

Screening for Al Resistence Cultivars and the Role of Plasma Membrane H~+-ATPase in Plant Aluminum Resistance

【作者】 郑诚

【导师】 郑绍建;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 植物学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 铝毒害是酸性土壤植物生长主要的限制因子。浙江省分布着大面积的酸性土壤,且酸化有加重的趋势。本文前一部分是通过对浙江省范围内的土壤pH值数据的调查,收集浙江省内主要酸性土壤地区的地方性农作物种质资源共187份。以相对根伸长为指标,对各个品种的耐铝性进行评估和筛选。在赤豆、玉米、荞麦等物种中鉴定获得了具有较强铝耐性的种质资源;并在小麦、赤豆和荞麦中鉴定得到了在一定浓度铝处理下相对根伸长差异超过30%的不同品种,说明在地方性品种中可以筛选得到一些更具抗铝性的抗性品种。这为今后的抗铝生理机制及抗性基因资源的保护、挖掘与利用提供了了丰富的研究材料。铝诱导根系草酸分泌是一个重要的铝外部排斥机制,但对其分泌过程是否与细胞质膜上的质子泵有关仍有争议。本研究后半部分以铝诱导根系能快速分泌草酸的番茄为材料,从生理和分子两个层次深入探讨了草酸分泌与细胞质膜H+-ATPase活性间的关系。我们发现不同处理时间和不同铝处理浓度下,铝诱导的草酸分泌与细胞质膜质子H+-ATPase的活性不相关。外加细胞质膜H+-ATPase活性抑制剂VA不影响草酸的分泌,但外加阴离子通道抑制剂PG明显抑制了草酸的分泌,但不影响H+-ATPase活性;La处理提高了细胞质膜H+-ATPase活性,但并不诱导草酸的分泌,两个耐铝性不同的番茄品种铝胁迫下草酸分泌量不同,但与质膜H+-ATPase活性并无对应关系,上述几个方面的结果充分表明番茄铝诱导的草酸分泌和铝对番茄细胞质膜H+-ATPase酶活性的调节是相互独立的过程。此外,对于细胞质膜H+-ATPase的三个基因的表达情况研究初步揭示了铝对细胞质膜H+-ATP酶表达水平上的调控。

【Abstract】 Aluminum is the major restriction factor of plant in acid soils. Most of the soil are acid soil in Zhejiang Province, and soil acidification become more and more severe. In the first part of this research we collect 187 local crop cultivars of various species which are cultured in low soil pH areas, according to the data of soil pH in Zhengjiang. In order to evaluate the Al tolerant character of these cultivars, the measurements of relative root elongation (RRE) was taken. We identified relatively more tolerant cultivars in Azuki bean, maize and wheat etc. Some cultivars of wheat, azuki bean and buckwheat were interestingly found to have great variance (>30%) of RRE in certain aluminum concentration. This indicates it is possible to find some crop resources with high aluminum resistance in local culticars. A library of the local crop cultivars was established in this research and it will provide ideal materials for future studies and saving gene recourses.Al-induced oxalate secretion is one of the major Al resistance mechanisms, but it is still controversial that whether plasma membrane H+-ATPase is in volved in the process. The second part of this paper focus on tomato, which can rapidly secrete oxalate in response to Al. the plasma membrane. We studied the oxalate secretion, and the H+-ATPase activity pattern under Al treatment. The correlation between PM H+-ATPase activity and Al-induced oxalate secretion was found to be not significant according to time and dose dependent Al treatment. Exposure to the PM H+-ATPase inhibitor VA do not influence oxalate secretion, but PG which reduced the Al-induced oxalate secretion, have no effect on PM H+-ATPase activity. Exposure to La confirms that Al is more likely to enhance oxalate secretion rather than high PM H+-ATPase activity. A comparative study on Hezuo903 (relatively sensitive) and Micro-tom (relatively toleran) provide direct evidence to show only Al-induced oxalate secretion but not PM H+-ATPase is correlated with Al tolerant variance between two cultivars. And at last a RT-PCR results is given and shows the expression pattern of 3 PM H+-ATPase gene regulates by Al in transcriptional level.

【关键词】 铝毒耐铝地方性品种酸性土壤草酸细胞质膜H~+-ATP酶
【Key words】 Al toxicityAl tolerantoxalatePM H~+-ATPase
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期