

The Discussion on the Role Conflict and Coordination of "the Village in the City" Community Inside-system Elites

【作者】 陈思

【导师】 董小燕;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 政治学理论, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 随着城市化的进程的不断推进,农村的土地被大量地开发征用。尽管这些农村社区已经被划归城市范畴,但其社会属性仍保留着很强的传统色彩,被称为“城中村”。“城中村”一方面是城市化过程中产生的特殊现象,另一方面又是转型期社会的微观缩影。“国家—社会”的权力结构投射在“城中村”社区即表现为基层政府与社区自治组织的关系。为了更加具体和深入地剖析当前社区的权力结构,本文选择将社区体制内精英作为研究的切入点。因为社区体制内精英是社区内的一个重要权力主体,处在各方利益的结合点上,故将其作为研究对象可以集中而又全面地呈现社区的权力结构。本文在对社区体制内精英的具体分析中采用了社会角色理论作为研究工具,按照“角色冲突的表现——角色冲突中的行动策略——角色冲突的根本原因——角色冲突的发展趋势——角色冲突的协调”的逻辑对精英的角色冲突展开分析,着重探究社区体制内精英角色冲突产生背后的权力逻辑,尝试将社区自治作为协调精英角色冲突的有效路径。

【Abstract】 With the development of urbanization, a large number of rural area has been expropriated. Despite these rural communities have been placed under the city category, but its social property still retains strong traditional color, called" the village in the city".These rural area which being included in the city retains its social attributes. On one hand, the downtown village is an special phenomenon which is resulted from urbanization, on the other hand, micro-microcosm of social transformation.The power structure of country-society on the downtown village community is shown as the relationship between local government and community autonomy organizations.In order to gain a better understanding of the communities’power structure, the dissertation mainly explore the inside-system elites. Because the community inside-system elites is the community an important subject of power, and they are in the interests of all parties to the joint point, so treat they as the research object can concentrate and comprehensive presentation of community power structure. On community inside-system elites specific analysis using social role theory as a theoretical tool, The main part according to the following logic analysis "Role conflict performance - Role conflict tactics - Role conflict root cause - Role conflict development trend - Role conflict coordination", and focuses on studying the inside-system elites’role conflicts behind the power of logic, try to treat community autonomy as the effective path of coordination in elites’role conflict.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期