

Influence of Parenting Styles on the Behavior at School of Junior Middle School Students: the Mediating Role of Psychological Capital

【作者】 张效芳

【导师】 杜秀芳;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 心理健康教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在全面推行素质教育的背景下,中小学心理健康教育蓬勃发展,对中小学生进行积极心理素质的培养成为心理健康教育的重要内容之一。心理资本是个体在成长和发展过程中表现出来的一种积极的心理状态,对个体的思想认知、主观体验、行为表现产生显著的影响。本研究选取了潍坊市两所初中和济宁市一所初中共483人作为研究对象,以积极心理资本问卷(PPQ)、在校行为问卷、父母教养方式问卷为研究工具,考察心理资本在父母教养方式对初中生在校行为的影响中的中介作用。运用Spss13.0对调查数据进行统计分析,主要结论如下:第一,初中生心理资本总体状况良好,心理资本总分在性别、独生非独生、年级、家庭所在地上无明显差异。自我效能维度独生子得分显著高于非独生子,农村学生希望维度得分较高。第二,女生在校行为总分及常规、课业、师生关系、同学关系维度上的得分显著高于男生;自我接受水平维度的得分独生子显著高于非独生子;家在农村的初中生常规、自我接受水平维度的得分显著高于家在城镇的学生;师生关系维度存在明显的年级差异,初一学生在师生关系维度上得分最高。第三,父亲教养方式拒绝维度上男生比女生得分高;父、母情感温暖维度独生子得分显著高于非独生子;父、母亲情感拒绝维度上家庭在城镇的初中生得分明显高于农村的初中生。第四,教养方式中父、母情感温暖与学生的在校行为呈显著正相关,而拒绝、过度保护与在校行为呈显著负相关。父母教养方式对在校行为有预测作用。第五,教养方式中父、母情感温暖与学生的在校行为、心理资本呈显著正相关,而拒绝、过度保护与在校行为、心理资本呈显著负相关。心理资本与在校行为呈显著正相关;心理资本对学生在校行为有预测作用。第六,总体而言,心理资本在母亲教养方式对初中生在校行为的影响中起着中介作用,即父母教养方式通过心理资本影响在校行为。

【Abstract】 In the background of the full implementation of the quality education, thepsychological health education of primary and middle school developed vigorously,Students,positive mental quality training to become one of the important contents ofpsychological health education. Psychological capital shows a positive mental state ofthe individual in their growth and development process, which affects their cognitiveprocess, behavior and happiness significantly.This study selected 483 students of two junior middle schools in Weifang and oneschool in Jining as the research object. By using positive psychological capitalquestionnaire (PPQ), behavior at school questionnaire, parenting styles questionnaireas research tools, the mediating role of psychological capital will be investigatedbetween the parenting styles and the behavior at school of junior middle schoolstudents.Spss13.0 is used to analysis the survey data of statistic. The main conclusionsare as follows:1. Junior high school students’ psychological capital is generally in a goodcondition; Psychological capital has no obvious differences among the gender, onlychild, grade,and the family seat ; The only son’ self-efficacy was significantly higherthan the non only child; The students whose home in the countryside hope todimensions higher scores.2. The girls’ overall school performance is better than the boys’; The selfacceptance of the only child is higher than that of the non only child; The schoolroutines and self acceptance of the students whose family seat in the countryside arebetter than the students whose family seat in the town. The teacher-student relationship dimension exist obvious differences in different grades, which scores thehighest in first grade of junior high school.3. Boys’ fathers score higher than girls’ fathers in parenting style and refusaldimension; parents’understanding and emotional warmth of only child is higher thanthat of the non only child. Parents of junior high school students in cities and townsscore significantly higher in refusal dimension than the parents in rural areas.4. There is a significant negative correlation between parents refuse, parentsprotect and the behavior at school. The relationship between parental warmth andbehavior at school of students is a significant positive correlation; Parental RearingPatterns on the behavior of school students can be used to predict.5. There is a significant negative correlation between parents refuse, parentsprotect and the psychological capital. The relationship between parental warmth andpsychological capital of students is a significant positive correlation; The relationshipbetween psychological capital and behavior at school present a significant positivecorrelation; Psychological capital on the behavior of school students can be used topredict.6. The psychological capital plays a mediating role in the influence of parentalrearing patterns on the junior middle school students’ behavior at school. Parentalrearing patterns affect the school behavior through the Psychological CapitalAppreciation.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】494