

The B2C Large Logistics Model Research Based on the "Cloud Storage" and "Cloud Logistics"

【作者】 张晓楠

【导师】 范厚明;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 物流工程与管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着电子商务的快速发展,物流越来越成为制约其发展的瓶颈,直到现在仍没有的得到有效的解决。B2C(Business to Consumer)作为一枝独秀,将成为未来电子商务发展中的巨头。然而,由于B2C电子商务物流配送具有品种多、批量小、频率高、范围大的特点,B2C物流网络体系存在着:物流网络布局不合理,基础设施建设滞后;仓库周转难,库存量大,库存成本高;电子商务物流信息平台发展滞后,信息化程度不高;物流企业缺乏规模化优势;政府对电子商务物流发挥在那的引导不够;物流专业人才极度短缺等问题。因此,如何大力发展B2C电子商务物流,提高B2C电子商务物流服务质量,提升消费者的购物体验,全面降低企业成本,成为B2C电子商务企业当前面临的重要挑战。基于此背景,本文针对目前我国B2C电子商务企业的物流运营现状,提出基于“云仓储”和“云物流”的B2C大物流模式,并通过构建“云仓储”设施选址模型和库存策略模型,解决B2C区域配送网络的节点选址和库存管理问题;通过构建“云物流”信息平台,解决B2C产品链的信息共享问题,为“云仓储”的实施提供信息支撑和技术支持。实现B2C电子商务企业和物流企业的协调发展。本文在查阅大量文献的基础上,以B2C电子商务物流为研究对象,理论探讨与实证分析相结合,对其B2C大物流模式进行了深入的研究和探讨。首先,详细介绍了“云仓储”和“云物流”的相关概念,通过分析国内外研究现状和发展现状,提出目前我国B2C电子商务物流存在的问题,为后续研究奠定了研究基础。其次,通过了解我国B2C电子商务物流配送的特点,结合云仓储理念,构建多级-多设施选址模型,并采用遗传算法进行实例求解。再次,通过分析库存策略影响因素,建立库存管理模型,并引入实例进行求解验证。最后,通过介绍我国B2C电子商务物流业务流程,结合“云物流”理念,设计B2C电子商务云物流信息平台,改造原有业务模式。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of e-commerce, logistics is increasing becoming the bottleneck of its development, until now still not solved effectively. B2C (Business to Consumer) as the best branch, will be tycoon in the future development of electronic commerce. However, due to logistics distribution of the B2C electronic commerce is of features of varieties, small batch, high frequency, large range, B2C logistics network system have many problem. such as, unreasonable logistics network layout and lag infrastructures; low warehouse turnover, large inventory, and high inventory cost; the lag electronic commerce logistics information platform, and informatization development level is not high; logistics enterprises lack the advantages of scale; the government play is insufficient in the guiding for electronic commerce logistics; logistics professionals shortage extremely. Therefore, how to develop the B2C electronic commerce logistics, improve service quality of the B2C electronic commerce logistics, enhance the consumer’s shopping experience, reduce the cost of enterprise, is the B2C electronic commerce enterprise current important challenges.Based on this background, this article in view of the present logistics situation of B2C e-business enterprise in our country, proposes B2C large logistics mode based on the" cloud storage" and" cloud logistics ", construct the "cloud storage" facilities location model and inventory strategy model, to solve the B2C regional distribution network node location and inventory management; construct the" cloud logistics " that is information platform to solve the problem of information sharing in the B2C product chain, and provide information support and technical support for " cloud storage" implementing. That realizes harmonious development between B2C electronic commerce enterprise and logistics enterprise.In this paper, based on large literature reviews, as the research object of B2C e-commerce logistics, combine theoretical discussion with empirical analysis, research and discuss deptly the B2C logistics mode. Firstly, through the introduction of related concepts in detail on "cloud storage" and "cloud logistics", and the analysis of the domestic and international research present situation and development present situation, proposes problems of the present B2C e-commerce logistics in our country, as the basis for the follow-up study. Secondly, through the understanding of B2C e-commerce logistics distribution characteristics in our country, combined with the cloud storage concepts, and establishes a multi-stages and Multi-facilities location models, and GA is used to solve the case. Thirdly, through the analysis of factors that affect the establishment of inventory strategy, establishes inventory management model, and introduces the solution validation. Finally, through the introduction of our B2C e-commerce logistics business process, combined with the"cloud logistics" concept, designs B2C e-commerce information platform,called as "cloud logistics", transforms the original business model.

【关键词】 B2C大物流“云仓储”“云物流”
【Key words】 Large LogisticsB2C"Cloud Storage""Cloud logistics"
  • 【分类号】F259.2;F724.6
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】2637