

A Detector Based on the Microcantilever Piezoresistance Sensor

【作者】 周振

【导师】 翟成瑞; 文丰;

【作者基本信息】 中北大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的发展,微悬臂梁压阻桥式传感器的应用越来越广泛。由于微悬臂梁传感器所输出的信号通常十分微弱,而且经常伴有大量噪声的干扰,因此设计一款能在强噪声背景下对传感器进行微弱信号检测的仪器显得十分必要。论文研究了MEMS悬臂梁传感器的制备工艺,并通过对传感器检测仪功能指标进行分析,提出了检测仪的设计方案。针对普通的惠斯通电桥调零不精确的缺点,设计了高精度电桥调零电路,在电桥的一个桥臂上添加一个差分运算放大器,通过调整差分运放的输入端与参考端电压,可实现电桥电路的高精度调零。运用锁定放大技术,对调零以后的电桥信号进行锁定放大操作,可有效提取强噪声背景下的微弱信号。以单片机MSP430F149作为中心控制器,对检测仪的电桥调零模块、两级放大模块、锁定放大模块、液晶显示模块等进行控制,同时通过串口通信模块与完成与上位机之间的通讯。上位机利用VB软件将采集到传感器输出的电压信号以波形方式直观的显示,也可以通过串口发命令的方式控制检测仪进行系统重新调零、放大倍数调整等操作。该系统具有硬件电路简单、增益可调、电桥自动调零、功耗低、界面友好等优点。

【Abstract】 With the development of the technology, the microcantilever piezoresistance sensor hasbeen used more widely. Because of the microcantilever sensor’s output is usually very weak,and there are lots of noises in it, it is necessary to design a detector to pick up the weak signalunder the strong interference of the noise.Through the analysis of the requirement of the sensor detector, the paperpresents the design of the detector. A high-precision bridge zero circuit has been designedafter the Wheatstone bridge circuit has been improved according to its existing shortcoming.Use the lock in amplifier, the weak signal can be effectively extracted from the backgroundof strong noise. The paper use MSP430F149 to control the amplifier module, lock in amplifiermodule, LCD module. Through the serial communication module to communicate with theupper computer. The upper computer collects the voltage signal output by the sensor usingVB software, then displaying it in waveform. It can restart zero setting and adjust theamplification of the system by the way of sending command via serial port. This system hasadvantages like simple hardware circuit, low power consumption and friendly interface, etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期