

【作者】 董法尧

【导师】 李梅训;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 历史文献学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 《黄帝内经》成书问题历来被学者所重视,其核心是《汉书·艺文志》所著录的《黄帝内经》与今天我们所见《素问》、《灵枢》的关系。本文从考察“篇”、“卷”作为书籍计量单位的演变入手,结合《汉志》中“篇”、“卷”的著录情况,得出两点结论:一是《汉志》著录书籍有许多篇卷不一致的情况;二是《汉志》中有积篇为卷的例证。“卷”在计量书籍时表示物质载体的起讫,往往比“篇”所含内容更多。“篇”在计量书籍时表示文义上的起讫,往往不可再分。由此推断《黄帝内经》十八卷完全可以包含《素问》与《灵枢》一百六十二篇的内容。《黄帝内经》一名可能是刘向校书时所题;篇目编次可能也是刘向校书时所定;《素问》、《灵枢》可能是《黄帝内经》的单行别本,《黄帝内经》由《素问》、《灵枢》两部分独立著作组成符合汉代著书的体例。晋人皇甫谧是首次明言《黄帝内经》十八卷即《素问》九卷合《灵枢》九卷的学者。本文通过对皇甫谧学术历程的研究,发现三条重要线索:一是皇甫谧是由于看过《七略》才有此论断的,而《七略》中有关于《内经》体例、内容方面的题解,包括此书的作者、内容简介、篇章次序以及学术渊源;二是《七略》亡佚于隋唐五代时,而对皇甫氏的说法提出异议的人均未见过《七略》;三是皇甫谧编撰的《针灸甲乙经》是对《黄帝内经》在体例和内容上的仿写。这从另一个角度证明《汉志》中所录《黄帝内经》完全有可能是《素问》与《灵枢》。《黄帝内经》一书自汉代成书以来多有亡佚散失,历代对此书的注释与补遗也从未停止。其中,南朝的全元起是可考的首位注释《内经》的学者;隋代杨上善根据《内经》分类汇编成《黄帝太素》一书,成为研究《内经》的另一重要版本;唐代的王冰对《黄帝内经》调整篇次、修正讹误,并据秘本补入了“七篇大论”;北宋林亿再次对王冰注本进行整理补注,最终才形成了我们今日所见的《黄帝内经》。本文认为,《黄帝内经》经历了多次散失、辑佚、校释、增删整理,最后才形成我们今天所见的版本,《黄帝内经》的成书是一个漫长的历史过程:取材于先秦、成编于西汉、补亡于东汉、增补于魏晋、补遗于唐宋。

【Abstract】 The completed time of HuangDiNeiJing has been paid attention by scholars.The core iswhat the relationship of Suwen,Lingsu and the HuangDiNeiJing. The paper interprets Pian,Juanas books units of measurement ,combined the han record Pian, Juan description of the situation,draw two conclusions: one is HanZhi have many example that the Pian is not equal the Juan . Weconcluded that the HuangDiNeiJing 18 Juan can contain the one hundred and sixty-two Pian.The HuangDiNeiJing may be named by liuxiang.HuangFuMi is the first person that he said Suwen and Lingsu is the HuangDiNeiJing.This paper through to HuangFuMi academic course of study,found that three important clues:one is the HuangFuMi had read Qilue and then got the conclusion. Qilue has descriped thetheory of style and content,including the author of the book, content abstract and discourse orderand academic origin; Secondly, it is Qilue lost in the southern song dynasty. What ismore,HuangFuMi writed HuangDiZhengJiuJaYiJing by imitate the HuangFuMi style.HuangDiNeiJing have lost since han dynasty. The comment had been added and revise onthe history. Among of them, Quanyuanqi is the first scholar that explain the book; In the suidynasty Yangshangshan classificate assembly the book that become the research of the theory ofanother important version; In the tang dynasty wangbing had adjusted,modified the books;In thenorthern song dynasty LinYI annotated again; Then the book were finished finally. This paperargues that the HuangDiNeiJing experienced loss,additions and finally form the version that wesee now, HuangDiNeiJing is a long historical process.

【关键词】 《黄帝内经》《素问》《灵枢》
【Key words】 HuangDiNeiJingSuwenLingshu