

On the Female Media Images of the Chinese Women in "Seventeen Years"

【作者】 蒲子涵

【导师】 韩敏;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 传播学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 “十七年”女性主义研究是学界的一个热点。大多数学者批判这个时期的女性形象缺乏性别特征,是一些空洞的能指,在所谓的“男女平等”、“女人也是半边天”、“妇女也是社会主义建设生力军”的社会语境和宏大的政治主体叙事模式下,女性媒介形象的书写成为一场为政治宣讲服务的展览仪式。在契合主流意识形态价值观和社会规范的前提下,广大的女性被主流媒介生硬地纳入苍白和空洞的叙事模式,这种模式往往在强调妇女对国家和民族的义务中忽略了她们本身的性别体验和生存感受,弱化甚至忽略了女性作为独立个体的权利。尽管“十七年”女性媒介形象书写存在着上述问题,但是就整个历史大背景来说,这一时期主流媒介通过压倒性地对一大批活跃在生产一线的女性媒介形象的建构和书写,打破了长期以来笼罩在妇女头上的“男尊女卑”和“第二性”的性别歧视阴霾,这种新的“男女平等”关系的确立,不仅仅为当时的广大女性走出家庭、走向社会提供了合法性的知识建构。另外一方面,这个时期的女性媒介形象的书写也为当代中国提供了重要的价值观念,也就是甘阳所说的“通三统”的平等价值观念。从这一角度上讲,“十七年”时期主流媒介建构的大批“新女性”形象又具有历史的正当性和合理性。本文采用了内容分析法,通过抽样调查收集了符合研究目标的有效样本185份,统计分析了“十七年”间《中国妇女》杂志封面女性媒介形象。按照人口学和摄影学的分类方法,分别从封面人物的民族、国籍、职业、文化或受教育程度、政治取向、人物衣着服装、人物发型、人物拍摄角度和人物表情神态等8个方面进行编码和解码,探讨了作为主流意识形态建构媒介之一的《中国妇女》杂志如何建构女性媒介形象,以及这些媒介形象所蕴含的文化政治学内涵。本论文主要分为四个章节,第一章节即前言部分主要讨论了论题的研究价值、研究方法和研究背景等问题;第二部分运用内容分析法系统梳理了185张研究图片,并在此基础上进行初步的编码和解码工作;第三部分是对“十七年”女性媒介形象的系统分析,它跟第二部分一起,成为本论文的重点部分;第四部分为结论和思考部分,在这部分集中讨论“十七年”女性媒介形象建构的价值和意义,同时也反思她们的社会真实性,并在此基础上,探询其对现今建构和谐两性社会的启迪和意义作用。

【Abstract】 The female image in the period of "Seventeen years" is a hot topic in the academic area. Many scholars and experts tend to hold critical attitude to the female media image in this period. Them think that, in the special history background and sensitive political environment, the mainstream medium sometimes produces some female characters presenting the features of" De-gendering" and" masculine". In many social contexts and political subjects which are the so-called" equality between men and women" and" woman is the half of the sky" and" women can make great parts in socialist construction ", the media images of women were purposefully made use of, and gradually become a political preaching services exhibiting ritual, in line with the mainstream ideology, values and social norms of the premise requirement. The majority of the women are stiffly taken into the pale and empty narrative pattern by mainstream medium, this pattern often emphasizes the women roles played in the country and the nation’s obligation while ignore their own gender experience and survival experience, which can weaken or even neglect women’s rights as individual.Despite of the above problem, we can still find that these media images have broken the idea that women are inferior to men. In term of a new " equal" relationship between male and female, it can not only provide support to make women get out of their home, but also directly affect their ways of life and social status in today’s society, which leads the result that the female images of" seventeen years" have the historical legitimacy and rationality. The media female images provide one of important value concepts, just as Guiyang’s "general three units".The paper, based on the analysis of the content, are closely related to the185covers of the "Chinese women" in "seventeen years" which are as the research samples. In accordance with the demographic and photography classification method, the paper analysises separately from the cover characters’ nation, nationality, occupation, cultural or educational level, political orientation, as well as the perspective of expressing and looks such as clothing, hairstyle. In all these8aspects, the paper encodes and decodes, and then discusses and digs out the enormous symbolic meanings of female media images in the period of the "seventeen years".The thesis is mainly divided into four chapters, the first chapter is a preface discussing and resolving the research value, research methods and research background; the second part uses, on the basis of the initial encoding and decoding work, the method of content system combing the study of185pictures; the third part of this paper, uniting with the second part, becomes the key one of the whole paper; the fourth part is the conclusion which focuses on the female media images’construction of value and meaning of the" seventeen years", also reflects their social reality, and explores the construction of harmonious healthy gender social enlightenment and significance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】G237.5
  • 【下载频次】365