

【作者】 傅忠

【导师】 毕华林;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 为了解高中化学数字化实验教学现状,整合数字化实验教学资源,探索数字化实验教学有效策略,培养学生的科学素养、创新精神和实践能力,提高教育技术手段的现代化水平和教育信息化程度,本研究使用文献研究法、调查法、实验法等方法,对高中化学数字化实验教学进行了全面、系统的研究。本文首先对目前高中化学数字化实验教学现状进行了调查,通过调查研究发现:学生对数字化实验有兴趣、有需求,学生自己动手做实验的机会太少;教师开展数字化实验教学活动的积极性、主动性不高,数字化实验教育教学能力不强,数字化实验教学活动比较单一;学校之间数字化实验教学资源配置不均衡,存在数字化实验教学资源比较分散、利用不充分的现象。数字化实验教学是一个系统工程,单靠某一方面是不行的。本研究尝试创建基于数字化校园网的高中化学数字化实验教学网络平台,通过数字化实验教学网络平台,把各种教学资源整合起来,把教师、学生、教学资源联系起来。在此基础上本研究提出了高中化学数字化实验的教学策略:教学资源整合与开发策略,教学媒体多元化策略,自主合作与发现探究相结合策略,课堂教学与课外活动相结合策略。可以通过开展丰富多样的数字化实验教学活动,满足学生对数字化实验的兴趣和需求;可以通过开展虚拟仿真实验活动,给学生提供更多的实验机会;可以通过组织教师学习、培训,转变教师的观念,提高教师的数字化实验教育教学能力和水平,促使教师积极主动的开展数字化实验教学活动。为了验证所提出的教学策略的有效性,本研究还开展了教学实验活动。教学实验结果证明数字化实验教学活动是培养学生科学素养、创新精神和实践能力的有效途径。

【Abstract】 In order to understand the present situation of digital experimental teachingof chemistry in senior high schools, to integrate digital teaching resources, toexplore effective strategies of digital experimental teaching, to cultivatestudents’ scientific literacy, innovative spirit and practice ability, and toimprove modernization in educational techniques and educational information, thisthesis is intended to conduct a comprehensive, systematic research on digitalexperimental teaching in high school chemistry, employing methodology such asliterature research, investigation, and experiment.Firstly, we conducted a survey on the status quo of high school digitalchemistry experiment teaching. It is found out that students are interested indigital experiments, but have few opportunities to operate themselves; teachersare not enthusiastic or motivated to carry out digital experimental teachingactivities, their abilities in digital experimental teaching is limited, theactivities in digital experiment teaching is too simple; and moreover,distributions of digital experimental teaching resources is unbalanced betweenschools, thus the existing resources are scattered and not used edeqately.Digital experimental teaching is a systematic project, requiring joint effortsof various aspects. This study attempts to create a network platform for high schoolchemistry experimental and digital teaching based on digital campus network, andintegrate all kinds of teaching resources, including teachers, students, otherteaching resources.On the basis of this platform, a series of teaching strategieare propsed: integration and development of digital teaching resources,diversification of teaching media, combination of autonomous cooperative learningand exploration, and combiniation of classroom teaching and extracurricularactivities. Therefore, we can carry out a variety of digital experimental teachingactivities to meet the students’interest and demand in digital experiment; carryout virtual simulation experimental activities to provide students with moreexperimental opportunities; organize learning or training programs for teachersto change their ideas and improve their capacity in digital experimental teaching, and eventually encourage teachers to take an active part in the development ofdigital experiment teaching activities.Furthermore, an experimental teaching is conducted in order to verify theeffectiveness of the proposed teaching strategies.The results proves that digitalexperimental activites are effective approachs to cultivate students’ scientificliteracy, innovation spirit and practice ability.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】530