

Rizhao City Middle School Physical Education Teachers’ Continuing Education under the New Curriculum Situation Survey Report

【作者】 刘军强

【导师】 张志勇;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 体育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 “教师是教育改革的中心”。“新课改”的实施需要教育者的切身参与,师资队伍的质量水平高低,决定了“新课改”的实施顺利与否。体育教育是素质教育的重要一环,必须发挥其独特的教育优势,探索自己的发展道路。中学体育教学观念不断更新,教学方法不断创新,中学体育教师向一专多能化、职业化发展是必然趋势,因此体育教师必须紧跟时代步伐,适应教育改革发展,改变传统教学观念,不断提高自身素质,拓展、提高自己的知识、技能水平。高等专业教育的一次性滞后于教育的发展趋势,决定了其落后教育事业日益快速发展的步伐,因此需要继续教育来改善这种现状。继续教育是终身教育的有益补充,是教师顺利从事教育教学工作的需要,因此体育教师要积极主动参加继续教育,从而使体育教师素质得到全面发展,促进素质教育全面推进,“新课改”得到实际落实。本课题采用了文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法等科学研究方法,首先对体育师资现状与国内外体育教师继续教育的研究现状进行阐述,是本研究的理论基础,对体育教师继续教育的发展研究趋势进行分析归纳总结,以日照市高中体育教师作为研究对象,调查研究日照市中学体育教师师资现状以及继续教育中存在的问题,进而提出改善日照市中学体育教师继续教育现状的对策和方法。本研究得出的结论是:日照市中学体育教师现有师资现状结构较合理,呈现良好的发展趋势,多数体育教师认为应该主动参加继续教育培训,同时也暴露出体育教师在继续教育培训方面的问题。如:部分体育教师在教学工作中充满疑惑,不能充分发挥自己的教学优势;继续教育培训过程中,课程设置上未能全面考虑教师需要,过于偏重理论性培训,形式僵化,实用性差,与教师的期望有距离;需要加强裁判培训力度,因为对新规则的不了解造成体育工作失误的教师不在少数;不注重英语和科研水平的提高;教师对于继续教育的认识不够全面,缺少正确的引导,具有一定功利性,对于自身职业与自我认同上有一定的差距;对于非学历教育缺少足够的主动性,同时受限于高额花费的学历教育;继续教育的评价与激励方式有待完善。通过对当前日照市中学体育教师继续教育的现状的研究,针对其出现的问题,提出了以下对策:1.树立正确引导方向,加强教师职业道德教育;2.促进继续教育正确观念的形成,更新参与意识;3.完善继续教育培训制度、内容,提高培训质量;4.拓宽继续教育参与模式,加强继续教育网络平台建设;5.分层次,分目标,统筹兼顾,合理安排培训计划;6.组建高素质师资培训队伍;7.健全激励机制。

【Abstract】 "The teacher is the center of education reform.”The implementation of the newcurriculum requires the immediate involvement of educators, teachers, quality level isdetermined by the implementation of the new curriculum successfully or not. Physicaleducation is an important part of quality education must play its unique educationaladvantages and to explore their own development path. Constantly update the conceptof physical education teaching in secondary schools, teaching methods innovative,high school physical education teachers to mufti-skill, professional development is aninevitable trend, physical education teachers must keep up the pace and adapt to thedevelopment of education reform, to change the traditional teaching concepts, andcontinuously improve their own quality expand and improve their knowledge andskill levels. One-time higher professional education lags behind the development ofeducation trends, determine its backward education in an increasingly fast pace ofdevelopment and therefore require continuing education to improve this situation.Continuing education is a useful complement of life-long education, is the need forteachers successfully engaged in education and teaching, physical education teachersto actively participate in continuing education, so that the quality of physicaleducation teachers to get all-round development.This topic literature questionnaire expert interviews and mathematical statistics,scientific method, first described the research status of physical education teachers thestatus quo and continuing education of physical education teachers at home andabroad, the theoretical basis of this study, physical education teachers to continue thedevelopment of education research trend analysis summarized, Rizhao City HighSchool physical education teachers as research Rizhao City Middle School Physical Education teacher education status quo and continuing education, then put forward toimprove the continuing education of middle school PE teachers in Rizhao Citystrategies and methods of the status quo.The conclusions of this study is: Rizhao City middle school PE teacher status ofthe existing teacher structure is more reasonable, showing a good trend ofdevelopment, physical education teachers basically think we should take the initiativeto participate in continuing education and training, but also exposed to physicaleducation teachers in continuing education and training problem. Some physicaleducation teachers in the teaching work full of doubt can not give full play to theirown teaching strengths; the process of continuing education and training, can not takefull account of the curriculum teachers need too much emphasis on theoreticaltraining, rigid form of practical difference, and teachers the expectations of distance.need to strengthen the referee training efforts, because of the new rules a few teachersdo not understand the cause of sports mistakes not pay attention to raising the level ofEnglish and scientific research. Teachers for continuing education are notcomprehensive enough, the lack of proper guidance. Has a certain utilitarian, the gapfor their own career and self-identity lack of initiative for non-academic education.Through the study of the status quo of the current middle school PE teachers inRizhao City, continuing education for its problems, the following measures: 1. toestablish the correct guidance direction to enhance teachers’ professional ethicseducation;2. To promote the correct formation of the concept of continuing education,updating sense of participation; 3.Improve the continuing education training toimprove the quality of training; 4.Expand the continuing education participationmodel to strengthen the continuing education network platform; 5.Levels, targets, andbalanced, reasonable arrangements for the training program; 6.The formation of highquality of teacher training team; 7.Improve the incentive mechanism.

  • 【分类号】G633.96
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】151