

【作者】 韩文青

【导师】 张宏森;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 电影学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,随着电影放映业的不断深化改革,中国电影产业链逐渐完善和强壮起来,作为终端行业的电影院如雨后春笋般纷纷开始“跑马圈地”,希望在中国电影市场上大展拳脚。在影院投资过热的背景之下,随之带来了许多值得思考的问题。影院是电影产业化发展的根本性基础,也是制片、发行、放映等环节赖以维系的支柱,其经营成败直接关系到电影业的兴衰成败。自电影院线制在我国推行以来,院线对于影院的统一管理使得许多电影院养成了一种“惰性”,过度依赖于院线的统筹和大笔的资金做后盾,而丧失了自身的经营意识,这不可避免的会使得越来越多的影院趋于同质化,因而,寻求差异化发展是影院需要考虑的问题。从2011年度影片票房排名来看,前十名当中,仅有四部国产影片:《金陵十三钗》、《建党伟业》、《龙门飞甲》、《失恋33天》。其余均为国外引进的影片。国产影片的发展迟缓,一方面是由于电影创作有待提高,另一方面则与电影放映终端市场息息相关。然而,如今新建电影院层出不穷,却很少有出类拔萃的特色电影院出现,除了比拼奢华的装潢、最新的放映设备之外,却忽视了最为重要的影院营销策略的探讨与创新,而本文中所选择的这家电影院——广州华影青宫电影城,能够凭借其独特的营销策略在同质化的浪潮中脱颖而出,特别是在国产中小影片的运作方面非常成功,获得各界的好评,因此具有典范意义和研究价值。本文共包括四大章。第一部分的绪论作为整篇论文的背景阐述,主要分析了当前我国的影院经营管理概况,回顾了电影院在我国兴起与发展的历程以及电影院线制的建立,对国内电影市场的发展现状进行了简要的介绍,票房的飞速增长激发了国内电影院建设的积极性,却也激化了行业内部的竞争,而目前存在的同质化严重影响了影院进一步的发展,提出差异化经营管理模式的重要性。此外,还举例介绍了国内电影市场的三大“票仓”——北京、上海、广东,以及电影院线与影院存在的关系模式,即资产联结模式、签约加盟模式,以及两种关系兼容的院线。从目前发展情况来看,国内电影院线存在缺乏特色、发展不均衡等问题,昭示出新一轮院线重组的可能性。从第二章开始,本文结合广州华影青宫电影城这一典型案例,深入探讨了影院营销策略。第二章主要围绕影院的形象建构与市场定位两方面进行研究,突出影城的经营理念、品牌意识、受众分析等方面的重要性,结合公益营销及内部营销探讨了如何从经营理念方面建立影院独特的品牌形象;并以受众市场为中心进行论述,运用大众传播学中的受众理论及营销学中的目标营销理论,通过对广州华影青宫电影城的SWOT矩阵的解析,提出市场细分、找准目标受众在影院发展过程中的重要性。在第三章中,从事件营销、差异化营销探讨了多元的影院营销模式,论述了公关宣传、危机处理以及社会参与等营销公关方式。之后,结合“长尾理论”的公式以及广州华影青宫电影城的实践,分析了差异化营销的战略意义以及具有可操作性的提出差异化营销策略。在最后一章当中,由当前影院的营销策略分析,预测了未来开拓影院市场空间的可能性,首先探讨了未来“大影院”发展的趋势,总结出感动消费时代下的影院“SHE”法则(Service、Humanity、Expedience),并强调体验营销在影院实际发展过程中的意义。其次,从文化营销策略出发,探讨了文化在影院市场运作中的重要性:现代影院的发展与影院自身的文化内涵息息相关,将影院打造成一个兼具文化与娱乐休闲的场所是一条可持续发展之路。第三,运用整合营销的策略,探讨了网络微博、手机等新媒体营销模式。最后,综合对影院营销策略的认识和分析,反馈在电影创作方面,以此作为小结,提出了电影市场与电影艺术加强相互沟通、相互交流、相互促进才能够推动电影产业链健康、快速的发展。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the cinema industry reforming deeply, the movie industry chain ofchina is more and more perfect and stronger gradually. As the terminal industry, all of thecinemas begin to staking their claims like the springing up to show their energy in the moviemarket of china. But over the investment, there are many questions. The cinema industry is thefoundation of the movie chain, so it is very important to the movie industry. From the cinemaline’s creation, the system’s management makes many cinemas forming inertia, and they overdepend on the system’s co-ordination and funds so that they lost the manage awareness insult ofmore and more cinemas being the same. Therefore looking for the differentiation is the veryimportant question of the cinemas.In 2011,ten highest ranked movies, there are only four from Domestic Films: The FlowersOf War, Beginning Of The Great Revival, Flying Swords of Dragon Gate, Love Is Not Blind.The others are all foreign films. There are two reasons about the Domestic Films developingslowly, one results from the filmmaking, another is closely linked to the film industry. Althoughthe cinemas emerge in an endless stream, the extraordinary cinema is rare. They only focused onthe luxurious decoration and the newest projection equipment, but missed the most importantthings that are the investigation and innovations of cinema marketing strategy. In this paper, theGuangzhou Qing Gong Cinema becoming eminent depends on the particular marketing strategyfrom the homogeneity, especially it is very successful about promoting the small and mediumdomestic movies, and gets high praise. So it has model significance and research value.This paper includes four parts. The first part concerns on the background. It mainly analyzesthe theater management overview in our country, reviews the rise and development of cinemasand establishment of cinema system, and introduces the domestic film market. The box office’sstratospheric growth sparks the enthusiasm in the cinema construction, but also sharpens thecompetition within the industry. The homogenization impacts on the cinemas developmentseriously resulting in the difference management becoming very important. Besides, it introducesthe most prosperous areas in our country: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, and the relationbetween the film chain and cinemas that is asset link and agency franchise, as well as both modes. Judging from the present situation of development, there are many problems, forexample, lack of features, uneven development and so on, that reveals the possibility of thereorganization of cinema.From the second part, this paper combining the Guangzhou Qing Gong Cinema inquiresdeeply into the cinema marketing strategy. The second part stresses the importance about theoperation principle, brand awareness and audience analysis with the charity marketing andinternal marketing around the cinema image construction and market positioning to research.Next it focuses the audience marketing with the audience theory from mass-communication andtarget marketing theory from marketing and put forward the significance of market segment andobject location through the SWOT matrix about Guangzhou Qing Gong Cinema.In the third part, it studies the diversified cinema marketing mode from event marketing anddifferentiated marketing, and it discusses the public-relations, crisis management and communalparticipation. Then this paper analyses the strategic significance of differentiated marketing andthe applicable differential marketing strategy according to the Long Tail and Qing GongCinema’s practice cases.In the last part, it from the analysis about the cinema marketing at present predicts thepossibilities of the cinema market space in the future. First it probes into the developmenttendency of comprehensive theater, from what summarizes the SHE rule under the consumptionera and stresses the meaning of experience marketing. Then, from the cultural marketingstrategies, it inquires into the importance of culture in the cinema market: the development ofmodern theater cannot be separated from the cultural connotation, so making one cinema bothhas cultural and entertaining is a sustainable development road. Next, it studies the networkingmicroblog and mobile new media marketing, using the integrated marketing strategy. At last, thispaper synthesizes the analysis about cinema marketing feedbacks the film creation as summary:the cinema marketing and cinematic art must strengthen mutual communication and mutualpromotion to promote the film industry chain healthy and rapidly developing.
