

Application Research of Warm Mix Asphalt Used in Undersea Tunnel Pavement Paving

【作者】 陈伟

【导师】 王林;

【作者基本信息】 山东建筑大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 以青岛海底隧道工程为依托,本文进行了温拌沥青混合料在隧道内的应用研究。主要对添加Sasobit、Leadcap、Evotherm(?)-DAT三种温拌剂的沥青及混合料进行系统的路用性能检测与设计分析,提出适于隧道的温拌沥青混合料技术并铺筑了温拌试验路。主要研究内容与结论如下:研究了不同温拌添加剂对沥青胶结料性能的影响规律。结果表明:有机添加剂Sasobit严重降低了沥青的低温性能,如低温延度衰减显著;表面活性剂DAT对沥青性能指标影响不大;而有机添加剂Leadcap能够显著改善低温性能,具有优良的使用优势。同时,利用荧光显微镜分析技术,研究了不同温拌剂在沥青中的分布状态和显微结构,结果发现沥青的微观结构和分布形态与沥青性能指标间存在密切的联系。研究了温拌改性沥青混合料施工温度确定方法及路用性能。通过大量系统试验和数据分析认为:利用黏温曲线确定的温拌沥青混合料降温幅度是不合理的,而采用旋转压实等体积法(空隙率)能合理确定温拌混合料的成型温度。三种温拌剂产品中,DAT-WMA, Leadcap-WMA及Sasobit-WMA的施工温度分别降低了31℃,21℃,23℃,在摊铺时的沥青烟可分别减少90%,60%,61%以上,同时,D-WMA可节约燃油24%, L-WMA与S-WMA可节约燃油19%。在路用性能方面,D-WMA与L-WMA的车辙动稳定度分别降低了11%,17.5%, S-WMA与HMA相当;L-WMA与S-WMA的低温破坏应变降低了14%和35%,而D-WMA与HMA具有相同的破坏应变:D-WMA与L-WMA的冻融劈裂强度比均高于HMA,而S-WMA劈裂强度最低仅满足规范最低要求。温拌混合料动态模量研究表明,表面活性剂法混合料D-WMA表现出优于热拌混合料的力学性能,而有机添加剂法混合料L-WMA稍差于热拌混合料。根掘实践经验与有限元计算结果,推荐了耐久性良好的隧道路面结构组合。最后,采用表面活性温拌技术铺筑了试验路,工后检测结果表明,温拌混合料不仅能保证路面质量,又达到了节能减排及无烟化施工的目的。

【Abstract】 Application research of warm mix asphalt used in tunnel pavement is done relying on Qingdao undersea tunnel project in this paper. The performance of asphalt and asphalt mixture with Sasobit, Leadcap and Evotherm(?)-DAT are studied systematacilly, and the warm mix technique which is suitable to use in tunnel is proposed, lastly the test road is constructed. The major research content and conclusion as follows:The influence law of additives on asphalt cement performance is studied. The results showed that:Sasobit (organic additive) reduces the low-temperature performance of asphalt seriously, such as low-temperature ductility attenuate significantly; DAT (surfactant) has little effect on asphalt performance; Leadcap(organic additive) can significantly improves low-temperature performance, which has excellent application advantage. Meanwhile, the distribution and micro structure of different additives in asphalt is studied using fluorescence microscopy analysis techniques and result show that there is a close relationship between the microstructure and distribution patterns of asphalt and performance。Interior design method and road performance of WMA were studied. By a large number of experiments and data analysis, the following conclusions are obtained: the cooling amplitude of WMA which determined using viscosity-temperature curve is small, it is unreasonable, but the method of identical volume parameter (void radio) of SGC specimens can reasonably determine the molding temperature of the mixture; the construction temperature of D-WMA, L-WMA and S-WMA were reduced by30℃,20℃,20℃in this condition the asphalt fume can be reduced by90%,61%, 61%respectively in paving process of mixture, and the fuel savings of them is24%,19%and19%. Compared with the HMA, the dynamic stability of the D-WMA and L-WMA decreased by11%,17.5%, the S-WMA is not reduced; the failure strain of L-WMA and S-WMA at low temperature decreased by14%and35%, but D-WMA and HMA had the same low temperature crack resistance; the freeze-thaw cleavage strength of the D-WMA and L-WMA was better than HMA, but the S-WMA was worse, only meet the minimum requirements. Meanwhile, the dynamic modulus of WMA was studied and results showed that the Mechanical Properties of D-WMA was better than HMA, but L-WMA was slightly worse.According finite element calculation results and practical experience, pavement structure is recommended which had good durability.At last, the testing road was builded and test results showed that Warm Mix asphalt technology could not only ensure the road quality, but also achieve the purpose of the energy saving and smoke-free construction.
