

Study and Develop on Virtual Reality Simulation System of the Ship Controllable Propeller Pitch

【作者】 员钦升

【导师】 任光;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 轮机工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着造船工业以及自动化技术的发展,调距桨推进装置的应用越来越广泛。STCW公约马尼拉修正案已将调距桨推进装置列为高级轮机员的必需培训项目。培训高素质、高技能的船员光凭理论知识是远远不够的,还应该加强船员培训的实践环节。为此,培训机构多采用轮机模拟器,但是传统的轮机模拟器多以实物模拟器和利用软件开发工具(C#、C++等)开发的二维模拟器为主。前者虽然直观性比较强,但是存在可扩展性较差、造价较高等缺点。后者虽然弥补了前者的缺点,但是二维模拟器对设备及系统的展示不逼真。结合上述两种模拟器各自的优缺点,将三维虚拟现实技术应用到调距桨推进系统的轮机模拟器中,开发出一套二维控制系统仿真与三维虚拟场景相结合的调距桨虚拟现实仿真系统。首先,分析了调距桨推进系统的基本组成、调距桨工作特性、调距桨船舶的优缺点及调距桨变距机构的结构和变距原理。在此基础上,根据船舶推进系统的基本方程,按照物理模型将推进系统分为螺旋桨、调距桨调距机构以及船-机-桨三个子系统,并对这三个系统进行了建模与仿真。然后,结合母型船调距桨推进系统的相关设备,利用三维建模软件SolidWorks与3dmax制作了船体、调距桨推进装置、液压调距系统等的三维可视化模型,并对建立的三维模型进行了优化。最后,根据前面建立的数学模型以及控制系统的操纵要求,在微软的三维游戏开发平台Microsoft XNA Game Studio下对调距桨推进系统的仿真控制系统与三维虚拟场景进行了开发。仿真系统主要由驾驶室操作台、集控室操作台、机旁操作台、CPP液压控制系统等控制系统与三维虚拟场景组成。研究表明,Microsoft XNA Game Studio三维游戏开发平台与轮机模拟器相结合具有可行性,在该平台下开发的虚拟现实仿真系统具有开发方法灵活、扩展方便以及程序运行效率高等优点,本系统在辽宁省第十届挑战杯竞赛中获二等奖。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of shipbuilding industry and automatic control technology, the CPP (controllable pitch propeller) propulsion plant has gained widely application in ships. STCW Pact has listed the propulsion equipment of CPP ships as an essential training item for senior engineer.Cultivating high quality, high skills senior engineer by theory teaching is not enough; we should still strengthen the practice operation ability. So, many senior engineer training institutions apply Training Ship Simulator. But the traditional simulators are physical simulators and2-dimension software simulator that developed by the C#or C++software. The former simulator acquires good visual effect, but it has the disadvantages of limited expansion and high cost. Although the later simulator can make up the former’s deficiency, it still has the disadvantages of not realistic enough; the trainees can’t have a vivid image of the actual equipments. Based on the advantages and disadvantages of the two former simulators, the main content of this paper is to develop a ship CPP VR simulation system that contains2-dimention control system and3-dimention virtual scene by applying the VR (Visual Reality) into the simulators.Firstly, this paper analysis the CPP Propulsion Plant’s structure, CPP’s operation properties, advantages and disadvantages of the ships equipped CPP Propulsion Plant and CPP’s structures and operation principle. According to the list properties and the basic equations of ship propulsion system, this paper divided the system into three parts:propellers, CPP’s pitch control structures and the ship-diesel engine-propeller system. Modeling and simulating the three parts.Secondly, this paper made and refined3d visualization models of Ship, CPP Propulsion Plant and hydraulic control system refer to the equipment of the actual CPP Propulsion Plant.Lastly, by the mathematical model and the control system’s requires, this paper developed a system contains CPP Propulsion system and3-dimention virtual scene with the help of Microsoft3-d games development platform Microsoft XNA Game studio. This system includes bridge control panel, engine room control panel, local control panel, CPP hydraulic control system and3-dimention visual scene.This paper shows that applying Microsoft XNA Game studio3-d games development platform into the Training Ship Simulator is feasible. At the same time, it has the following advantages:flexible development methods flexible, good expansion ability, and higher program efficiency. The system has taken the second prize in11th national challenge cup.
