

Study on Cultural Activities of Imperial Clan in Tang Dynasty

【作者】 薛婧

【导师】 马强;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 中国古代史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 唐代宗室作为皇室家族成员,不仅是皇权政治集团的重要代表之一,也是唐代社会文化领域中颇为出彩的群体,由其参与和缔造的宗室文化成为了唐代整个文明的重要组成部分。目前学术界对唐代宗室的关注虽多,但在宗室文化活动的研究方面却是一个薄弱环节,因此本篇学位论文着力于此,力求真实客观地展现唐代宗室文化活动的这段历史。本文分四个部分对唐代宗室文化活动加以探讨,结构如下:第一部分即本文绪论部分,主要介绍论文的选题意义及相关研究成果,界定唐代宗室的具体范围,对文章的主体内容、研究方法、写作思路进行定位,并说明需要注意的资料运用等问题。第二部分是本文的第一章,即是对唐代宗室文化活动的主要内容进行梳理,从与宗室有关的学术著述、文学艺术、宗教、科举、文化交往等活动着手,围绕宗室文化的代表人物,描绘唐代宗室文化的精彩绝伦。又借助对宗室著作、《全唐文》所收宗室文章篇目、《全唐诗》录入宗室诗歌数量、宗室进士和学士的统计,从侧面反映出唐代宗室文化的活跃。第三部分是本文的第二章,试以历史学、社会学和文化学角度,从唐代社会文化的奠基、对宗室的政策管理、皇帝给予宗室的文化教育以及宗室个人修为四个方面对唐代宗室文化活动的产生原因和背景进行探讨。第四部分是本文第三章,主要研究唐代宗室文化活动的特征、成就及影响。通过对第一章的分析,总结出唐代宗室文化活动具有时间阶段性、涉及领域丰富和极具家学传统的特征。在文化成就和影响方面,唐代宗室文化也不乏学术精品,具有开创性功绩,成为后世效仿学习的典范;宗室诗虽然没有多少突出成就,但作为为唐代诗歌的有机组成部分,也有不少值得称道之处,同时宗室多姿多彩的文化活动又充实了唐代的社会文化生活。总而言之,由唐代宗室参与和领导的文化活动为中国古代宗室史留下了一笔宝贵的精神财富和文化遗产。本文针对唐代宗室研究的薄弱环节——宗室文化活动的尝试性探析提出一点见解,以期加深对宗室这一特殊群体系统、全面的研究,有助于深刻再现唐代社会文化全貌。

【Abstract】 The imperial clan of the Tang Dynasty is not only an important part of the royal political group, but also an outstanding group in the cultural field. The culture of the imperial clan is an important part of the entire Tang culture. Although there has been considerable attention for the Tang imperial clan in the academic world recently, little research was done for its cultural activity, which is the emphasis of this thesis. My goal is to objectively exhibit the history of the cultural activity of the Tang imperial clan.This thesis is divided into four main sections as explained below:Section one is the introduction. I explained the significance of the topic and relevant research results, defined the Tang imperial clan, set the guidelines for the content, research methods, and writing style. This section also clarified important issues such as material reference.Section two is the first chapter of this thesis. I described in detail the cultural activity of the Tang imperial clan. The excellence of the Tang imperial clan culture was presented based on the activities of its prominent members in academic writing, liberal arts, religion, imperial examination, and cultural exchanges. The statistical study of the number of articles, articles in Quan Tang Wen, poems in Quan Tang Shi, successful candidate in the highest imperial examination, and imperial scholars also reflected the cultural vibrancy of the Tang imperial clan.Section three is the second chapter of this thesis. From historical, sociological, and culture perspectives, I explored the background and cause of the cultural activity of the Tang imperial clan, in areas including the founding of the Tang social culture, imperial clan policy management, imperial clan cultural education, and personal cultivation within the imperial clan.Section four is the third chapter of this thesis. I studied the characteristics, achievements, and influences of the cultural activity of the Tang imperial clan. Through analysis of the first chapter, I summarized the three main characteristics of the cultural activity of the Tang imperial clan. First, it can be divided into several phases in time. Second, it covers a vast cultural area. Third, it has a strong family tradition. In terms of the cultural achievements and influences, the Tang imperial culture is abundant with scholarly masterpieces, pioneering achievements, and classics. On the other hand, the poems of the imperial clan were not considered masterpieces. However, they were an important part of Tang poetry and include many commendable pieces. In addition, the vivid cultural activities of the clan enriched the cultural life of the Tang society.In summary, the cultural activities conducted and led by the Tang imperial clan were precious spiritual and cultural assets of the Chinese imperial history. This thesis provided some insights into the study of the cultural activities of the imperial clan, which is a weak link in the study of the Tang imperial clan. This thesis should facilitate the systematic study of the imperial clan, and reproduce a panoramic view of the social culture of the Tang Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】K242
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】180