

【作者】 王萍

【导师】 赵建民;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在过去的“十一五”中,我国的职业教育从多方面进行了积极的探索研究并取得了显著的成效,但是从全国整体情况看,整体办学水平尤其是专业建设水平还不能很好地适应国家、企业所需要的职业化,虽能做到学校与企业合作,部分的实现了“工学结合”,但专业课和实践课的分阶段明显,专业设置与产业发展脱节,课程教学内容与职业要求脱节,等问题还很明显。所以,本文拟对基于职业导向的高职技能课程开发进行比较系统的研究。本选题是在高职教育飞速发展,教育实践不断成熟的时代背景下应运而生的,中国高职教育需要在职业导向理念的指导下发展得更加成熟。本文依照提出问题、分析问题、解决问题、实践案例的思路,在对大量的国内外相关文献研究和当前中国的职业化教育现状的研究基础上,首先从职业导向、技能型课程、技能型课程开发的内涵分析入手,寻找职业导向与技能型课程开发的适切性;其次在杜威的“实用主义教育思想”指导下研究基于职业导向的高职技能型课程开发思路、开发目标、定位,构建了基于职业导向的高职技能型课程开发模型;最后详尽的描述了把这一研究成果付诸实践,用于文化旅游系餐饮管理专业《食品营养与卫生》这一课程设计开发的过程。论文还针对课程开发后的实施效果进行了评价调查和访谈,尤其是最后的跟踪调查学生学习实习后的动向,获得第一手真实可靠的资料,以用于新一轮的课程改革研究。另外,本研究的研究视角是从具体专业学生入手进行研究和深入发掘,比纯理论性的课题更具参考价值,使所开发的理论在保持自有特色的基础上更具有针对性、实用性和灵活性,有被广泛推广和应用具有深远的意义。本论文的重点是在理论上构建了一个行之有效的基于职业导向的高职技能型课程模型,也具有一定的创新性。以技能开发为主线展开课程开发,以模块化方式呈现教学内容,以职业实践为中心设计教学方法,以动态教学资源库建设为重点整合教学信息资源是本课程开发模式的显著特点。论文的创新点在于,提出要实现职业导向教育必须通过四个环节的教育实践来实现:职业认知、职业能力培养、职业情景模拟、职业体验,并把目标管理应用于教学效果评价,使整个课程设计富有层次感和科学性。

【Abstract】 In the past" eleven five" years, we have carried on the positive exploration research for ouroccupation education from many aspects and have achieved remarkable results. But in ourcountry, the overall level of schools, particularly the level of specialty construction, are not welladapted to the occupation which the state and enterprises need. it can cooperate school withenterprises, and partly achieve the implementation of" Work-study Combination", but there arestill many problems, such as the stages of professional courses and practice courses are evident,specialty setting and industrial development are out of line, the course content and occupationrequirements is out of line, etc. Therefore, this paper intends to study the Career-oriented skilledcurriculum exploitation in Vocational school more systematically. This topic emerges under thebackground of the rapid development of Vocational education and under the matured educationalpractice. Chinese vocational education would meet a more mature development under theguidance of the theory.According to the thought of presenting problems, analyzing problems, solving problems andproviding a lot of practical case, based on a large number of domestic and foreign literatureresearch and China’s current status quo of professional education, This article firstly looks for theappropriateness of career-oriented and skills-based curriculum development from theconnotation analysis of occupation guidance, skill course and skill curriculum development.Secondly Study on occupation oriented vocational curriculum development train of thought,development goals, positioning under the guidance of Dewey’s Pragmatic Educational thoughts"and construct occupation oriented vocational curriculum development model. At last, a detaileddescription of the research findings into practice is put forward------- the“food nutrition andhygiene" curriculum’s design and development process for cultural tourism, cateringmanagement professional. This paper provides surveys and interviews for the effect of thecurriculum development, especially makes the last follow-up survey of students’ trends afterlearning practice and gets a first hand of real and reliable data for a new round of thecurriculum reform research. In addition, the research angle of view is from the specificprofessional students to conduct research and explore deeply and more valuable than the puretheoretical task, so the development of the theory is more pertinence, practicability andflexibility in maintaining its own characteristics, and has the profound significance of beingwidely promoted and applied.The focus of this paper is to construct a effective vocational curriculum model which isbased on Occupation orientation, and has certain innovation.The features of this model is thattakes the skills development as the main line to expand the curriculum development, showsteaching content In a modular fashion, designs teaching methods centering occupation practice,and focuses dynamic teaching resources repository’s construction to Integrate the teachinginformation resources. The innovations of this article are to put forward that achieving theoccupation oriented education must pass through four aspects of the education practice:occupation cognition, occupation ability training, occupation of scene simulation and occupationexperience, and the target management should be applied to the evaluation of teaching effect, sothat the whole curriculum design is rich of sense of hierarchy and Science.

  • 【分类号】G712.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】399