

Phonetic Study of Yichuan Dialect

【作者】 孟义国

【导师】 高廉平;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国各地的方言研究取得了前所未有的显著成果。河南方言的调查研究也在张启焕、贺巍等先生的带动下,不断开拓,涌现了大量优秀的方言论文、著作。然而,截止目前,对于伊川方言的系统研究尚属空白。因此,对伊川方言进行系统的调查整理就显得十分重要。本文以伊川县城关镇和白沙镇的中老年人的发音为代表,通过与普通话、中古音的比较得出伊川方言的声韵调特点:伊川方言有23个声母、42个韵母、4个声调。声母方面,分尖团音,古微母字读齿唇浊擦音[v];韵母系统较普通话复杂,[(?)]韵母使用广泛,普通话中的[γ]、[ou]韵在伊川方言里因声母不同而异;声调也分阴平、阳平、上声、去声4个声调,但与普通话的调值不同。古入声也“入派三声”了,与普通话的不同在于次浊入声字归阴平而不归去声。通过对儿化、变调、合音、分音、文白异读等现象的分析找出伊川方言的语流音变特征:伊川方言的儿化现象更加普遍,以[(?)]韵入尾;分音词和合音词的使用也较为普遍,有的已经发展成为固定的词汇,但更多的是有音无字;既有成系统的文白异读,又有单个词语的文白异读,从方言到中老年人的文读音再到年轻人的文读音有着很强的层次性。

【Abstract】 Since the reform-opening policy, the academic research about dialect in our country made significant achievements of hitherto unknown. Under the forerunner research of Henan dialect by Zhang Qihuan and He Wei, there emerges a large number of excellent papers on the study about dialects. However, up to now, there is still a blank on the systematic research about Yichuan dialect. Therefore, to investigate the Yichuan dialect systematically is a very important progress.This paper takes Yichuan Chengguan and Baisha town dialect spoken by the older generation as an example. To compare it with Mandarin and the ancient Chinese phonology, Yichuan dialect is found to have distinctive features:Yichuan dialect has 23 consonants,42vowels and 4 tones.On the part of initial consonant, Yichuan dialect has the unique sharp and rounded sound. Furthermore, its ancient initial "wei" consonant is read as labio-dental voiced fricative [v]. On the other hand, its vowel system is more complex than that of Mandarin. [ш] vowels is widely used, [u] [ou] hymes in Yichuan dialect for consonant vary; Yin, Yang, tone or sound, tone 4 tone, but with different Mandarin tone. Ancient "Rushengzi" is into the three sound, and Mandarin is different times voiced tone characters belong to Yin and not back sound.The rhotic, tone, tone, tone, literary and colloquial readings and other phenomena analysis to find out the Yichuan dialect pronunciation variations:characteristics of Yichuan dialect the retroflexization more generally, to [ш] rhyme into the tail; partial tone words and syneresis words are used more commonly, some have become fixed phrases, but more is a sound one; both into the system of literary and colloquial readings, and a single word of literary and colloquial readings, from dialect to elderly people in the pronunciation to the young people of the pronunciation has a very strong level of.

【关键词】 方言语音共时历时音变
【Key words】 dialectspeechsynchronicdiachronicsound change
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期