

Study on the Sake Made from Rice and Lotus Seeds

【作者】 黄美娟

【导师】 王向阳;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工商大学 , 食品科学与工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们生活水平的提高和保健意识的增强,对酒的保健功能的研究越来越受到重视。我国的大米和莲子资源丰富,清酒有预防癌症、心脏病、高血压、糖尿病、健忘症、骨质疏松等保健功能,因此酿造一种具有地方特色的口感比较清淡柔和的大米-莲子清酒具有比较广阔的发展空间。本论文主要对酿酒的原料和菌种进行研究,结合单因素实验和正交实验,检测发酵酒的基本理化指标,以优化酿制大米—莲子清酒的最佳发酵工艺,且对酿制好的酒液进行澄清和灭菌工艺的研究,最后分析了清酒的品质,对陈酿后的成品清酒用GC-MS进行了风味物质的检测,对成品酒进行感官评价、理化检测、微生物检测,为工业上酿制大米-莲子清酒提供一定的理论依据。主要研究结果如下:1.在酿酒过程中,原料成分以及原料的处理方法与酒的品质息息相关,因此对大米和莲子基本理化成分的检测,研究浸泡与蒸煮对成分的影响能为大米莲子发酵产品开发提供依据。实验结果表明,原料浸泡过程中吸水率会上升,浸渍液pH下降,原料的营养成分粗蛋白、粗脂肪、总糖、还原糖都下降。而且随着浸泡温度的升高,营养物质的流失更加厉害,为了达到浸泡的效果而又不使营养物质流失的过多,实验中可选取20℃浸泡1d。蒸煮后原料蛋白质含量稍有所降低,粗脂肪含量有所增加,淀粉含量有少量升高趋势,实验采用料水比1:1.4蒸煮对产酒更好,酒精度较高,糖度和酸度也较为合适。2.酵母菌在酒的酿制过程中起着非常重要的作用。温度、pH是影响微生物生长繁殖的重要环境因素。通过对酵母菌生长特性的研究发现,酵母菌在培养基中的最适生长温度在25-30℃之间,最适生长pH在5-6之间,酵母菌对糖、盐,酒精都有较好的耐受能力,酵母的生长量随着糖、盐,酒精含量的增加而减少。成曲中的淀粉酶和糖化酶影响着淀粉质成分的分解,对酒的整个酿造过程具有显著的影响。熟料的水分、米曲的培养温度、曲精的添加量都会影响到成品曲的酶活。由实验得出熟料水分为40%-50%制曲效果比较好,米曲霉适宜的温度在30-35℃之间,米曲霉添加的最佳量为1%。3.研究了清酒的酿造工艺,对发酵温度、酒母添加量、米曲添加量、料水比、初始pH进行单因素实验,根据单因素实验结果设计正交实验。实验结果表明,酿制大米制酒的最佳工艺条件:发酵温度为20℃,酒母添加量为5%,米曲霉添加量为0.2%,料水比为1:1.5,初始pH值为5.0。酿制莲子制酒的最佳工艺条件:发酵温度为21℃,酒母添加量为5%,米曲霉添加量为0.3%,料水比为1:1.8,初始pH值为5.0。为了更能发挥莲子酒的保健功能同时又尽可能的节约成本,再结合酒精度综合因素考虑,莲子酒和大米酒可以采取1:7的比例勾兑。从酒精度、生产成本以及莲子的保健功能综合考虑,实验中莲子和大米采取1:6的比例进行共酵酿酒。酿制大米—莲子共酵清酒的最佳工艺条件:发酵温度为20℃,酒母添加量为6%,米曲霉添加量为0.3%,料水比为1:1.8,初始pH值为5.0。该实验结果可为工业上酿制莲子清酒提供一定的参考,促进资源的合理利用。4.采用了明胶、壳聚糖、交联聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVPP)、蛋清、木瓜蛋白酶、活性炭为澄清剂,对原酒进行澄清处理,实验结果得出明胶-壳聚糖联用澄清的澄清效果最好,达到95.2%,壳聚糖、明胶、PVPP单独使用的澄清效果也相当不错。明胶-壳聚糖联用澄清酒的最佳澄清工艺条件,即明胶添加量为0.15%,壳聚糖添加量为0.01%,澄清处理温度为30℃,澄清处理时间为9h。明胶与壳聚糖两种澄清剂联用具有较强的增效性,且经明胶-壳聚糖联用澄清处理后的样品冷热稳定性较好。实验采用了热处理灭菌、紫外灭菌、臭氧灭菌3种灭菌方法对清酒进行灭菌处理,实验得出,紫外的灭菌效果最好,其次是臭氧,紫外和臭氧的灭菌率都能达到93%以上;热处理灭菌效果要差些。经澄清和灭菌处理后的清酒,其几项理化指标均未有明显改变,保持了清酒的原有风味。5.陈酿后的清酒经过经过GC-MS分析,初步鉴定出清酒中主要香气组分44个。清酒中较重要的风味物质主要是酯类、醇类、酸类化合物,此外,其他化合物如醛类、酮类、杂环类化合物、烯烃、烷烃也是构成清酒香气的成分。该实验测得风味物质的相对含量是酯类化合物>醇类化合物>酸类化合物,相对含量较高的香气成分主要有邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯、丁二酸二乙酯、乙酸乙酯、1,3-丙二醇二乙酸酯、丁酸乙酯、丁内酯、1-壬烯-4-醇、3-乙氧基-丙醇、苯甲醇、已醇、1-戊醇、已酸、2-甲基-丙酸、3-羟基丁酸、3-羟基-2-丁酮、2-甲基-1-丁烯、正十八烷、正已醛等。

【Abstract】 With the enhancement of people’s living standards and people’s health awareness, people pay more attention to health care function of wine. Rice and lotus seeds are rich in resource in china. Sake can prevent cancer, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, amnesia and osteoporosis, etc. So it has a broad development space for brewing rice-lotus sake which has lighter taste and local characteristics. This thesis study the raw material of wine and bacteria, combined with a single factor and orthogonal experiments, detected the basic physical and chemical indicators of fermented wine in order to optimize the fermentation process of rice-lotus seeds sake, study the clarification and sterilization process of wine, analyzed the quality of the sake at last, Flavor substances of aged wine were detected by GC-MS, sensory evaluation, physical and chemical detection and microbiological detection was carried out when the sake finished, so it can provide a certain theoretical basis for brewing rice-lotus seeds sake. The main results were as follows: 1. In the brewing process, ingredients of raw materials and processing methods of raw materials were closely related to the quality of wine. Therefore, the detection of physical and chemical composition of rice and lotus seeds and the study of ingredients after soaking and cooking may provide the scientific basis for developing the rice and lotus seeds fermentation products. The experimental results showed that water absorption increased and the pH of the impregnating solution decreased in the soaking process of raw materials. Crude protein, crude fat, total sugar and reducing sugar in raw materials showed a downward trend in the soaking process. As the soaking temperature increased, the loss of nutrients is more powerful. In order to achieve the effect of soaking without making excessive loss of nutrients, experiment may select soaking temperature at20℃for one day. The content of raw protein decreased slightly, the content of crude fat increased and the content of starch has a small amount of increased trends after cooking. The experiment can use ratio of material to water of1:1.4when cooked raw materials, it can obtain a higher alcohol content, more appropriate sugar content and acidity.2. Yeast plays a very important role in wine brewing process. Temperature, pH is an important environmental factors that affect microbial growth and reproduction. The study of yeast growth characteristics discovered that the optimum growth temperature of yeast in the medium between25-30℃, the optimum growth pH of yeast in the medium between5-6. The yeast has a good tolerance for sugar, salt and alcohol. With the increase of sugar, salt and alcohol, the growth of yeast reduced. Amylase and glucoamylase in Koji affect the decomposition of the starch compositions. They have a significant impact on the entire brewing process of the wine. The moisture of Clinker, the incubation temperature of Aspergillus oryzae, the addition of Aspergillus oryzae will affect the enzyme activity of Koji. The experiment showed that the suitable water content of clinker between40-50%, suitable temperature of Aspergillus oryzae between30-35℃, optimal addition of Aspergillus oryzae is1%.3. The experiment mainly research brewing process of sake, fermentation temperature, yeast addition, Koji addition, material to water ratio, initial pH as single factor were researched in the fermentation process. According to the results of single factor experiments, the orthogonal test was designed, the optimum conditions for brewing rice wine were as follows:fermentation temperature:20℃, yeast addition:5%, Koji addition:0.2%, material to water ratio:1:1.5, initial pH:5.0. The optimum conditions for brewing lotus wine were as follows: fermentation temperature:21℃, yeast addition:5%, Koji addition:0.3%, material to water ratio:1:1.8, initial pH:5.0. In order to play the of the health functions of the lotus effectively and cost savings as much as possible, Combined with alcohol factors, lotus seeds wine and rice wine can take the blending ratio of1:7. Alcohol, production costs, and health functions of lotus as considerations, lotus seeds and rice can take the blending ratio of1:6. The optimum conditions of brewing rice-lotus wine were as follows:fermentation temperature:20℃, yeast addition:6%, Koji addition:0.3%, material to water ratio:1:1.8, initial pH:5.0. The experimental results may provide a reference for industrial brewing rice-lotus sake and promote the rational use of resources.4. Gelatin, chitosan, PVPP, egg white, papain, activated carbon as the clarifying agent is used to clarify original wine. The experimental results showed that the clarification effect of gelatin-chitosan is best, and its clarification rate reached95.2%. In addition, the clarification effect of chitosan, gelatin and PVPP used separately is quite good. The optimum clarification process of Gelatin-chitosan were as follows: gelatin addition:0.15%, chitosan addition:0.01%, clarification temperature:30℃, clarification time:9h. Gelatin-chitosan association has a synergistic effect, and the samples treated by gelatin-chitosan association have better hot and cold stability. Experiment select heat sterilization, UV sterilization and ozone sterilization. The best sterilization effect is UV sterilization, followed by ozone sterilization, their sterilization rate can reach more than93%, sterilization effect of heat sterilization is far from satisfactory. The physical and chemical indicators of sake have not changed significantly and still maintained original flavor of the sake after clarification and sterilization process.5. The44aroma components in aged wine had been detected by GC-MS. The experiment measured the relative content of the flavor substances:ester compounds>alcohols>acids. They were made up of Diisobuty lphthalate,Diethylsuccinate,EthylAcetate,1,3-Propanediol-1,3-diacetate,Ethy lbutyrate,Butyrolactone,1-Nonen-4-ol,3-Ethoxy-1-propano1,BenzylAlcohol,Hexanol,1-Pentanol,Hexanoicacid,2-methylpropioricaci d,3-HydroxybutyricAcid,3-Hydroxy-2-butanone,2-methylbutene,Octade cane,n-Hexanal,etc.The important flavor compounds of sake is mainly esters, alcohols and acids, In addition, other compounds such as aldehydes, ketones, heterocyclic compounds, alkenes, alkanes also Constitute the aroma ingredients of sake.

【关键词】 大米莲子清酒发酵工艺澄清灭菌香气
【Key words】 ricelotus seedssakefermentation processclarificationsterilizationaroma