有较高的承载能力,可作为砌体结构的承重墙。对于这种砌体在静载作用下的受力性能已进行了研究,本文对该种不配筋的新型砌块砌体抗震性能进行了试验研究。本文通过9组该种新型砌块砌体试件的低周反复荷载试验,研究不同高宽比、砂浆强度和竖向压应力对QX高性能混凝上复合自保温砌块砌体抗震性能的影响,通过试验研究得到以下主要结论:1.试件破坏时均产生沿块体截面本身的斜裂缝,并非沿砂浆灰缝的阶梯型斜裂缝,且破坏呈现明显的脆性破坏特性。砂浆的强度对砌体的抗剪承载力影响不明显。2.高宽比越小,砌体的承载力越大;竖向压应力越大,承载力越大;且高宽比的影响要大于竖向压应力。砂浆的强度对砌体的抗剪承载力影响不明显。3.试件的高宽比越小,吸收能量越多,耗能性越好,而砂浆强度以及竖向压力对于耗能性影响不明显。4.试件的延性与高宽比及竖向压应力有关,高宽比越大延性越好,竖向压应力越大延性越差,试件的延性系数可按下式计算。λ=5.832+2.792(h/b)-1.072σ05.开裂刚度随着高宽比的增大降低较快;而竖向压应力及砂浆强度对开裂刚度的影响不明显,开裂刚度可按下式计算。kc=243.09-154.52(h/b)6.试件的刚度在加载初期退化的速度较快,尤其是在试件开裂之前。加载后期,刚度退化较慢,随着位移的增加刚度缓慢衰减,各试件的刚度退化曲线都比较相似。7.QX高性能混凝土复合自保温砌块墙体的抗剪强度.fτ及侧向承载力只可用下式表达:f(?)=[0.567-0.134(h/b)]×1.16(?) Pu=A.f(?)

【Abstract】 the QX thermal-insulating HPC blocks wall is made of HPC and Insulation materials. The seismic behavior of this new type of block wall material is studied in this paper.This kind of rapid wall has been widely used in the project. The foam mortar material and polystyrene board material can be used as the Insulation materials, after in the hole HPC to be possible to be used as the bearing wall. The seismic behavior of this new block wall with different height-width ratio-. mortar rating and vertical load under the lateral load is studied in the experiment. The use of this new block wall will be widely promoted since many useful datas for design are offered by the experiment. The conclusions obtained include:1.Inclined cracks of the specimen along the block itself destroyed, not along the mortar stepped diagonal crack the mortar joint, and the destruction of a brittle failure characteristics.No significant effect of the strength of the mortar masonry shear capacity.2.The aspect ratio is smaller, the greater the bearing capacity of masonry; vertical stress the greater, the greater, the carrying capacity; and the aspect ratio is greater than the vertical stress. Significant effect of the strength of the mortar masonry shear capacity.3.Specimen width than the smaller, more energy absorption, energy consumption, the better, while the strength of mortar and the vertical pressure on the energy consumption impact is not obvious.4. Aspect ratio and vertical stress affect the ductility of the specimen.the greater aspect ratio, the better ductility;The greater the vertical compressive stress, the worse ductility.Ductility factor of the specimen can be calculated as follows.λ= 5.832+2.792(h/b)-1.072σ05.The high aspect ratio increases the crack stiffness rapid decrease;while the strength of mortar and the vertical pressure on the crack stiffness is not obvious.The crack stiffness can be calculated as follows. k= 243.09-154.52(h/b)6.The stiffness of the specimen in loading the initial rate of degradation, especially before specimen cracking. Loading stage, the stiffness degradation is slow, with the displacement of the increase in stiffness of slow decay, the specimen stiffness degradation curves are relatively similar.7.Shear strength(f(?)) and lateral bearing capacity(Pu) of the QX thermal-insulating HPC blocks wall can be calculated as follows. f(?)= [0.567-0.134(h/b)]×1.16(?)(?) Pu=A·f(?)
