

The Theory and Practice of the Design of the Learning Plan of High School Biology

【作者】 王保艳

【导师】 陈继贞;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 学案自从产生以来,得到了飞速的普及和发展,为学校教学带来了新的气象,本文立足教育学、教育心理学、发展心理学、教育哲学等相关理论,主要采用文献法、访谈法、案例分析法、哲学思辨法、教育观察法等方法对学案设计的理论和实践做了研究,旨在明确学案设计的理念,生成高中生物《分子与细胞》模块学案设计的典型示例,并通过实践活动检验该学案的可行性,从而为一线教师对学案的设计和学案的使用提供必要的的理论和实践支持。该论文分为七个部分。第一部分是学案的综述,主要基于学案的多种定义,对学案的概念进行了界定,列出了学案与教案的区别,分析了学案的主要类型。第二部分是问题的提出,主要从研究的背景、研究的现状和学案存在的问题三个方面进行了阐述,学案的产生和广泛使用是社会的需要,是树立以人为本的理念的需要,也是新课改的需要,虽然现在对学案的研究铺天盖地,但是对生物学案设计的研究较少,对《分子与细胞》模块进行学案设计的几乎没有,在学案的设计和使用中也存在很多问题。第三部分阐述了研究的目的、意义和方法,本研究旨在为学案的设计提供教育学、心理学和哲学等理论基础,从而设计出符合学生现状、有利于学生身心发展的学案,设计的学案力求有利于学生主体性的体现,有利于学生学习效率的提高和对知识的掌握,有利于学生能力的提高和情感态度价值观的形成。第四部分阐述了本研究的理论基础,主要从中国传统教育哲学、现代西方教育哲学、心理学、学生特点、教材分析五个方面展开论述,笔者对以上理论深入研究,为本研究尽量寻找有力的理论支持。在论文的第五部分,笔者生成了自己的学案设计理念,主要包括三个维度,即学案的内容、学案设计的原则和学案设计的思路。第六部分是学案设计的实践部分,包括三个方面内容,即教师使用学案的要求、学案的实施过程和本研究的教学实践过程。第七部分是实践结果及分析,主要用访谈法和教育观察法对教学实践的结果进行了分析,并做了相关总结,最后笔者阐述了一些观点和感想,并对本研究的后续工作进行了展望。总之,笔者立足前人的研究成果,鉴于学案研究的现状和不足,提出了本研究的研究意义和目的,并对学案设计的理论进行了研究,在此基础上,生成了学案设计的理念和思路,并选取典型示例进行了教育实践。最后得出了本研究的结论。笔者认为,学案的使用具有深远的意义,使用科学的学案进行教学不仅有利于增加学生的知识储备,提高高学生的思考能力、创新能力、协作能力和交际水平,还能给予学生必要的人文关怀,增强学生的自信心,激发学生学习的兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性,促进学生形成正确的人生态度和价值观,促进学生身心的和谐发展。

【Abstract】 Since the learning plan was generated, it has been got rapid popularization and development,bringing a new atmosphere to the school teaching. This article, based on the theories ofpedagogy, educational psychology, developmental psychology, educational philosophy,primarily using literature, interviews, case analysis, philosophical speculation, educationalobservation and other methods, studies theory and practice of the design of the learning plan inorder to specify the idea of the learning plan design, to generate a typical example of the learningplan of molecule and cell module of the high school biology, to test the feasibility of thislearning plan through practical activities, and to provide the necessary theoretical and practicalsupport for classroom teachers to design and use the learning plan.The paper is divided into seven parts. The first part summarizes the learning plan, mainlybased on the multiple definitions of the learning plan, defines the concept of the learning plan,lists the difference between the learning plan and teaching plan, and analyzes the main types ofthe learning plan.The second part is the proposing of the problems, mainly from three aspects: the researchbackground, the research status quo and the existing problems of the learning plan. Thegeneration of the learning plan and its widespread use is the needs of the society, of the idea ofestablishing a people-centered concept, and of the new curriculum reform. Although the study oflearning plan is overwhelming, but fewer studies are concentrated on the design of the learningplan of biology, with the design of the learning plan of the module of Molecule and Cell almostabsent, and with a lot of problems existing in the design and use of learning plan. The third part describes the purpose, meaning and research approaches. This study aims toprovide the theoretical basis of pedagogy, psychology and philosophy for the design of thelearning plan so as to design the learning plan to comply with the students’status quo, to beconducive to students’ physical and mental development, to be conducive to embodying thestudents’ subjectivity, to be conducive to boosting the students’learning efficiency and masteryof knowledge, and to be conducive to the improvement of students’ abilities and formation ofemotion, attitude and value.The fourth part demonstrates the theoretical basis of this study and discusses mainly fromthe five aspects of traditional Chinese philosophy of education, modern Western philosophy ofeducation, psychology, students’characteristics and teaching materials analysis. The authorstudies profoundly all the above theories, trying to find a strong theoretical support for this study.In the fifth part of the study, the author formed her own idea of the design of the learningplan, including three dimensions: contents of the learning plan, the principles and the train ofthought of the design of the learning plan.The Part VI is the practical part of the design of the learning plan, including the contents ofthe three aspects, namely, the requirements of teachers to use the learning plan, theimplementation process of the learning plan and the teaching practice process of the learningplan.The seventh part is the practical results and their analyses. The results of the teachingpractice are, by means of the interviews and educational observation, analyzed and relevantlysummarized. At length, the author illuminates some views and feelings, and expects thefollow-up work of this study.In short, the author, based on previous research results, in view of the status quo and theshortcomings, proposes the meaning and purpose of this study, and studies theory of the designof the learning plan. On this basis, the author forms the idea and train of thought and has aneducational practice of a selected typical example. Finally the author arrives at the conclusion ofthis study.The author believes that the use of the learning plan has far-reaching significance. Using a scientific learning plan to proceed teaching not only helps to increase students’ knowledgereserves and to improve the thinking abilities, innovation skills, collaboration capacities andinterpersonal levels of students, but also gives students the necessary humane care, enhancesstudents’ confidence, stimulates students’interest of learning, mobilizes the enthusiasm ofstudents, promotes the formation of the right life attitudes and values, and promotes theharmonious development of the students’ body and mind.
