

On Legal Questions of Copyright Pledge

【作者】 鲁幽

【导师】 周安平;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 民商法学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化的不断深入和高新技术的快速发展,知识产权制度正在日益成为国家发展的战略性资源和国际竞争力的核心要素,在推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣中的地位越来越重要,作用越来越突出。著作权是知识产权三大支柱之一,在知识产权体系中,与专利权、商标权等工业产权相比,著作权是文化价值的利益化,其不仅具有独特的社会属性,更具有显著的经济属性。著作权质押担保是体现著作权经济属性的典型方式之一。著作权质押不仅是著作权人运用著作权的重要方式,也是著作权人进行债务担保和融资的主要手段,对于著作权的商品化、市场化、产业化都具有巨大的意义。著作权质押制度是一种重要的担保物权制度。著作权质押是一个横跨担保法、物权法和著作权法领域的问题,其一,它是一个担保法上的问题,著作权质押是质押担保的一种重要形式;其二,它又是一个物权法上的问题,著作权质权是一种准物权,具有准物权属性;其三,它是关于著作权的权利质押问题,著作权自身独特的属性使得著作权质押制度与其他类质押制度存有明显差异。甚至,著作权质押制度中的价值评估和证券化过程还涉及到经济领域的相关问题。可以说,著作权质押是一个涉及领域广、专业要求高、制度复杂的复合型问题。然而,现阶段我国对于著作权质押问题,不论在理论研究上,还是在立法实践中都有许多不尽完善之处。为了充分发挥著作权的经济权能,进一步完善著作权质押制度,本文列举分析了我国现今著作权质押制度中存在的问题,并针对这些问题进行着重分析,并提出解决对策,冀以达到完善我国著作权质押制度之目的。第一部分是对著作权质押基础理论的概述。重点阐述了著作权质押的概念和特征、著作权质押的性质、著作权质押的意义和著作权质押与动产质押之比较。其中在著作权质押与动产质押之比较部分中,通过与动产质押之比较,来进一步分析著作权质押自身的特点。第二部分是对我国现今著作权质押制度的发展状况及其存在的主要问题进行列举分析。其中涉及到的内容主要有:著作权质押法律形式的现状与不足;著作权质押标的范围的现状与不足;著作权质押登记制度的现状与不足;著作权质押效力制度的现状与不足;著作权质押价值评估制度的现状与不足。第三部分是本文核心部分,其是针对第二部分提出的若干问题的分析和制度的进一步完善。其中涉及的内容主要有:著作权质押法律形式上的完善;著作权质押标的范围的明确和扩张;著作权质押登记制度的完善;著作权质押效力制度的完善;著作权质押价值评估制度的完善。

【Abstract】 Along with the deepen of globalization and the rapid development of hi-tech, the intellectual property regulations are becoming the strategic resource and the core of international competitive power of a nation, playing a more important role in promoting the development and flourish of socialist culture. Copyright, which is one of the three mainstays of intellectual property rights, contract with the industrial properties, i.e. patent rights and trademark rights, not only have a unique socialist nature, but also bears a remarkable economical character. The pledge of copyrights is a typical aspect of its economical character. The pledge of copyrights is significant for the commercialization, marketization and industrialization of copyrights, which is the most important usage of copyrights, and the chief measure of credit guarantee as well as financing.The copyright pledge system is an important guarantee of the real right system. the copyright pledge is a matter that across the security law, the copyright law and the property law field, firstly, it is a security problem, the copyright pledge is one important form of the pledged collateral; secondly, it is a problem in the property rights law, the copyright pledge have some attributes of real right which is a quasi-real right; thirdly, it’s about the rights of copyright pledge problem, the own unique attributes of Copyright make some obvious differences between copyright pledge system and other kinds of pledge system. Indeed, the estimate of values and the process of securitization in the system of copyright pledge also related to some problems of the economic field. It can be said that the copyright pledge is a complex problem that is involved in a wide area, high professional requirements and system complexity.Nevertheless, there are many flaws in the existing copyrights pledge problems, whether in terms of theory or in legal. To keep pace with the development of society, make the full use of the economy rights, complete the copyrights pledge regulations, this article analyses the problems contain in our copyright system, and it is the problems that are analyzed clearly. To submit the solve measures and make our copyrights pledge regulations be perfect.The first part is the analyses of basic theories of copyrights pledge. Elaborate for emphasis the concept and features of the copyright pledge, the nature of the copyright pledge, the significance of the copyright pledge and the comparison of copyrights pledge and movable estate pledge. Through the comparison of the pledge with chattel in the part of the comparison of copyrights pledge and movable estate pledge, To further analysis the characteristics of the copyright pledge, to provide the theory basis for improving the copyright pledge system.The second part points out the development situation and problems in the system of copyright pledge. The related to the main content:the current situation and existing problems in the legal form of copyright pledge; the current situation and existing problems in the range of the object of copyright pledge; the current situation and existing problems in the registration system of copyright pledge; the current situation and existing problems in the system of copyright pledge effectiveness; the current situation and existing problems in copyright pledge valuation system.The third part is the core part in the paper, for a number of issues raised in the second part of the analysis system is further improved. The related to the main content: the improvement of the copyright pledge legal form; the clear and expansion of the subject range of Copyright Pledge; the improvement of the copyright pledge registration system; the improvement of the copyright Pledge effectiveness; the improvement of the copyright pledge valuation system.

【关键词】 著作权质押无形性
【Key words】 copyrightpledgeintangible
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期