

Intellectuals and Monks Make Friends in Lingnan and the Influence to Literature from Late Ming to Early Qing Dynasty

【作者】 王美伟

【导师】 何宗美;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 明末清初在中国历史上是一段急剧变革的时期。受政治变幻、佛教复兴、禅悦之风盛行等因素的影响,这一时期士僧交游的现象极为突出,岭南地区尤其如此。特别是清初,大量士人逃禅,使得岭南出现大批遗民诗僧,士僧间交游唱和不断,其中以屈大均、释函昰为代表的岭南士僧之间关系尤显密切。岭南士僧交游的方式以士僧结社、参与佛教活动为主,并具有深刻的历史内涵。士僧交游的社会现象,必然会对其思想、生活方式、文学创作等各方面产生深刻的影响,并对岭南文学的发展带来相应的变化。全文共分为六部分:绪论、正文四章和结语。绪论梳理岭南士僧交游的研究现状,对明末清初岭南士僧交游的研究价值进行简要的阐述,并说明本文的研究方法以及行文思路。第一章,对明末清初岭南的社会文化背景作整体全面性考察,客观还原当时士僧所面临的生存环境及其心态变化。为下文进行士僧交游的个案研究以及分析士僧交游所产生的影响奠定基础。第二章,概括岭南士僧交游概况,并以屈大均、释函昰为研究个案,分别考察以他们为代表的岭南士僧的交游状况。第三章,具体论述岭南士僧间交游的主要方式,包括以结社为代表的文学交游方式和以参加各类佛教活动为代表的宗教交游方式,并阐释士僧交游所体现的历史内涵,诸如生存所需、弘扬佛法、文学交流、反清掩护等。第四章,论证士僧交游对岭南作家阵营、作家思想以及文学创作等各方面所产生的深刻影响,并通过士僧交游探讨明末清初岭南文学的独特风貌。结语部分就士僧交游对岭南文学的影响略作小结,同时提出进一步深化士僧交游对文学创作影响研究的可行性。

【Abstract】 From late Ming dynasty to early Qing dynasty is a period that changed quickly in every field. Because of the change of political、the rise of Buddhism and get joy from the Meditation that intellectuals and monks make friends become very popular. This phenomenon also appeared in LingNan area, especially in the early Qing, many intellectuals to become a monk, so there were many monk poets appeared in this area, they contact with each other and wrote many poems. For example, QuDajun and HanShi were the representative figure of them. They organize societies or join the Buddhist activities, and sometimes those activities have the special purpose. Intellectuals and monks make friends is so popular that will affect their thought, lifestyle and literary work certainly, and also will affect the literature of LingNan.Six chapters constitute the main part of the article. Introduction, four chapters and conclusion.Introduction will introduce the research present situation of intellectuals and monks make friends in LingNan. Elaborate the research value of this topic, and explain the research technique of this article.The first chapter, research the social and cultural background of the late Ming to early Qing in LingNan comprehensively. Objectively restore the living environment and the psychological change of intellectuals and monks in LingNan. Prepared for the personal research and the influence study in the next.The second chapter, summarize the situation of intellectuals and monks in LingNan. Combs QuDajun and monks making friends, combs monk HanShi and intellectuals making friends. And research the situation of intellectuals and monks in LingNan with this date.The third chapter, introduce the major way that intellectuals and monks how to making friends. Including make group and join the Buddhist activities as the main way. And explain why so many intellectuals and monks want to making friends.The fourth chapter, discuss the influence in writer group, writer thought and literary creation. With those we also can find out the special of the literature in LingNan.The conclusion part, make a summary for the influence about the intellectuals and monks in LingNan. What’s more, explain the feasibility for the further study about this topic.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期