

The Study of the Theory of City’s Administration Center

【作者】 冯斌

【导师】 王国梁;

【作者基本信息】 山西师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 随着现代社会城市的飞速发展,城市化进程不断加快。之前低速发展阶段各城市形成的单中心“摊大饼”式扩张,带来中心地价高涨、交通拥堵、人均公共设施匮乏等问题日益严重的显现出来。城市空间需要拓展,城市职能需要疏散。由于行政中心具有其特殊性——对其他功能依附最小、带动力最强,所以很多城市开始或者已经实施了以行政中心的有机疏散来带动城市各项功能有机疏散的举措,日渐成为趋势。本文将有机疏散理论具体运用到行政中心的有机疏散中,用有机疏散理论来指导和解释行政中心的有机疏散现象。通过对20世纪90年代以来发生过行政中心有机疏散的11个省会城市的自然区位、建成区面积、辖区人口密度、城市半径和疏散距离进行分析研究,和新、旧行政中心在自然地理因素和地理位置的变化比较,将11个研究对象的有机疏散模式归纳,进一步总结得出行政中心有机疏散的一般指向原则和一般模式,为日后城市的行政中心的有机疏散提出一般性规律的建议和参考,这也正是本文的最重要所在。文章主要分为三部分。第一部分为有机疏散和行政中心的基本理论阐述和研究,阐述了有机疏散理论的概念和行政中心的定义、范畴,研究了有机疏散理论在国内外的主要代表理论,和行政中心的国内外历史演变。第二部分为国内外典型的行政中心有机疏散实例简述和11个省会城市行政中心有机疏散现象的统计和分析。第三部分作为本文的重点,通过对现象的分析,总结归纳的行政中心有机疏散的动因、影响、指向原则和疏散模式等基本的规律理论。

【Abstract】 With the modern cities’ rapid development, the pace ofUrbanization process becomes faster and faster. The lowerdevelopment period of each city which has the single center as“pie-like”has made the serious problems stand out, such as thehigher price of land, traffic congestion, and the shortage of percapita public facilities. The space of city need to be expanded andthe functions need to be dispersed. So many cities began to or havealready carried out the measures which use the AdministrativeCenters’ Organic Decentralization to drive the other functions of thecities.The paper applies the theory of Organic Decentralization to theAdministrative Centers’ Organic Decentralization and the formerguides and explains the phenomena of the latter at the same time.According to the research of the eleven capital cities’ (These citieshave used the Administrative Centers’ Organic Decentralization in1990s.) location , construction land area, density of population,cities’ radium and the decentralization distance, and thecomparison between the new and old administrative centers’ location change, it came to the conclusion that the general modaland general guiding principles of the Administrative Centers’Organic Decentralization. It provides useful suggestion andreference for the Administrative Centers’ Organic Decentralizationin the future.The article includes three parts. In the first part, the basictheories and research of the Organic Decentralization andAdministrative Centre and the definition of them are explained. Themain theories of Organic Decentralization and AdministrativeCentre both at home and abroad and their historical developmenthave also been studied.The second part is the cases explainary of the typicalAdministrative Centre’ Organic Decentralization at home andabraod. At the same time, eleven capical cities’ OrganicDecentralization have been analysed.The third part, according to the analysing of the phenomena, itconcludes the reason, influence, decentralization modal and theguiding principles and other theories of Organic Decentralizationand Administrative Centers .

  • 【分类号】TU981
  • 【下载频次】307